New York Times: 'Potent Voices of Conservative Media' Helped Brat Defe

June 11th, 2014 11:02 PM
Like many analysts in the “mainstream media,” New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters sought to explain how David Brat -- a 49-year-old economics professor and virtually unknown candidate -- won the Republican primary in Virginia on Tuesday, unseating Eric Cantor, a seven-term incumbent who has served as the majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives. Peters' explanation? During a…

Mika Rips 'Dead Broke' Hillary Defenders: 'You're Afraid

June 10th, 2014 8:54 AM
Sure, Mika Brzezinski is a big Fauxchohantas fan who'd love to see Senator 1/32nd take on Hillary Clinton.  But regardless of her motivation, credit Mika for courageously critiquing Hillary. In a segment on today's Morning Joe about Hillary's "dead broke" blunder, Brzezinski scolded Hillary defenders Jeremy Peters [NYT], the egregious Thomas Roberts, Eugene Robinson and Joe Scarborough. …

NY Times Reporter Suggests 'Defensive' GOP Playing Politics on Lois Le

May 8th, 2014 3:54 PM
The New York Times is desperately trying to reduce Republican complaints of the IRS persecution of Tea Party groups and the White House cover-up of the massacre of Americans in Benghazi to cynical GOP campaign ploys trotted out in an election year. The paper's strategy is exemplified in Thursday's story by Jeremy Peters, "House Vote on Former I.R.S. Official Signals Element of G.O.P. Election…

NYT Touts More Democratic Attacks on Koch Brothers on Sunday Front Pag

April 6th, 2014 8:42 AM
Congressional reporters Jeremy Peters and Carl Hulse touted Democratic attacks against the paper's favorite enemy, libertarian donors Charles and David Koch, on the front of the National Edition of the Sunday New York Times, in "To Hit Back at Kochs, Democrats Revive Tactic That Hurt Romney." It's just the latest in a series of Times reports and editorials highlighting and tacitly approving…

Escalation: After Cuomo's 'No Place in New York' Remarks, His Counsel

January 22nd, 2014 8:54 AM
On Friday, as I noted on Saturday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo told public radio's Susan Arbetter that "extreme conservatives" – that is, people who are pro-life, understand the clear meaning of the Second Amendment, or wish to keep marriage as it has traditionally been defined – "have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are." Note well that Cuomo's remarks…

'Morning Joe' Panel Does Hillary Two-Step: Defend Her, Call Critics Se

July 1st, 2013 7:03 PM
On Saturday, reporter Jonathan Martin wrote an interesting piece in the New York Times about Republican efforts to paint Hillary Clinton as “old news” for her potential 2016 run. Martin pondered the “striking” notion that Democrats “could run an older candidate” while Republicans “could nominate a youthful standard-bearer” in the next presidential election. Of course, to the liberal panel on…

Capehart Hails Protest That Prevented Texas Pro-Life Vote As 'Democrac

June 27th, 2013 9:05 AM
  On Morning Joe today, Jonathan Capehart hailed the loud protest in the Texas Capitol gallery by pro-abortion rights advocates—which prevented the state senate from voting on a pro-life bill—as an example of "democracy in action." Joe Scarborough countered that if pro-life protesters had done the same, people on MSNBC and elsewhere would be calling them an "angry, unruly mob." …

Networks Don't Share Bill O'Reilly's Fury at IRS Boss Visiting White H

May 31st, 2013 11:19 AM
On Thursday night’s O’Reilly Factor, the Fox News host opened the show by attacking former IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman for visiting the White House 157 times, almost four times as many appearances as Hillary Clinton. O’Reilly hinted this was a “smoking gun” of the White House running the IRS harassment campaign of the Tea Party. But guess what: this fact of Shulman’s well-worn path to…

NYT's Peters 'Cleans Up' Jonathan Weisman's Original Report on Friday

May 18th, 2013 10:19 PM
Clearly, the New York Times couldn't run with Jonathan Weisman's headline or opening sentence in the report he filed shortly after Friday's portion of Friday's testimony at a hearing of the House Ways and Means Committee in its Saturday print edition. And it didn't. The original headline at Weisman's story, as seen here (HT Ann Althouse via Instapundit), was "Treasury Knew of I.R.S. Inquiry…

NYT's Peters Hits 'Waste of Time' Obama-Care Repeal Votes and GOP's 'M

May 16th, 2013 11:59 AM
New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters let the Republicans in Congress know he was tired of their silly and "waste of time" attempts to repeal Obamacare in Wednesday's "House to Vote Yet Again On Health Care Repeal." (Peters was last seen helping Chuck Hagel, Obama's nominee for Secretary of Defense, limp across the confirmation finish line.) He wrote on Wednesday:

NYT Public Editor Says Paper Playing Down Benghazi; Dismissive Hearing

May 8th, 2013 12:19 PM
Benghazi hearings open in the House on Wednesday, and the New York Times printed a preview on page 16 of Wednesday's edition that downplayed any possible revelations about the Obama administration's reaction to the terrorist attack, which killed ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. Testimony is expected by three State Department officials, led by U.S. diplomat Gregory Hicks, deputy…

NY Times, Not Taking Defeat of 'Gun Safety' Well, Faults 'Gun Lobby's

April 18th, 2013 2:27 PM
The New York Times led Thursday's edition with the Senate defeat of President Obama's gun control proposals in a series of procedural votes, including one on expanding background checks that Democrats had hoped would pass. The front page featured a photo of an angry Obama in the Rose Garden after his quest for more gun control laws in the wake of Sandy Hook came up short: "Gun Control Drive…

NY Times Helps Hagel Across the Finish Line: 'Incendiary,' Uncollegial

February 26th, 2013 1:20 PM
Reporting on former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel's nomination to serve Obama as secretary of defense, the New York Times' Jeremy Peters tried to imply as he has before that the Republican move to filibuster Hagel, who bombed in hearings, was both uncollegial and unprecedented. But Peters had to stretch in his Tuesday piece, limiting his examples to the narrow fact that Hagel is the first…

New York Times Again Defends Chuck Hagel From Mean GOP; Plus Do Only C

February 14th, 2013 4:20 PM
From the day President Obama nominated him, the New York Times has oozed sympathy for the plight of Chuck Hagel, Obama's nominee for secretary of Defense. Times reporters have warned darkly of the disappearance of congressional "comity" and "courtesy" (as if the clubbiness and glad-handing endemic to the U.S. Senate represents some shining exemplar of good government) among Republicans, who…