
Nets Omit IRS Head Admitting to Targeting Tea Party Groups at Hearing

September 22nd, 2016 11:12 AM
At a contentious impeachment hearing conducted by the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen admitted that his agency targeted Tea Party groups looking to obtain tax-exempt status. “They were totally improper criteria used to select organizations, applying for c-4 designation for further review,” testified Koskinen before the committee, “Those organizations…

CNN Guest Suggests Trump 'Associates Himself with' the KKK

September 21st, 2016 9:34 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, political editor and Morgan State University professor Jason Johnson -- a recurring guest on CNN -- suggested that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump "continually associates himself with terrorist organizations like the Klan" as he responded to Trump's appearance at a black church in Ohio. Johnson has a…

NBC Leaves Out Crucial Details of Trump’s Donation to Florida AG

September 7th, 2016 12:51 AM
Donald Trump’s past political contributions came back to haunt him Tuesday, as it came to light that back in 2013 he illegally donated to Pam Bondi who was running for Florida Attorney General. “In 2013, the Donald J. Trump Association donated $25,000 to a super PAC tied to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi as her office was considering a fraud investigation into Trump University,” reported Katy…

Nets Drown Out Latest E-Mail Scandal with Almost 4 Times More Trump

August 11th, 2016 12:27 AM
The liberal “Big Three” networks seemed to try everything in their power to not mention Hillary Clinton’s latest e-mail controversy Wednesday. Throughout all of their news programs, both morning and evening, they gave the e-mails a total of 6 minutes 59 seconds. In stark contrast, they dragged out Trump’s “Second Amendment people” comment with a whopping 25 minutes, 54 seconds of coverage.

ABC Spends Just 33 Seconds on Trump's Economic Plan

August 9th, 2016 4:44 PM
Donald Trump spent more than 52 minutes laying out his plans for the economy in Detroit Monday. It’s an issue voters ranked as their most important, yet ABC spent only devoted 33 seconds to what Trump proposed.

Trump Shushes NBC's Tur, Media Flips Out With Cries of 'Sexism'

July 27th, 2016 12:48 PM
Every slight is sexist, racist, homophobic, you name it, in the eyes of liberals. Case in point, the media’s overblown response to Donald Trump shushing NBC reporter Katy Tur during Wednesday morning’s press conference. Journalists on Twitter were aghast that Trump dared to interrupt a relentless reporter, while MSNBC’s Tamron Hall likened the exchange to overt sexism, in the age of the first…

Nets Brand Pence 'Conservative,' No Labels for Potential Dem VPs

July 14th, 2016 8:57 PM
All three broadcasts evening newscasts on Thursday previewed Donald Trump’s selection of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate. While all three networks employed religious and/or ideological tags to describe Pence, there were no references to the liberalism of potential Democratic VP candidates like Virginia's Tim Kaine — only how he’s “fluent” in Spanish and how Hillary Clinton “loved…

NBC Runs Two Stories on Trump’s Tweets, Ignores Hillary's Flip-Flop

June 14th, 2016 1:21 AM
During NBC’s Nightly News program on Monday the network ran not one but two reports on Donald Trump’s actions following the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida. Both reports were about Trump’s attacks on President Obama and Hillary Clinton. In addition, they both chastised Trump for what he had tweeted following recent terrorist attacks. But while they were focused on Trump they ignoring Clinton…

ABC, NBC Blame Violence in New Mexico and California on Trump

May 26th, 2016 1:09 AM
For the past couple days violence has erupted at Donald Trump rallies in New Mexico and California, resulting in police breaking out the riot gear. The cause? Violent leftists who can’t express themselves through peaceful protest. However, NBC and ABC handed the responsibility solely to Trump on Wednesday night. “Where Trump goes, unrest follows …This is the same scene that we are seeing play out…

MSNBC Hosts: Bill Clinton’s Affairs Were Only ‘Alleged'

May 9th, 2016 11:57 AM
In an utterance that could only be described as outrageous and irresponsible, MSNBC hosts Tamron Hall and Thomas Roberts went unchallenged by their combined four guests Monday morning and afternoon as they claimed that Bill Clinton’s voluminous instances of marital infidelity were just “alleged affairs” or “alleged misconduct” in context of Donald Trump invoking them over the weekend.

MSNBC's Tur: 'Veiled Sexism' for Trump To Suggest Hillary's Low Energy

May 5th, 2016 11:35 AM
If it's sauce for the goose, it's sauce for the Hillary . . . Question for MSNBC's Katy Tur: of all the epithets Donald Trump pinned on his primary opponents, which was the first and arguably most effective? Bet you answered "low-energy," with which Trump of course famously jabbed Jeb. It stuck, and helped drive Jeb from the race. Did people suggest at the time that Trump was hitting below the…

ABC, NBC Rush to Paint Trump as a ‘Moderate,’ ‘Trump 2.0’

April 21st, 2016 8:57 PM
With the recent firing of Curt Schilling from ESPN and the fight over North Carolina’s transgender bathroom ban still looming, many were shocked to hear Donald Trump’s liberal position on the issue that a person who considers themselves transgendered can use any bathroom they wish, not just the one corresponding with what is on their birth certificate. they rushed to label him a moderate. “Trump'…

ABC Only Network to Report Alleged Death Threats Against Delegates

April 13th, 2016 9:50 PM
On Wednesday’s evening news broadcasts, ABC was the only network to report on new threats delegates were allegedly facing from Trump supporters. Delegates from Colorado and Indiana complained to the media that they had been receiving death threats aimed at themselves and their families.While NBC did a full report on the GOP race and Trump’s complaints about the system, CBS did a short brief on…

NBC’s Tur Blasts Trump on Violent Rallies, Michelle Fields Incident

March 11th, 2016 3:19 AM
The usually even-keeled NBC News Trump correspondent Katy Tur seemed to have had enough on Thursday night as following the Republican presidential debate, Tur took to MSNBC to air a multitude of concerns about the growing number of violent incidents at Trump rallies to go along with Tuesday’s alleged bruising of Breitbart’s Michelle Fields by Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.