CNN Misleads on IRS Controversy, Takes 17 Hours to Report GOP Side

June 25th, 2013 1:27 PM
17 hours after CNN first reported that the IRS targeted liberal groups as well as conservative groups, it finally offered the Republican side of the story, that Tea Party groups received even more scrutiny than "progressive" and "Occupy" groups. Correspondent Dana Bash first broke the story during Monday's 5 p.m. ET hour of The Situation Room that according to a document dump, the IRS…

Chris Cuomo Claims He’s ‘Completely Divorced From Ideology’ Whil

June 17th, 2013 7:45 PM
Before Monday morning's debut of the Cable News Network's New Day three-hour program, co-host Chris Cuomo was interviewed by Sam Thielman of in a discussion that ranged from his career choice of journalism over politics to his “tendency to advocate more than people are used to on television.” Speaking of himself and co-hosts Kate Bolduan and Michaela Pereira, the 42-year-old…

Woodward Claims 'A Very Senior Person' at White House Emailed 'You Wil

February 27th, 2013 9:09 PM
I presume everyone remembers how when the New York Times published information about a classified program designed to track the movement of alleged terrorist funding through the international banking system Bush administration officials threatened to prosecute Times reporters and management over what they had done? No you don't, because although some conservatives and Republicans thought it…

CNN Hosts Wave to Obama Like Admirers

January 21st, 2013 5:35 PM
After CNN correspondent Jim Acosta felt like pinching himself at Monday's inauguration parade, host Wolf Blitzer couldn't contain himself as he tried to get the attention of both President Obama and Vice President Biden. Blitzer gushed that "Look, this is history over here," as the President and First Lady made their way down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the White House. He waved to Obama…

CNN Hammers Vicious Obama Super PAC Ad That Networks Ignored Entirely

August 9th, 2012 12:15 PM
For the second straight day, CNN blew the whistle on a nasty and misleading Obama super PAC ad that ABC, CBS, and NBC entirely ignored as of Wednesday night. CNN hammered the ad, which links Mitt Romney to a woman's death from cancer, each hour from 6 p.m. through 10 p.m. and twice grilled the man responsible for the ad, Bill Burton of Priorities USA. "I think it is deliberately mendacious…

CNN Smears Political Right, Labels Wisconsin Shooter's Racist Neo-Nazi

August 6th, 2012 5:37 PM
CNN associated a white supremacist neo-Nazi band with the political right-wing as it labeled the punk rock band of Wisconsin shooter Wade Michael Page as "far right." CNN had reported Page's band named "End Apathy" as "white supremacist," "neo-Nazi," and as a "hate group." Yet it also repeatedly labeled it "far right" on Sunday and Monday. [Video below the break. Audio here.]

CNN Features Immigration Activist Who Gushes Over Obama's Executive Or

June 15th, 2012 12:12 PM
After the Obama administration announced Friday it will not deport young illegal immigrants that meet certain criteria, CNN's first interview went to an immigration rights leader who raved to the network that "Today is, I think, the happiest day of my life." The activist, Gabby Pacheco, appeared in the Time magazine illegal immigration cover story that CNN featured multiple times on Thursday…

CNN Contributor Smacks Catholic Church for...Defending Church Teaching

June 5th, 2012 5:55 PM
When the news pertains to issues in the Catholic church, CNN loves to promote liberal theologians and religious, especially ones that are defying Catholic teaching. In contrast, orthodox priests and bishops might receive vastly different treatment – if they even get on CNN, that is. So when an American nun's book on sexual ethics was found by the Vatican to be "not in conformity" with the…

CNN Evokes Tragic School Shootings and Hypes Gun Control Activists In

March 2nd, 2012 5:07 PM
In light of Monday's school shooting in Ohio, CNN hyped the alarm of gun control activists over the repeal of a Virginia handgun regulation, and also evoked the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre where 33 students lost their lives. CNN's Kate Bolduan interviewed the father of a victim of the Tech shooting and asked him about his opposition to the handgun limit's repeal. She gave him a sympathetic…

CNN's Velshi: Opponents of Auto Bailout 'Kind of Have Egg on Their Fac

February 17th, 2012 3:30 PM
Despite the cost of the auto bailout to taxpayers, CNN hailed the subsequent resurfacing of GM as a "pretty amazing" feat and took a jab at the original opponents of the bailout, which included current presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Thursday's John King, USA featured fill-in host Kate Bolduan and business correspondent Ali Velshi wagging their fingers at Romney and the naysayers.     "…

CNN: Dems Acting Like 'Conservative Republicans' In Payroll Tax Debate

December 6th, 2011 9:18 AM
In its Monday afternoon coverage of the Congressional battle over extending the payroll tax cut, CNN repeatedly emphasized a Democratic advantage and claimed that the Democrats are acting like "conservative Republicans." Political analyst Gloria Borger even gave the Democratic talking point that the party roles on tax cuts have been switched. "You know, if you're a true believer, and you're a…

CNN Frets Over 'Crime' of Gov't Shutdown's Impact on Washington Museum

April 7th, 2011 4:40 PM
Along with other institutions and people who will be impacted by a government shutdown, CNN spotlighted, throughout the day Thursday, the "grave" plight of museums and parks that may be forced to a "screeching halt" in the "height of tourism season." CNN devoted its entire 2 p.m. EDT news hour to the possible government shutdown and what its consequences would be. Anchor Randi Kaye began…

Homosexual Activist Group Calls Out CNN for ‘Unacceptable’ Segment

April 8th, 2010 2:33 PM
GLAAD (the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) issued a "Call to Action" on April 7 urging its members to "hold CNN accountable" for a segment that allowed someone other than a gay rights activist to talk about homosexuality. CNN's  Kyra Phillips spoke with California Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal and former homosexual Richard Cohen about the possible repeal of a California law that…

Four Pro-Homosexual 'Marriage' Clips, No Opponents on CNN

March 9th, 2010 4:11 PM
CNN's Kate Bolduan aired a slanted report on Catholic Charities of Washington's decision to no longer offer benefits to spouses of new employees on Saturday's Newsroom, playing four sound bites from proponents of same-sex "marriage" and none from opponents. Bolduan also omitted the liberal affiliation of one of the homosexual "marriage" advocates.During the report, which first aired 11 minutes…