John King Spins for Obama, Praises His Political Smarts In Debt Ceilin

July 29th, 2011 4:55 PM
It is one matter if a president stakes out a smart position within a heated political debate, but it is another matter when members of the press believe so and shower him with positive coverage. CNN's John King complimented President Obama on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360 for having "positioned himself smartly here in the middle" on the debt ceiling debate. King painted the president as a…

GOP Guest Informs CNN of Its Own Poll Results

July 22nd, 2011 1:26 PM
Rep. Tom Graves (R-Ga.) twice told CNN's John King Thursday night the results of CNN's own poll showing Americans favor a Cut, Cap, and Balance plan. King would not affirm his claims and instead reported other poll results showing that Americans favor compromise on the debt ceiling. Throughout Thursday afternoon, the network selectively touted results from its newly-released poll showing a…

CNN's John King Distorts Reagan, Parrots False Claim That He Peddled T

July 22nd, 2011 12:02 PM
CNN's John King on Thursday recycled the now debunked claim that, in a similar situation to the current debt ceiling debate,  Ronald Reagan lobbied for a tax increase compromise to avoid an economic default. This was the fifth time in less than a week that the cable network peddled the distorted quote provided by congressional Democrats. Discussing the national debt, King spun, "Believe it…

CNN's King Asks GOP Debaters Who Picked Better '08 VP Candidate, Obama

June 14th, 2011 2:00 PM
Most of the questions raised during CNN's Republican Primary Debate Monday ranged from neutral to frivolous, although moderator John King slipped an obnoxious one in toward the end. King asked former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty which nomination for vice president during the 2008 campaign was better, Biden or Palin? "Governor Pawlenty to you. Look back on 2008 and the process. President…

CNN's John King: Should Republicans Consider Losing Their Jobs and Rai

April 14th, 2011 9:41 PM
Now that President Obama has put tax increases on the table in order to balance the budget, his media are going to put even more pressure on Republicans to comply. A fine example of this happened on CNN's "John King USA" Thursday when the host actually asked Sen. Rob Portman (R-Oh.), "Should Republicans now have the open mind and the courage to maybe lose their jobs like President Bush did…

CNN: Tiny Pro-Illegal Immigrant Rally Gets More Coverage Than March Fo

February 7th, 2011 6:31 PM
CNN devoted three and a half minutes of coverage on Monday's Newsroom to a protest by "two dozen, maybe three dozen" people who were against two proposed laws targeting illegal immigration in Arizona. The network showed live and taped footage of this liberal protest. By contrast, CNN spent a mere 11 seconds to the March for Life in January and showed no footage from the pro-life demonstration…

John King USA the Only CNN Program To Mention March For Life...For

January 25th, 2011 4:08 PM
CNN's 7 pm Eastern hour program John King USA was the only program on Monday and the following morning on Tuesday that mentioned the March for Life in Washington, DC. Anchor John King devoted only 11 seconds to the pro-life demonstration, and omitted crowd numbers and footage from the March.'s write-up on the annual event downplayed the number of attendees as merely in the "thousands…

CNN's King Apologizes For Guest's 'Crosshairs' Term

January 19th, 2011 12:37 PM
On Tuesday's John King USA, CNN's John King issued a prompt on-air apology minutes after a guest on his program used the term "crosshairs" during a segment: "We're trying to get away from using that kind of language" (audio available here). This action stands in stark contrast to an incident over a year earlier where former anchor Rick Sanchez took four days to apologize for using a unconfirmed…

Darrell Issa Tells John King CNN Doesn't Understand Meaning of Corrupt

January 6th, 2011 1:05 AM
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Cali.) said Wednesday that CNN doesn't understand the meaning of the word "corrupt." Having gotten much attention for accusing the Obama administration on Sunday's "State of the Union" of being the most corrupt in history, the outspoken Congressman was forced to explain what he meant on "John King USA" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MRC's Bozell Debates Offensive Smithsonian Art Exhibit on CNN's 'John

December 2nd, 2010 10:37 AM
"Look, if you like depictions of sadomasochism... if you like homoerotic art.... if you're into religious bigotry... if you like that, fine," but don't expect taxpayers to subsidize such an exhibit at a Smithsonian museum, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell argued in a debate segment on last night's edition of "John King USA" on CNN. The Media Research Center (MRC) founder and president…

CNN's Bash: Was Editing Tina Fey Mocking Conservative Women First Time

November 18th, 2010 10:00 AM
CNN's Dana Bash asked a great question on Tuesday: were Tina Fey's disgusting remarks about conservative women at the Mark Twain Awards "the first time that PBS has been accused of editing to favor Republicans?" Almost as telling, CNN's Gloria Borger appearing with Bash on "John King USA" answered, "They edited out something Paul McCartney said that was offensive at one point to Republicans,…

Jeb Bush: I'd Endorse Palin For President - You Betcha

October 23rd, 2010 1:47 PM
The media seem fascinated these days asking Republicans if they would endorse Sarah Palin for President in 2012. When CNN's John King asked that question of former Florida governor Jeb Bush Friday, he didn't bat an eye (video follows with transcript and commentary, h/t HAP):

John King Bashes Obama for Calling Fox 'Destructive' and MSNBC 'Invalu

September 29th, 2010 10:01 PM
CNN's John King on Wednesday mocked Barack Obama for calling Fox News a "destructive" force in our society while at practically the same time a White House spokesman was saying MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow provide "an invaluable service" to the country.As NewsBusters reported Tuesday, the President bashed FNC in a just-published interview with Rolling Stone magazine shortly before…

Erick Erickson Smacks Down CNN's Bash for Calling Voter Anger Racist

September 17th, 2010 9:07 AM
Are you getting tired of hearing liberal media members claim the voter anger around the country is all because Barack Obama is black?RedState Editor and CNN contributor Erick Erickson is, for on Wednesday's "John King USA," he let Dana Bash have it for reiterating this insulting accusation."Talking to Democrats, I know you have, privately, will say some of the anger they hear in their districts…