Huff Post Reports That Fox Business Would Not Run Ads Calling for Firi

June 4th, 2013 5:03 PM
Laura Bassett at The Huffington Post reported Tuesday that Fox Business would not air a TV advertisement by the feminist group Ultraviolet that called for the termination of Fox contributors Lou Dobbs, Erick Erickson, and Juan Williams. "Lou Dobbs has a problem," an announcer declares in the ad, over tiny out-of-context clips of the men speaking. "Women are winning the bread. Even his own…

Juan Williams: The Obama Administration Has Criminalized Journalism

May 21st, 2013 5:53 PM
On Tuesday's Fox & Friends, Fox News contributor and Emmy-winning journalist Juan Williams accused the Obama Justice Department of having "criminalized journalism" by investigating Fox News correspondent James Rosen. Williams claimed that such probing by the administration “makes it difficult for journalists to do business” and posed the question, “How do you do journalism if you are…

Juan Williams Caught in Plagiarism Scandal

March 8th, 2013 3:28 PM
Lefty Fox News analyst Juan Williams is in hot water after it was discovered that a column he’d written for a political insider publication contained plagiarized material. According to a report by, a Feb. 18 piece that Williams wrote for The Hill newspaper copied almost word-for-word from a study by the far-left Center for American Progress on the subject of immigration and Social…

Fox's Juan Williams on Liberal Sequester Panic: 'I Think the News Medi

February 18th, 2013 3:09 PM
During yesterday’s edition of Fox News Sunday, Washington Post editor Bob Woodward, who wrote the book "The Price of Politics" on how Obama handled the debt-ceiling fiasco in 2011, explained again to his media colleagues that it was a White House initiative to use a hatchet with these budgetary matters in the form of sequestration. When Fox host Chris Wallace suggested the news media would…

Juan Williams Blasts Ann Romney as a 'Corporate Wife' on Fox News

August 29th, 2012 12:28 AM
Just like his counterparts at MSNBC on Tuesday night, Fox News Channel political analyst Juan Williams thought it fit to continue forwarding the left's main attack on Ann Romney - that she just can't relate the average American woman. Minutes after Mrs. Romney's RNC speech, Williams bluntly remarked that she "looked to me like a corporate wife...[T]he stories she told about struggles – ah, it's…

Sununu Smacks Down Juan Williams: 'Don't Let Your Blind Loyalty to Thi

July 13th, 2012 9:44 AM
As NewsBusters previously reported, former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu on Tuesday laughed in Andrea Mitchell's face when she defended Barack Obama's use of bogus outsourcing reports about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Continuing this trend of calling out Obama shills in the media, Sununu on Fox News's Hannity Thursday told Juan Williams, "Don't let your blind loyalty…

Juan Williams Insists He Isn't Liberal, Just a 'Foil

July 12th, 2012 5:23 PM
Juan Williams hit it off with the I-man on the July 11 broadcast of Imus in the Morning.  Apparently, Williams, who was fired by NPR in 2010, is the "foil" for the conservative personalities on Fox News.  When Imus asked if Fox News was "right wing," Williams responded with "given what I'm up against, I think that's the way it comes across. If you're arguing politics with Krauthammer and Brit…

Michelle Malkin Takes Juan Williams to Woodshed for Saying 'I'm a Real

June 14th, 2012 10:40 AM
A fight broke out between New Media and Old Media on Fox News's Hannity program Wednesday that has the entire blogosphere abuzz. When Fox News's Juan Williams, in the midst of a discussion about the national security leaks controversy, arrogantly told syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin, "I'm a real reporter, I am not a blogger," all hell broke loose (video follows with transcript and…

E-Book: Fox's Bret Baier Warned Juan Williams Newt Would Take Advantag

June 4th, 2012 6:46 AM
Matt Lewis at The Daily Caller reports a new E-book by RealClearPolitics’ Washington editor Carl Cannon and executive editor Tom Bevan contains a juicy media tidbit. During preparation for the January 16 Myrtle Beach GOP debate, Fox News anchor Bret Baier and his producers voiced concern that if Juan Williams asked Newt Gingrich a question about black Americans demanding “jobs, not food stamps…

Juan Williams Finds Racism in Candidates' (and Others'?) Use of 'Const

January 30th, 2012 5:56 PM
So a guy whose contract was terminated by NPR on a phony pretext for not toeing the liberal line enough, including writing a book ("Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do About It") which indicted the modern civil-rights movement for, well, undermining Black America, now appears to want eliminate "Constitution…

Geraldo Condemns Gingrich's 'Racialist' Conduct Toward Juan Williams

January 23rd, 2012 11:37 AM
Not "racist," mind you -- "racialist." Turns out "racialist" is an actual word, though I had my doubts after hearing it on Geraldo Rivera's WABC radio show Jan. 19.  (video and audio clips after page break)

Notable Quotables: GOP Candidates Pandering to Black-Hating, Jim Crow

January 23rd, 2012 9:15 AM
You know liberals are desperate if they’re playing the race card so early in the 2012 campaign cycle. The latest edition of MRC’s Notable Quotables is now out, and this week’s collection was heavy with media quotes attacking both Republican voters and their presidential candidates as racist. Among the lowlights: NBC’s Ann Curry accusing Newt Gingrich of “intentionally playing the race card”…

Juan Williams Boasts of Serving as Gingrich’s Foil, Krauthammer: Kin

January 22nd, 2012 7:21 AM
Newt Gingrich wouldn’t have won the South Carolina primary if not for two journalists who served as his perfect foil at two debates in the days before Saturday’s contest, Juan Williams and Charles Krauthammer contended Saturday evening on FNC. “I was expecting a check,” quipped Williams who had challenged Gingrich Monday night about comments “intended to belittle the poor and racial…

America Wants Conservatives to Stand Up to Liberal Bullying

January 20th, 2012 3:37 PM
I wish Republican politicians would have faith in the largely conservative electorate and not behave as though they'll make themselves unelectable unless they pander to Generic Moderate. Who is that guy, anyway? Have you ever met him? Recently, we've seen a few examples of the liberal narrative's rearing its oppressive head and starkly different reactions to it. The first was Mitt Romney's…