
Heilemann: McCarthy Comments on Benghazi Hearings 'Disaster' for GOP

September 30th, 2015 6:22 PM
How damaging to Republicans are Speaker-presumptive Kevin McCarthy's comments in which he tied the drop in Hillary's poll numbers to the Benghazi hearings? Very damaging, according to the With All Due Respect duo on today's show. John Heilemann called them a "disaster" for congressional Republicans and GOP presidential candidates alike.  Mark Halperin called them a "huge, huge problem" for the…

Heilemann: Let's Hope Bill Clinton Doesn't Know What Snapchat Is

September 29th, 2015 8:05 PM
You know the saying: once is a fluke, twice is a trend. Yesterday, Stephen Colbert and First Lady Michelle Obama shared a laugh over Bill Clinton's "passion." On today's With All Due Respect, responding to Mark Halperin's report that Bill Clinton "keeps saying he doesn't know what Snapchat is," John Heilemann quipped "let's hope not, for his sake." For those who might not be familiar, Snapchat…

Wallace Sad for Break Accomplice: Can't She Just Wear Ankle Bracelet?

September 29th, 2015 11:00 AM
Our NewsBusters readers are a prescient bunch.  On an item posted earlier this morning about Nicolle Wallace calling Hillary a "terrible" candidate, one reader commented "Nicolle is pretending to be conservative again. Not to worry, she'll be back to her normal liberal self soon." And sure enough, just seven minutes later, Wallace was letting her bleeding-heart side show.  Discussing the news…

Barnicle, Wallace Clash Over Clinton: 'Strong' vs. 'Terrible'

September 29th, 2015 7:36 AM
Good ol' Mike Barnicle dutifully carried Dem water this morning, maintaining a straight face while calling Hillary Clinton a "strong" candidate.  But also on the Morning Joe set was Nicolle Wallace, who reported that "Democrats think she's terrible. I hope [Biden] doesn't run, because he's better than her." For good measure, Mark Halperin opined that Biden might want to wait until February, on…

Mark Halperin: Bill Clinton ‘Right’ About ‘Vast’ GOP Plot

September 28th, 2015 12:48 PM
Game Change author Mark Halperin agreed with Bill Clinton’s conspiracy theory that Republicans are engaged in a “vast” plot to make the e-mail scandal a major focus of the presidential campaign at the expense of actual issues. Appearing on Morning Joe, Monday, the Bloomberg Politics managing editor responded to an interview clip of Bill Clinton. Halperin asserted, “Much of what he says is true.”

Halperin: Hillary's Only Hope Is To 'Win Ugly'

September 11th, 2015 6:59 AM
This could get entertaining . . . Mark Halperin says that, faced with plunging poll numbers, Hillary's only hope of victory is to "win ugly." Appearing on today's Morning Joe, Halperin explained that by "win ugly" he means drawing invidious comparisons with her opponents, such as emphasizing that Bernie Sanders is a socialist and Trump a billionaire developer.  Should we prepare for the Hillary…

Halperin: ‘World Would Come to a Halt’ If GOP Called Dems Terrorists

August 28th, 2015 10:19 AM
On Friday’s Morning Joe, Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin strongly condemned Hillary Clinton’s decision to compare Republican politicians to terrorists over the issue of abortion. Halperin did not mince words when he repudiated the Democratic frontrunner's language and argued that “[i]f a Republican did this the world would come to a halt.” 

Halperin: 'Not Saying Rendell Woke Up With Horse Head in Bed, But'

August 28th, 2015 9:49 AM
So who's Hillary's enforcer? Last week we asked "who got to Donny Deutsch?" when he suddenly became supportive of Hillary whereas just the week before he had been very critical of her. The same thing has happened with Ed Rendell.  Just yesterday, the former DNC Chairman and Pennsylvania governor was quoted in the New York Times saying Hillary has handled the email scandal "poorly, maybe…

NYT’s Peters: Hillary ‘Resting a Little Bit Easier’ over E-Mails

August 18th, 2015 10:23 AM
During an appearance on Morning Joe on Tuesday, New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters eagerly spun on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the ongoing problems regarding her private e-mail server containing classified documents. 

Notable Quotables: CNN Lobbies on Behalf of Planned Parenthood

August 17th, 2015 9:06 AM
This week, with the nation’s largest abortion provider under fire for allegedly selling baby body parts for profit, CNN’s on-air hosts lecture Republicans on the need to maintain the flow of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood. “You shouldn’t rush to defund,” CNN’s Chris Cuomo told one GOP congesswoman. And, Bloomberg’s John Heilemann and Mark Halperin declare Hillary Clinton’s “fiery” and “…

Hillary's a 'Great Public Servant, Extraordinarily Strong Candidate'

August 17th, 2015 8:46 AM
You know those super-fast-talking disclaimers run at the end of some ads?  The kind of CYA things the lawyers force the advertisers to say? That's what Mark Halperin's pro forma praise of Hillary on today's Morning Joe brought to mind.  Halperin first ripped Hillary's campaign as the most "unresponsive to basic questions" he's ever dealt with, and reported that "elite Democrats" are worried…

Heilemann: Gore 'Hates' Hillary, 'Huge' Problem for Her If He Runs

August 14th, 2015 6:26 PM
This blog brought to you by Orville Redenbacher . . . One short segment on today's With All Due Respect packed plenty of explosive commentary.  There was John Heilemann saying that Al Gore "hates" Hillary and that if he gets in the race would be a "huge" problem for her. Lending credence to Heilemann's "hates" claim is the fact that he mentioned having "spent a lot of time" with Gore in 2006.  …

Morning Joe Spins: Hillary Not Being Investigated, Only ‘Her Conduct'

August 12th, 2015 10:26 AM
On Morning Joe today, a panel discussed the news that Hillary Clinton will turn over thumb drives to federal investigators as well as the discovery of emails on Clinton’s private account that were labeled top secret. McClatchy’s Anita Kumar, who broke the story regarding the classified nature of the emails, tried to spin for Hillary by making the case that she was not personally being…

Halperin & Heilemann Hail: 'Fiery' Hillary Has Found Her 'Passion!'

August 11th, 2015 3:40 PM
Bloomberg’s political team of Mark Halperin and John Heilemann seem excited that Hillary Clinton has finally found her “passion” in this campaign. Invited on Monday’s edition of PBS’s Charlie Rose show to discuss the campaign, the With All Due Respect hosts hailed that Marco Rubio’s stance on abortion had shaken Clinton out of her stupor. John Heilemann began the Hillary hype: “You saw her today…