CNN's Mixed Signals: Lewinsky Scandal Casts Doubt on Hillary, But GOP

May 8th, 2014 6:50 PM
Thursday's New Day on CNN hyped Monica Lewinsky's Vanity Fair article and acknowledged that former President Clinton's sex scandal with the now former White House intern casts doubt on Hillary Clinton's credibility in the realm of women's issues. Chris Cuomo noted that Lewinsky "makes a decent case that women, who are all gathering around Hillary as the obvious choice for them, may want to…

Bozell Column: Joe Biden, The Media's Secret Quayle

February 11th, 2014 10:23 PM
Hidden just below the surface of the liberal media is a barely noticed trend of patronizing contempt: Joe Biden is the Democrats' Dan Quayle, but because he is a Democrat they'll do anything to avoid treating him like they treated Dan Quayle. The Washington Post trumpeted a new poll recently that showed Hillary Clinton was cleaning Biden's clock in an early poll among Democrats, 73 percent to…

CNN: NFL Hopeful's Coming Out A 'Landmark Moment in Confronting Homoph

February 10th, 2014 3:37 PM
Monday's New Day on CNN hyped University of Missouri defensive end Michael Sam "making history" with his revelation that "I'm a football player, and I'm gay." John Berman gushed, "Six foot-two, 255 pounds – a big guy, Michael Sam – strong guy. But you want to see real strength? It's what he's doing right now." Berman later heralded Sam's revelation as "a landmark moment in confronting…

CNN Goes Soft on Biden, Ignores ObamaCare, IRS Scandal

February 7th, 2014 12:09 PM
In an interview with Vice President Biden that aired on Friday's New Day, CNN's Kate Bolduan brought up Corvettes but completely ignored ObamaCare and the IRS scandal. Bolduan asked about Biden's new jobs task force, immigration reform (which only 6 percent of the public sees as their top priority), Corvettes, and Biden's presidential aspirations. Her toughest question was about Senate…

CNN: Obama's Gun Control Failure 'One of His Biggest Disappointments

January 30th, 2014 1:00 PM
Thursday's New Day on CNN spotlighted President Obama's latest push for gun control, and lamented how "gun issues got just a mention in this year's State of the Union," compared to last year's post-Sandy Hook address. Anchor Kate Bolduan underlined how supposedly "gun control is expected to dog him [Obama] while he's on the road." Correspondent Brianna Keilar later asserted that "in 2013, it…

CNN Spins Pope's 'Blunt Words' on Abortion as Reply to 'Conservative

January 14th, 2014 6:18 PM
Tuesday's New Day on CNN followed the lead of Reuters in giving ideologically-tinged reporting about Pope Francis's latest condemnation of abortion. Kate Bolduan hyped the "blunt words from Pope Francis on abortion", and played up how "conservative Catholics have complained the new pontiff...hasn't been tough enough on the issue until now." Correspondent Frederik Pleitgen added that "this is…

CNN on Lousy Jobs Numbers: ‘People Simply Gave Up

January 10th, 2014 10:14 AM
The Labor Department released absolutely horrendous employment numbers Friday that are going to be difficult for the Obama-loving media to positively spin. Moments after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that only 74,000 jobs had been created in December with the unemployment rate declining due to almost 500,000 people leaving the job market, Christine Romans on CNN's New Day called…

CNN Cheerleads Budget Deal; Rebukes 'Fringe' Tea Party Dissenters

December 12th, 2013 1:18 PM
CNN hosts and analysts actively cheered the House budget deal and scoffed at Tea Party conservatives who opposed it, on Wednesday and Thursday. "I think this is great, what we're hearing here. You've got Boehner saying the fringe types, back off. We're here to do a job. We have to compromise," New Day co-host Chris Cuomo relished the Speaker's rebuke of the Tea Party on Thursday morning. […

CNN Walks Back Sunday's Report on Upgraded ObamaCare Website Crashing

December 2nd, 2013 11:44 AM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, CNN's New Day featured a segment wherein the newly upgraded ObamaCare website crashed when senior medical producer Matt Sloane tried to open up an account. Maybe that was too honest for on Monday's New Day, senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen painted a much rosier picture of the website's progress (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CNN Ignores Report That Obama Admin Knew Millions Would Lose Employer

November 27th, 2013 4:11 PM
CNN has ignored a CBS report that back in 2010, the Obama administration knew ObamaCare would force an estimated 14 million workers off their employer-provided insurance. Despite not reporting this big news, CNN stretched to pick out a "silver lining" for the troubled law on Wednesday. "So there's a potential silver lining here," chief national correspondent John King said of poll numbers…

CNN Asks If Bashir Saying Palin Should Be Defecated on Wasn't Just a

November 21st, 2013 12:42 PM
CNN's Chris Cuomo and Kate Bolduan cautioned against MSNBC suspending or firing host Martin Bashir for his latest broadside against Sarah Palin, on Thursday's New Day. Cuomo actually asked if he wasn't just trying to make a "rhetorical point" rather than be "hurtful" to Palin. Bashir had clearly stated that Palin was "the outstanding candidate" to receive a certain punishment for slaves –…

CNN Chides Lindsey Graham Not to Block Nominees Over Benghazi

October 31st, 2013 6:20 PM
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has threatened to block presidential nominations until the Obama administration gives Congress access to survivors of the Benghazi attacks. CNN lectured him about such tactics on Thursday's New Day, and Graham fired back at White House criticism of him. "Well, hopefully you can settle this without holding up nominations because I know you will agree with this,"…

CNN's Label Game: GOP 'Pragmatists' Oppose Gov't Shutdown, While 'Puri

August 6th, 2013 4:02 PM
For CNN, "purist" Republicans are daring to shut down the government to defund Obamacare while those Republicans trying to dissuade them are "pragmatists." New Day co-host Kate Bolduan borrowed from the New York Times to play her label game. "Yeah, and I think the New York Times put it pretty well. It's the difference between the purists and the pragmatists. And there's that struggle in the…

Advocacy: CNN Begs Congress to 'Fix' Student Loan Rate Hike

July 8th, 2013 5:48 PM
In a show of advocacy and not journalism, CNN skirted the policy details of the student loans debate and instead just paddled Congress for letting the loan rates double, on Monday's New Day. Co-hosts Kate Bolduan and Chris Cuomo begged Congress to "fix" the student loan rate increase that automatically went into effect on July 1. They dubbed it the "'Come on Congress' campaign." Cuomo…