Juan Williams Compares Bowe Bergdahl, Who Won't Talk to His Family, to

June 9th, 2014 4:37 PM
Both Time and the Wall Street Journal have reported that Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier released by his Afghan captors in exchange for five hardened Gitmo terrorists — or, in the alternative universe of the Los Angeles Times, five guys aged 43 to 47 who "are pretty old now" — will not contact his parents (WSJ's headline says he "has declined to speak to his family"). That news broke several hours…

Juan Williams: Some Say President Obama Has 'Gone Overboard' to Suppor

May 23rd, 2014 9:03 AM
When it comes to TV punditry, there's your garden variety liberal talking points, and then there's your absurdly over-the-top liberal spin. Fox News contributor Juan Williams opted to offer the latter in an appearance today when he hinted that, if anything, President Obama cares a little too much about America's military veterans. Appearing on the 11 a.m. Eastern hour on Fox News's Happening…

Juan Williams Returns to Scene of Firing at NPR, But Only to Laud Hill

May 18th, 2014 9:21 PM
Fox News analyst Juan Williams re-appeared on the radio network that fired him (NPR) on Friday. Halfway through the domestic-politics hour on the Diane Rehm show, they discussed the hullaballoo Karl Rove started by questioning Hillary Clinton’s transparency on her health. While former Fox reporter Major Garrett said Democrats railed against Rove for "a completely illegitimate and, you know,…

O'Reilly, Williams Slam MSNBC's Chris Hayes for Treating Conservative

April 1st, 2014 9:53 PM
Anchors and analysts on the Fox News Channel rarely talk about liberal competitor MSNBC because the low-rated cable channel isn't “fair and balanced” and usually treats its few conservative guests with disdain. A recent example of this behavior came when All In host Chris Hayes introduced Jennifer Stefano as someone who is “waking up every day” plotting “to destroy ObamaCare.” That incident…

Juan Williams Calls Out 'Disgraceful Double Standard' as Rutgers Facul

March 8th, 2014 8:25 PM
Few have defended the Obama administration, and especially Obamacare, as vocally and in my view often unreasonably, as Fox News's Juan Williams. He has gone so far as to call Republican Party opposition to Obamacare its "original sin," and absurdly claimed that "massive opposition" from Republicans is what forced HealthCare.gov's rushed rollout. One blind spot Williams does not have involves…

Laura Ingraham on Immigration Reform: ‘There Is No Will To Enforce T

February 9th, 2014 3:21 PM
In something rarely seen on ABC, NBC, or CBS, two prominent conservative commentators, Laura Ingraham and George Will, appeared on Fox News Sunday on February 9th to discuss the future of the Republican Party as it related to immigration reform. Appearing alongside panelists Juan Williams and Julie Pace of the Associated Press, Ingraham argued that, “The middle ground on immigration I think…

Juan Williams, Fresh From Lib Journos' Private Meeting With President

November 24th, 2013 10:11 PM
On Thurday, Fox News "analyst" Juan Williams and several other liberal journalists met privately and off the record with President Obama. On Fox News Sunday, Williams went into what apparently are the administration's internal (and perhaps becoming external) talking points about the policy trainwrecks HealthCare.gov and Obamacare in general have become. They are that the Affordable Care Act's…

Bozell on Fox: Obama Should Be Asked When He'll Be Interviewed By a 'N

November 22nd, 2013 11:48 AM
On Thursday's "special edition" of "Media Mash" on Fox News, Sean Hannity talked to Juan Williams about a meeting of journalists and cable-news hosts he was invited to by the Obama White House. Williams said attendees included MSNBC's Ed Schultz and Lawrence O'Donnell, David Corn of Mother Jones, Howard Fineman of the Huffington Post, and Washington Post bloggers Ezra Klein and Greg Sargent.…

Chris Wallace and Brit Hume Skewer Juan Williams As He Defends Million

October 27th, 2013 10:05 PM
On Tuesday's Fox News Special report, contributor Juan Williams lamely tried to excuse away the mind-boggling incompetence of the HealthCare.gov rollout by claiming that "massive opposition (to Obamacare) from the Republicans" caused fearful system architects to "roll it out and see how it works for now." Juan's haughty huffiness was so absurd that the Fox News panel was caught slack-jawed…

Juan Williams Explains It All: 'Massive Opposition' From Republicans F

October 23rd, 2013 1:24 PM
Last night on Fox News's Special Report, Juan Williams singlehandedly raised the bar for what qualifies as world-class failure in blame-shifting. Williams excused the mind-boggling incompetence of the Obama administration's HealthCare.gov implementation by claiming that "massive opposition (to Obamacare) from the Republicans" caused fearful system architects to "roll it out and see how it works…

Juan Williams Slams MSNBC: ‘I Don't Think They Even Have Any Pretens

October 20th, 2013 6:34 PM
“MSNBC, I don't think they even have any pretense of balance at this point. I mean, goodness gracious.” So marvelously said Juan Williams on Fox News’s MediaBuzz Sunday (video follows with transcript and commentary):

George Will: ‘Default Is a Choice

October 15th, 2013 7:34 PM
George Will made a statement Tuesday that I sincerely wish every American on both sides of the aisle would pay attention to - especially members of the media. Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report, Will accurately said, “Default is a choice.”

Dana Perino Schools Juan Williams: 'Liberals Live in the Biggest Mains

October 13th, 2013 5:11 PM
Former George W. Bush press secretary Dana Perino is becoming quite a star at Fox. After Juan Williams made a bizarre claim on Fox News Sunday that conservatives "live in a very small bubble including a media bubble," Perino fired back, "Juan, Democrats and the liberals live in the biggest mainstream media bubble ever created in the history of the universe" (video follows with transcript and…

NPR's Gary Knell Steps Down After Only 20 Months as Head of 'Beacon of

August 21st, 2013 2:13 PM
When Gary Knell became the chief executive officer of National Public Radio in December of 2011, his goal was to “calm the waters” after the publicly funded network had endured two high-profile scandals: the firing of Juan Williams and the video of a fund-raising executive slamming the Republican Party as “seriously racist, racist people” while accepting donations from a group that was…