
Brzezinski on Morning Joe: Supporting the Iran Deal a ‘No-Brainer'

August 10th, 2015 11:32 AM
On the August 10 edition of Morning Joe, host Mika Brzezinski criticized opponents of the Iran deal and defended President Obama’s harsh rhetoric. She claimed that supporting the deal was a “no-brainer” because, in her mind, there are no alternatives. The Morning Joe personality lauded the president for “being sharp” in trying to gain support for the deal. 

MSNBC's Morning Joe Reports On Tweet...from a Parody Account!

August 10th, 2015 11:21 AM
MSNBC’s Morning Joe made a humorous blunder on Monday during their latest coverage of the Donald Trump saga. While discussing the effect Trump’s latest controversial comments might have on his campaign, senior MSNBC political analyst Mark Halperin, of Bloomberg, quoted a tweet supposedly from the North Korean news service. The twitter handle "@DPRK_News" belongs, however, to a parody account. And…

Josh Earnest Talks Like Obama Prefers Biden Over Hillary

August 3rd, 2015 12:59 PM
On today's Morning Joe, Josh Earnest said that President Obama believes that picking Biden as his VP was the "smartest decision he ever made in politics." Joe Scarborough drew the mischievous-but-logical inference that Obama must thus believe it was smarter than picking Hillary as his Secretary of State.  Though Mika interrupted to say that's not what he meant, Earnest never said boo to counter…

Howard Dean: We Need to Be 'More Humble, Stop Making Fun' of Trump

July 30th, 2015 9:08 AM
This is fodder for WSJ columnist James Taranto's "everything is seemingly spinning out of control" file. Howard Dean has declared that we'll have to be "more humble" about Donald Trump's prospects and that he will "have to stop making fun" of him for now. What's got Dean doing a 180 on Trump? Not just the latest polls, which include one showing Trump trouncing Jeb and Rubio in their home state…

Mike Barnicle Attacks ObamaCare Opponents: ‘Unbound from Reality’

July 28th, 2015 3:05 PM
Tuesday on Morning Joe, regular contributor Mike Barnicle slammed Republicans who want to continue the fight against ObamaCare. Barnicle was aghast that Mike Lee (R-UT) expressed frustration at Mitch McConnell for the Kentucky Senator’s refusal to put another ObamaCare repeal on the floor. Barnicle shouted: “What is wrong with these people? I mean, what is going on?...Are they so unbound from…

MSNBC: Huckabee's Comments On Iran Deal 'Deplorable,' 'A Deal Breaker'

July 27th, 2015 5:09 PM
On Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski called presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s recent comments about the recent Iran deal “ugly, callous, shocking and deeply disturbing,” and angrily declared that this should be a “deal breaker” for his campaign.

Scarborough's Indictment of Hillary Mishandling of Classified Material

July 27th, 2015 9:19 AM
It's a point of pride at Morning Joe that the show is unscripted. But in a notable deviation that might reflect the gravity of the moment, Joe Scarborough clearly seemed to be reading off a teleprompter today as he promulgated a damning indictment of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified information on her private email system. Scarborough's statement was interspersed with clips of Hillary…

Mark Halperin: Planned Parenthood ‘Pretty Popular’ Among 2016 Voters

July 24th, 2015 11:27 AM
In a discussion on Planned Parenthood today on Morning Joe, regular MSNBC contributor and editor of Bloomberg Politics Mark Halperin championed the popularity of the ‘family planning’ organization. Halperin asserted that “Planned Parenthood in general and what they do – as we saw with Mitt Romney – is pretty popular with a lot of people who will vote in this presidential election.”

Why Is Ted Cruz Talking to Mark Halperin....Again?

July 22nd, 2015 10:12 PM
It’s been a little over two months since Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz sat down with Bloomberg Politics co-host Mark Halperin in what became known as one of the most cringe-worthy interviews of Halperin’s career.  During the interview, Halperin audaciously asked Cruz his favorite Cuban dish, music, and even commented on the fact that his last name “Cruz” should be enough for Hispanic…

Halperin Tours Clinton Campaign HQ ‘At the Top of the Political World'

July 17th, 2015 3:43 PM
For Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect on Thursday, co-host Mark Halperin was granted exclusive access to Hillary Clinton’s national campaign headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. At the top of the show he proclaimed: “This is history folks. We’re finally here at the top of the political world. Welcome to Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters here in Brooklyn Heights. The first ever TV show done…

Perry Turns Planned Parenthood Scandal Back on MSNBC's Halperin

July 17th, 2015 12:09 AM
As usual, much of the press has responded to scandalous behavior by leftist sacred cows by making the story about Republicans criticizing the actions instead of the scandal itself. On the one hand, are we really supposed to believe that only pro-lifers are horrified by the evidence that Planned Parenthood, aka Planned Parthood, sells the body parts of aborted preborn babies? Gosh, I hope not. So…

It's Come to This? Halperin 'Follows-Up' With Questions CNN Missed

July 16th, 2015 4:54 PM
Has it come this? Conservatives need to rely on the liberal Mark Halperin to "follow up" on CNN's softball interviews with Hillary Clinton? Halperin grilled top Clinton adviser Jennifer Palmieri on a question the 2016 candidate ignored when she was on CNN. In early July, Brianna Keilar asked Clinton a question about deleting 30,000 e-mails. The Democrat didn't answer. On Wednesday, Halperin…

Morning Joe Attacks Scott Walker: 'Flip-Flopping', Inauthentic

July 13th, 2015 11:44 AM
On Monday's Morning Joe, panelists Al Hunt, Mark Halperin, and Steve Schmidt discussed Scott Walker’s entry into the race for the 2016 Republican nomination. All three of them voiced concern about the Wisconsin governor and criticized him for “flip-flopping” and for supposedly being inauthentic. Bloomberg’s Hunt: “I think it's a question of authenticity. He has flipped on a number of issues. And…

Mark Halperin Apologizes to Republicans For Believing WH on Gruber

June 22nd, 2015 2:32 PM
Are you so gullible as to place your faith in the credibility of the current White House? If so, you might have to find yourself end up eating crow and apologizing to the skeptics for your gullibility as happened to Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin on Morning Joe today. Halperin's apology came on the heels of a report yesterday in the Wall Street Journal that despite previous…