
Walsh: RNC Parents 'Allegedly' Lost Children to Illegal Alien Violence

December 23rd, 2016 10:54 AM
On Thursday night’s Hardball on MSNBC, The Nation’s Joan Walsh questioned if the parents who spoke at the RNC actually lost their children due to illegal immigrant violence. During the segment with host Joy Reid, the two commiserated on how awful the “really dark, dystopic mess” the RNC was before Walsh tried to throw the victim’s parents under the bus.

Joan Walsh: Obama Was ‘Moderate,’ But Still Faced a ‘Whitelash’

December 14th, 2016 8:47 PM
Like most observers, The Nation’s Walsh expected that the voters who backed Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 would turn out for Hillary Clinton, whose presidency would safeguard Obama’s “political, social, and racial legacy.” Of course, countless expectations were dashed on November 8, when, as Walsh puts it, an “unexpected surge of white voters…took their country back from a black man [and] refused…

Filthy Rich Sharpton Knocks Trump for Selecting Wealthy Cabinet

December 4th, 2016 11:37 AM
President-Elect Donald Trump’s latest batch of cabinet nominations is drawing fire from liberal media elites with smears like “The wealthiest cabinet in history.” But the frustration over the nominees’ financial success is made humorous when it’s other super wealthy people throwing the fit, such as Al Sharpton during MSNBC’s PoliticsNation on Sunday. “I mean, how concerned… should Democrats be…

Sharpton Falsely Claims Louisiana Sex Offender Was 'Legal' Gun Owner

July 10th, 2016 1:22 PM
In an attempt to slam the NRA for not being true to their values, MSNBC host and riot inciter Al Sharpton claimed the civil rights organization was not defending the gun owners in the recent police shootings. “In both cases you have people with guns, that were killed by police, legally. One in a carry state of Louisiana, the other had a gun permit. And the NRA -- laryngitis advocating on their…

Giles Raves: ‘White Rap Star’ Warren With Hillary Felt 'Like Church'

June 28th, 2016 10:22 AM
MSNBC’s Ari Melber filled in for Lawrence O’Donnell as host on The Last Word Monday night, where he and his guests, The Nation’s Joan Walsh and CBS News Sunday Morning Contributor Nancy Giles talked about Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s speech with Hillary Clinton earlier that day. Giles held nothing back in her praise for the pair, calling Warren a “white rap star” who “pumped up Hillary” in a moment…

MSNBC Praises Violent Protesters as ‘Expressing Their Humanity'

May 25th, 2016 9:22 AM
Outside of a Trump rally Tuesday night in Albuquerque New Mexico, anti-Trump protesters showed up and became violent, throwing rocks, smashing doors, jumping on cop cars and setting Trump flags on fire. For a couple of hours, police tried to control the protesters and find a way to let the hundreds of people who attended the rally, trapped inside, out safely. An NBC reporter was even knocked down…

Matthews: Brainless Cruz Is a Bigamist for These Political ‘Marriages’

April 27th, 2016 9:01 PM
Having missed Tuesday’s primary results coverage due to his wife Kathleen losing her Maryland congressional race, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews returned with a vengeance on Wednesday to accuse Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz of having “given up on his brain” in fighting Donald Trump and joked that Cruz is a bigamist for his many political “marriages.”

Charles Pierce Rips Paul Ryan on MSNBC: 'He's As Ambitious As Satan'

April 12th, 2016 12:48 PM
Esquire's Charles Pierce unleashed on Paul Ryan on MSNBC's All In on Monday during a panel discussion on a possible presidential bid by the House speaker: "I think he's as ambitious as Satan. I think he doesn't want to go out in the country where he was already deemed not worthy of the vice presidency, and try to run for president. But if they offer him the crown, he would loathe to lay his hands…

Joan Walsh: 'White Working Class' Rejects Hillary Because of Obama

February 11th, 2016 11:58 PM
Joan Walsh, who after a long tenure at is now National Affairs Correspondent at far-left publication The Nation, is responding as leftists usually do when their favored candidates and causes are in trouble: immaturely, and by smearing recalcitrant people who, in their fevered minds, should be supporting them. Walsh is a big fan of Hillary Clinton, whose legal and electoral situations…

Chris Matthews Praises Donald Trump for a Change

December 10th, 2015 9:01 PM
What does it take to get both Chris Matthews and Joan Walsh to say something kind about Donald Trump? Just make sure the target is the Hardball host's favorite archnemesis, Dick "it's pronounced CHEE-knee, by the way!" Cheney.

Dean, Walsh Throw Fits over Dickerson Pushing Dems in Debate [UPDATED]

November 14th, 2015 9:59 PM
Nearly a half-hour into Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate on CBS, Salon writer Joan Walsh and former Democratic Vermont Governor Howard Dean took to Twitter to blast moderator John Dickerson for merely asking legitimate questions of the candidates on foreign policy and whether or not the United States (and by extension, the West) is at war with “radical Islam.” 

Joan Walsh: GOP ‘Running Against Reality, Not Against the Democrats’

November 2nd, 2015 9:19 PM
Those who hope that Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin get to moderate a Republican presidential debate include Hannity himself, Ted Cruz, and Walsh. As they (almost) used to put it on Sesame Street, one of these persons is not like the others. Walsh, who recently joined The Nation after more than a decade and a half at Salon, argued in a Friday article that such a debate would benefit…

Sharpton Shuts Down Republican Saying Hillary Lied About Benghazi

October 25th, 2015 9:04 AM
Talk about an inconvenient truth . . . Don't know if we've ever witnessed such a blatant suppression of facts--even on MSNBC. Republican strategist Jessica Proud was a guest this morning on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show, which has been turfed out of its weekday slot and relegated to the early Sunday-morning wilderness. When discussion turned to the Benghazi hearing, Proud pointed out that Hillary,…

Tamron Hall: Dr. Carson Would Advocate Children Charge the Shooter

October 9th, 2015 3:40 PM
Friday on MBSNC’s NewsNation, Tamron Hall addressed Ben Carson’s statements on gun control and how he would have dealt with the gunman at Umpqua. Tamron would entertain the attacks on Carson by Matt K. Lewis and Joan Walsh. Lewis accused Carson of opining where he shouldn't and should know better. While adding her own allegation that Carson would have tried to have the children assault a gunman, …