Networks Devote Over 62 Percent of Super Tuesday Eve Coverage to Trump

February 29th, 2016 9:58 PM
On the eve of Super Tuesday, the network evening newscasts went all out with 24 minutes and 31 seconds of 2016 coverage and made it clear Donald Trump was far and away the most important story to them with over 62 percent of that time spent salivating on how “there’s not much” Trump opponents “can do to stop him from getting the nomination.” Trump fetched an astonishing 15 minutes and 19 seconds…

Matthews Hints Cruz Ginning Up Nixonian 'Dirty Tricks' In S.C.

February 10th, 2016 8:17 PM
With New Hampshire in the dust and the 2016 presidential campaign moving southward to the Palmetto State, MSNBC's Chris Matthews tonight sought to paint conservative Republican Senator Ted Cruz as a latter-day Richard Nixon ginning up a bag full of "dirty tricks" for the February 20 South Carolina contest.

NBC's Jackson Tries, Fails to Get Trump to Say Rubio Lost Debate

February 6th, 2016 11:35 PM
Catching up with Donald Trump in the "spin room" after Saturday's GOP debate, NBC's Hallie Jackson attempted to get Donald Trump to say who he thought "lost" the GOP debate, hoping, perhaps, to get the New Hampshire frontrunner to attack Sen. Marco Rubio. For his part, Trump refused to take the bait.

Chris Hayes: Trump Will Sue Cruz, Has Standing Because of Iowa

February 3rd, 2016 9:31 PM
"[T[here is no way we get through this campaign without Donald Trump suing Ted Cruz." That's a prediction that MSNBC All In host Chris Hayes dropped on his guests, NBC News Trump campaign correspondent Katy Tur and the Huffington Post's Sam Stein. For her part, Tur was inclined to disagree.

Liberal Nets Heap Praise on ‘Shrewd’ Trump ‘Eviscerating' Megyn Kelly

January 27th, 2016 9:15 PM
On Wednesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted 10 minutes and 43 seconds over four segments on their evening newscasts to 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s decision to boycott Thursday’s Fox News Channel (FNC) debate and, in that coverage, ABC and NBC hailed Trump as a “renegade” making “a very shrewd move” by “eviscerating” moderator Megyn Kelly and FNC.

Nets Block Out Over 10 Mins for Harping on Trump’s Hillary Comment

December 23rd, 2015 2:01 AM
Just over two weeks after the major network evening newscasts spent 24 minutes obsessing on December 8 over Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims entering the U.S., the three programs returned on Tuesday night to devote ten and a half minutes to Trump’s declaration that Hillary Clinton was “schlonged” in 2008 by losing to then-Senator Barack Obama.

Obsession: Network Evening Shows Spend 24 Mins on Trump’s Muslim Ban

December 8th, 2015 10:16 PM
Acting as though the latest news the war against ISIS, new developments in the Hillary Clinton scandal or any other story barely existed, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted a whopping 24 minutes and three seconds of their Tuesday evening newscasts to obsessing over Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States. Not surprisingly, NBC Nightly News led the way…

MSNBC Still Much Softer on Trump's Deportations Than Carson's Veracity

November 11th, 2015 4:49 PM
Veteran MSNBC watchers have surely noticed the Obama-loving network's extreme hostility to black Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson. These attacks and the pressure against Carson, compared to other Republicans in the race, has been intense. As a black conservative, Dr. Carson has taken extreme criticism and scrutiny for his words.

Mika Blasts Ben Carson: 'Slippery, Doesn't Tell Truth or Make Sense'

November 11th, 2015 7:21 AM
Two days ago, as we reported here, Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace excoriated Ben Carson, accusing him of telling "one lie after another" and "bald-faced lies." Today, it was Mika Brezinski's turn to denounce the good doctor. On Morning Joe, Mika said "there's this slipperiness to him that nobody will just say. He's slippery. He doesn't tell the truth, and he doesn't make sense."

NBC's Tur Refuses to Give Personal Opinion of Trump to Matthews

October 14th, 2015 8:43 PM
On tonight's edition of Hardball, MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews tried but failed to get NBC News correspondent Katy Tur, who's assigned to cover the Donald Trump presidential campaign, to speak negatively about the Republican candidate. She declined, saying, "you know I can't answer that!"

Video: NBC's Tur Attacks 'Values Voters,' Gets Told to Pipe Down

September 25th, 2015 4:35 PM
During a live-shot wherein she trashed Values Voters Summit attendees as the "far right" of the GOP, NBC correspondent Katy Tur was interrupted by an attendee who told her to quiet down.

ABC Rediscovers Clinton E-Mail Scandal as NBC Notes Walker's Hecklers

August 17th, 2015 8:49 PM
After having ignored Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal since Saturday night, ABC emerged out of the wilderness during Monday’s World News Tonight to again cover the latest development while CBS and NBC went in the opposite direction Monday evening and ignored the story following three minutes of airtime on their Monday morning newscasts. On NBC, Katy Tur made sure to mention to viewers that…

ABC, NBC Use Hillary, ‘Worker’ at Hotel Site to Bash Trump, GOP

July 8th, 2015 2:41 AM
On Tuesday night, ABC and NBC reported on the Professional Golf Association’s (PGA) decision to cut ties with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over his stance on illegal immigration and, predictably, the two networks deployed soundbites from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s CNN interview to bash Trump and the GOP as a whole. In addition, prompted by a Washington Post article,…

Trump Sues Univision; Most Media Skip Scabrous Trump-Roof Pic Scandal

June 30th, 2015 9:47 PM
Donald Trump fought back on Tuesday by filing a $500 million lawsuit against Univision. The Spanish-language network replied the suit was “both factually false and legally ridiculous.” What’s been missed in all this hubbub is that large chunks of the national media have completely ignored Univision executive Alberto Ciurana’s post on Instagram comparing Trump to Dylann Roof, the mass murderer in…