Chris Matthews: Catholic Bishops 'Should Stay Off Capitol Hill

November 10th, 2009 6:33 PM
"The clergy should stay off Capitol Hill," MSNBC's Chris Matthews flatly declared on the November 10 "Hardball."  Matthews fumed with disgust as Politico's Jonathan Allen told him that Catholic bishops lobbied Democrats to pass the pro-life Stupak Amendment to the Democratic health care reform bill last week. "I understand the [pro-life] argument" that the bishops brought to the table, Matthews…

Media Hail Sebelius Confirmation, Downplay Her Late-Term Abortion Supp

April 29th, 2009 2:56 PM
As Kathleen Sebelius was sworn in as Secretary of Health and Human Services on April 28, the media continued its biased coverage of her controversial appointment. News outlets ignored the reason GOP senators had delayed her confirmation - her pro-abortion extremism - and focused instead on the importance of having the Secretary in place to combat swine flu. But the media failed to note that since…

Matthews Mocks Clinton Supporters: 'Castratos, Eunuch Chorus

December 17th, 2007 9:57 PM
Despite his war wounds, can Bob Kerrey still kick Chris Matthews' butt? We might soon find out, because on this evening's Hardball Matthews lumped Kerrey into a group of Clinton sycophants he derided as "castratos" and a "eunuch chorus."Chris was kvetching about the way a variety of Hillary Clinton supporters including Kerrey have lined up to take shots at Barack Obama. In endorsing Hillary…