Newt Beats CNN: WashPost Lines Up Journalists to Slam John King's Open

January 21st, 2012 7:45 PM
It's not often that Newt Gingrich looks like a winner in The Washington Post. But on Saturday, Post media reporter Paul Farhi lined up a set of liberal media veterans and journalism professors to attack CNN reporter John King for walking into a Gingrich buzzsaw by opening the debate with his second wife's "open marriage" assertion at Thursday night's CNN debate. “Gingrich was clearly waiting…

CNN In South Carolina Debate, 2008: Democrats Get First Question on Ec

January 20th, 2012 8:09 AM
CNN's John King explained after the final South Carolina debate that he started by asking Newt about his "open marriage" because it seemed like the "elephant in the room." Former Bush aide Ari Fleischer dissented and said the economy is always the number one story, not just the political insider's hot story. So let's ask: when CNN hosted a Democratic debate in South Carolina on January 21, 2008…

CNN's David Gergen: Gingrich Could Win SC Primary Due to His Answer to

January 19th, 2012 10:49 PM
As NewsBusters reported, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich severely scolded CNN’s John King for beginning Thursday’s debate in South Carolina with a question about allegations made by his ex-wife earlier in the day. After the debate ended, CNN contributor David Gergen said, “This is one of the most explosive moments we’ve seen in debate history. It was also one of the harshest…

Gingrich Slams CNN's King: 'I Am Appalled That You Would Begin a Presi

January 19th, 2012 8:52 PM
CNN’s John King despicably started Thursday’s Republican presidential debate in South Carolina by bringing up allegations made by Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife earlier in the day. When asked to respond to the controversy, the former Speaker of the House said, “I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate with a topic like that,” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary…

Bozell Column: Santorum vs. The Meat Grinder

January 6th, 2012 7:39 AM
For many months, the liberal media elite has made no secret that in its mind, the field of Republican presidental candidates includes Mitt Romney and a collection of clowns. Clearly, Romney is the opponent that Barack Obama and the liberal establishment want nominated. Journalists have mercilessly savaged every single conservative alternative to Romney who’s ascended to the top of the polls.…

John King Digs Up 2003 Quote to Press Santorum, Then Proceeds to Misqu

January 5th, 2012 4:09 PM
In a Wednesday interview with up-and-coming GOP candidate Rick Santorum, CNN's John King dug up a "controversial" 2003 interview Santorum had with the AP and then proceeded to misquote him on the matter of homosexuality. The AP reporter who had then questioned Santorum was Lara Lakes Jordan – whose husband Jim Jordan managed John Kerry's presidential campaign later that year. King never…

John King Calls 'Point, Set, Match Obama' for President's 'Ask Osama b

December 9th, 2011 8:47 AM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, America's supposedly impartial media have been gushing and fawning over President Obama's press conference retort to Republican accusations of his appeasement, "Ask Osama bin Laden." Doing his part Thursday was CNN's John King who proudly declared on the program bearing his name, "Point, set, match Obama" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Ed Schultz Ducks Asking Dem Senator From Scranton Why He Ducked Obama

December 3rd, 2011 9:53 PM
On his radio show yesterday, Ed Schultz asked Rich Stockwell, executive producer for "The Ed Show" on MSNBC, about their responsibility in covering Occupy protests. Stockwell's response (audio) -- "Well, look, as journalists we need to cover this story. We need to let people know where it is, what it means, try to understand it, get people on who speak literately about it, and capture the…

Rezko Sentenced to 10½ Years, Media Ignore It And/Or His Ties to Obam

November 23rd, 2011 10:40 AM
Depending on which news outlet you rely on for current events, you may not have heard that convicted Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko was sentenced to 10½ years in prison Tuesday. On top of this, unless you read the following report from Reuters, you mightn't have known just how connected he was to a junior senator from Illinois who just so happens to be the President of the United…

NB Publisher Bozell Debates Liberal Roland Martin on CNN Regarding Cai

November 2nd, 2011 9:53 AM
NewsBusters publisher and Media Research Center debated liberal CNN contributor Roland Martin on the November 1 John King USA regarding the media's coverage of anonymous 15-year-old sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain. "What's the accusation?!" Bozell demanded, noting the media's frenzy over what amounts to incredibly vague, anonymously-sourced accusations from 15 years ago. "…

Fareed Zakaria: Iraq Withdrawal Is Victory For Iran

October 22nd, 2011 3:28 PM
As the media did a victory lap over Friday's announcement by President Obama that all American troops would be removed from Iraq by the end of the year, Fareed Zakaria took a surprisingly contrary position. Speaking from Tehran with a variety of CNN hosts throughout the day, Zakaria said this development was a disappointment for the United States and a victory for Iran (video follows with…

CNN’s King Forwards Bush 41’s ‘Courage’ to Hike Taxes as Model

September 23rd, 2011 1:54 AM
Interviewing former Vice President Dick Cheney at the Reagan library, CNN’s John King recalled how former President George H.W. Bush “made an incredibly tough personal and political choice” to raise taxes. King touted how Bush “had the courage knowing it might cost him re-election.” As he and Cheney sat overlooking the Air Force One Pavilion, King pointed to Bush as a model for Republicans…

CNN's King Asks If Cheney Wrote Book Because His Days Are 'Numbered

September 21st, 2011 3:08 PM
CNN's John King on Tuesday asked former Vice President Dick Cheney if one of the motivating factors behind writing his recent book was out of a fear that his "days could be numbered." As only Cheney can, he dryly replied, "I was very much aware that my days are numbered. So are yours" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CNN's John King Interviews Hoffa Without Asking About 'Son of a B---he

September 6th, 2011 12:30 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, Teamsters president James Hoffa Jr. on Monday, at a Labor Day rally addressed by President Obama moments later, made some disgraceful comments about the Tea Party and his political rivals. Later in the day, Hoffa was interviewed for six minutes by CNN's John King, and although the union leader's comments were played at the beginning of the segment and…