Bloomberg News Hypes Scott Walker's 'Gun Control' Moment in 1995

March 22nd, 2015 2:09 PM
Bloomberg’s Jonathan Allen sounds a little desperate to make a controversy for Scott Walker with Second Amendment voters. His headline was “Scott Walker Once Backpedaled After Supporting Wisconsin Gun-Control Bill: His flirtation with the issue could create an opportunity for competitors.” Briefly, Walker backed a bill that “could have jailed gun dealers who sold weapons without trigger locks—…

Mich. Car Dealer Is a Microcosm of What to Really Expect as Admin Ramp

December 31st, 2013 3:55 PM
Drudge's headline linking to a Politico item by Carrie Budoff Brown and John Allen about the Obama administration's plans to aggressively identify and promote Obamacare successes in 2014 ("White House Plans to Step up Obamacare Propaganda in 2014") is far better than the tired one Politico itself used ("White House looks to spread good Obamacare news"). What Team Obama plans to pursue will be…

MSNBC's Wolffe Lauds Hillary's 'Monumental Effort' to Fix Bush's 'Mess

November 21st, 2013 3:17 PM
On Wednesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, Executive Editor Richard Wolffe credited Hillary Clinton with a "monumental effort" in "recovering from" the Bush administration's alleged mistakes as he responded to conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer's assertion that the former Secretary of State had no significant accomplishments she could point to in a presidential run…

Press Buries Two Stubborn Obama Shutdown Settlement Rejections

October 15th, 2013 11:22 PM
Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of this government shutdown has been the inability of the average person to get a handle on what's really going on. Outfits like the network evening news shows, the Associated Press, the New York Times and others compose their spin, and almost invariably tilt their coverage towards the Obama administration and Democrats; developments favoring the GOP and…

Huh? Politico's Allen Claims 'Obama Was Led Into Asking Congress For A

September 15th, 2013 10:26 PM
In a bizarre writeup which alternates between harsh criticism and a pity party about President Barack Obama's "toughness" or lack thereof in the wake of the withdrawal of Larry Summers from consideration as the next head of the Federal Reserve, Politico's Jonathan Allen unleashed a ridiculous assertion about the history of the administration's Syrian adventure: "In another debate that never…

Politico: Jesse Jackson Jr. and His Wife 'Lost Track of the Line Betwe

February 17th, 2013 5:48 PM
In anticipation of Jesse Jackson Jr.'s indictment on Friday afternoon, Jonathan Allen and John Bresnahan at the Politico seemed all too willing to hand out sympathy cards to Jackson and his wife, both of whom stand to do time in prison for offenses relating to their raid of the congressman's campaign funds. Specifically, the Politico pair wrote: "It’s a story of a Chicago power couple that…

Politico: Boehner's Reelection As Speaker 'Wasn't Easy,' Even Though H

January 3rd, 2013 5:50 PM
Two years ago when 10 percent of congressional Democrats cast protest votes rather than vote for Nancy Pelosi for House Speaker, Politico's Jonathan Allen -- who, you may recall had rejoined the paper after a brief stint working for Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- and John Bresnahan dutifully gave readers a story chock full of pro-Pelosi spin, seeking to communicate that Pelosi had little to worry…

MSNBC & Others Hype PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Award For One of Ro

December 13th, 2012 5:21 PM
There has been no shortage of deceptive ads, factually-distorted statements, and outright fabrications from the political left over the campaign year to choose from, but leave it to the Tampa Bay Times's PolitiFact to give its "Lie of the Year" award to the Romney campaign. The now infamous "falsehood" in question was Romney's claim that Jeep was planning on moving production of some of its…

MSNBC's 'Cycle' Turns to Politico Staffer Who Hailed Biden As 'Sex Sym

October 12th, 2012 4:21 PM
Ten days ago, Politico staffer-turned Debbie Wasserman Schultz flak-turned Politico staffer Jon Allen published a laughably-headlined story in "Joe Biden: Sex symbol?" So naturally, Allen was the perfect choice for the liberally-slanted MSNBC's The Cycle to bring on its Friday program to review the previous night's vice presidential debate. While Allen refused to be as gaga over Joe Biden as…

Not a Parody: Politico Hypes ‘Sex Symbol’ Joe Biden

October 2nd, 2012 6:20 PM
Politico edged ever closer towards total parody on Tuesday with a headline that seriously wondered, "Joe Biden: Sex symbol?" Senior Washington correspondent Jonathan Allen gushed, "Joe Biden’s bringing sexy back — to the Medicare-eligible set." The journalist, who touts his "National Press Club’s Sandy Hume Award for Excellence in Political Journalism," rhapsodized, "The vice president, who…

Politico: Liberal Sens. Lieberman, Conrad Are 'Moderate

February 29th, 2012 5:33 PM
In a recent article on,  Jonathan Allen laughably labeled two out of three soon-to-be retired Democratic senators -- Joseph Lieberman(I-Conn.)* and Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) -- alongside Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe (Maine).   Allen did correctly label the retiring Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) as a moderate, a tag that makes more sense given his voting record. [h/t e-mail tipster James…

Oh, No! On Independence Day, CBS Frets Congress Becoming 'Paralyzed' O

July 5th, 2010 4:37 PM
West coast viewers got to see a July 4 CBS Evening News on Sunday, and those who tuned in saw CBS's interim "report card" on Congress's performance so far. Under the headline of "unfinished business," correspondent Wyatt Andrews and his sole expert, Politico's Jonathan Allen, both fretted how Congress is now "paralyzed" due to a "growing fear of the deficit."Many Americans are probably wishing…

Massa Saga 'Just Heating Up'? Don't Hold Your Breath for Media Obsessi

April 19th, 2010 1:34 PM
The "Eric Massa saga [is] just heating up," promises the headline for Jonathan Allen's April 19 Politico story about the latest development in the swift demise of the tickle-happy freshman Democrat:For nearly a year, the allegations of scandalous activity in former Rep. Eric Massa’s office were kept quiet — by the congressman, by male aides who accuse him of sexually harassing them and by other…

Revolving Door: Politico's Jonathan Allen to Head Dem Political Action

December 8th, 2009 1:15 PM
Here's another entry for the revolving door file: Politico's Jonathan Allen (pictured at right), formerly of Congressional Quarterly and former Sen. Paul Sarbanes' office, will take over as the top staffer at Debbie Wasserman Schultz's DWS PAC, according to Roll Call (h/t e-mail tipster Bob Foster). For his part, Allen, whose wife works as the communications director for freshman Sen. Kay Hagan…