
Morning Joe Shocked at Stephanopoulos Story; No 'Modern Parallel'

May 15th, 2015 5:46 PM
After having stayed silent on the George Stephanopoulos scandal on Thursday, MSNBC finally covered the story with multiple segments on Friday’s Morning Joe devoted to Stephanopoulos’s previously undisclosed donations to the Clinton Foundation. Surprisingly, the main theme that was derived from segments of banter was how the panelists were struck by the ABC News chief anchor’s inability to…

NYT's Surprise Front-Page Stephanopoulos Story Focuses on 'GOP Doubts'

May 15th, 2015 11:34 AM
ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos, who helped President Bill Clinton juggle various scandals during the 1992 campaign and as White House communication director, has apologized for failing to disclose a total of $75,000 in donations to the controversial Clinton Foundation, even before grilling Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash. The New York Times ran a surprising front-page…

NYT: Sen. Paul's 'Mouth Gets Him In Trouble,' GOP 'Demands Fealty'

May 13th, 2015 10:43 AM
New York Times campaign reporter Jeremy Peters on Tuesday lent libertarian-Republican Sen. Rand Paul some slight, cynical support toward his attempt to repeal the Patriot Act, yet maintained his personal hostility toward both the GOP, which "demands fealty to hawkish dogma on national security and defense," and the candidate himself, who "can't stop swearing" and whose "mouth gets him in trouble…

NYT's Peters Plays Money Card Against 'Callous' GOP Hopefuls on A1

May 5th, 2015 12:50 PM
Jeremy Peters, the New York Times' designated critic of Republican presidential hopefuls, played the money card on Monday's front page, over a headline that reached back to the 2012 campaign: "G.O.P. Hopefuls Now Try to Woo the 47 Percent." In Peters' previous front-page stories on the GOP field, he has variously accused them of being ignorantly anti-science (in a misleading report on the…

Morning Joe Slams Howard Dean's 'Jihad' Against Clinton Exposé Authors

April 23rd, 2015 10:14 AM
On today's Morning Joe, ardent Hillary Clinton fan Howard Dean ran into a buzzsaw when he tried to defend her against serious charges of conflict of interest by going after the authors of the stories rather than the substance of the allegations. Joe Scarborough ripped Dean's "comic-book politics" and called his conduct "unbecoming."  New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters accused Dean of…

Rand Paul Confronts Media, NYT Wonders If He's 'Just a Control Freak'

April 9th, 2015 11:53 PM
Libertarian-leaning Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has announced for president, and the media is locked and loaded, with Jeremy Peters reporting that "Paul Gets the TV Spotlight and Turns It on Interviewers in Testy Encounters." Peters, who recently used the vaccine issue to smear conservatives as opposed to "modern science" on the Times' front page, made it clear that going after his…

NY Times Reporter: Religious Freedom Laws 'Coming From a Dark Place'

April 4th, 2015 6:09 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters was asked on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday about the difference between the Indiana religious-freedom law as it was originally written and as it stood now. Peters decided to unveil the bigger issue with the RFRA laws themselves: "these laws look as if they're coming from a dark place. They are designed in many cases to express a disapproval about gay…

Reporters Mock Walker Punting Science Questions, But Not Nancy Pelosi

February 15th, 2015 8:25 AM
T. Becket Adams at The Washington Examiner drew up a list of people shocked, shocked, that Scott Walker punted on a “gotcha” evolution question at a London Q&A. Adams noted that these same liberal journalists don’t blink when liberal politicians punt on gotcha abortion questions. Conservatives are "climate deniers" or Darwin deniers, but when liberals are baby deniers? The media can only…

Vaccination as a Wedge: NYT Slams GOP as Opposed to 'Modern Science'

February 4th, 2015 9:14 AM
Eagerly clawing around for a wedge issue with which to split the Republican Party, the New York Times used the controversy over mandatory vaccinations to smear the GOP as opposed to "modern science" and "established science" in "Measles Proves Delicate Issue to G.O.P. Field," a front-page story Tuesday.

NYT's Peters: GOP 'Callous, 'Cruel', and 'Unforgiving' to Illegals

January 15th, 2015 11:34 PM
The New York Times' long-standing support for amnesty for illegal immigrants -- and its contempt for the Republican Party's continued opposition -- leaped out of Thursday's front-page story by Jeremy Peters, a reporter whose hostility to the GOP is well-documented.

'Sober,' Not 'Political': Halperin and Peters Defend Feinstein Report

December 10th, 2014 8:23 AM
Who were those guys on Morning Joe today—two Feinstein staffers? Nope, they were Mark Halperin and Jeremy Peters, making like Dem aides in defending the report on the CIA that Dem Senator Diane Feinstein released yesterday. Halperin, head of Bloomberg Politics, had the chutzpah to claim that the report was not "political."  Peters of the New York Times then chimed in to say that in releasing the…

NYT Roots for Backlash vs. GOP's 'Harsh...Hardliners' on Illegals

October 22nd, 2014 12:45 PM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters on Tuesday all but rooted for a backlash against the GOP's "harsh" "hardliners," and for the party to take a more "charitable" view of illegal immigration -- once the Republicans make their expected gains in the upcoming Congressional elections.

NY Times Leads With Scoffing Over GOP's 'Dismal' Anti-Obama Rhetoric

October 10th, 2014 9:25 PM
The New York Times led off with a "Political Memo" by Jeremy Peters, "Cry of G.O.P. in Campaign: All Is Dismal -- Looking for a Theme in ISIS and Infection," which not so subtly suggested in tone and text that some hyperbolic Republican campaign rhetoric was out of bounds in suggesting that President Obama is not competent in world affairs.

Surprise, Surprise: Hobby Lobby Wins, New York Times 'Dismayed

July 1st, 2014 8:52 AM
The Supreme Court on Monday delivered its verdict in the closely watched Hobby Lobby case, ruling 5-4 that the Christian-run craft store doesn't have to obey the Obamacare mandate that requires health care plans to pay for birth-control drugs that may induce abortion. Justice Samuel Alito's majority opinion stated that requiring such closely-held corporations to provide such coverage violated…