
MSNBC, WADR Bash Bush, Santorum for Opposing Pope on Climate Change

June 17th, 2015 8:37 PM
The media’s tendency to use the Pope to criticize Republican candidates and officials was on display Wednesday afternoon as MSNBC’s Live with Thomas Roberts and Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect took shots at the 2016 GOP presidential field and, specifically, Catholics Jeb Bush and Rick Santorum (in the case of the latter show) for opposing Pope Francis’s upcoming encyclical on global warming.

Apatow: Kochs Don't Care About People But Hollywood Donors Different

June 16th, 2015 8:51 PM
How can Judd Apatow, once ranked the smartest guy in Hollywood be so . . . ? On today's With All Due Respect, big comedy macher [credits include Lena Dunham's Girls] Apatow said it was "ridiculous that anyone thinks that rich people care about other people.  When the Koch brothers give a billion dollars, it is not out of a great concern for the masses." To his credit, Mark Halperin twice pressed…

Bloomberg’s Halperin, Heilemann Hype Latest NYT Hit Piece on Rubio

June 10th, 2015 7:07 AM
The hosts of Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect dove into the latest New York Times piece about 2016 Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio on Tuesday and came away with the conclusion that the story concerning Rubio’s personal finances is both “dangerous” and “totally legitimate.” Halperin declared “The New York Times has shoved Marco Rubio down deep into the barrel” and gushed to John…

John Heilemann's Lame Attempt At An ObamaCare Fact Check

June 9th, 2015 5:32 PM
On Monday's With All Due Respect, Bloomberg's John Heilemann confirmed all of Obama’s questionable statements on the success of ObamaCare by relying on what Bloomberg considers fact checking: "I'm sure the RNC will disagree with that and a lot of conservatives will claim that these numbers are all cooked in one way or the other, but the fact is that those things seem to ring true to the people…

Halperin: Stop Complaining About NYT Rubios' Tickets Story, Hypocrites

June 7th, 2015 11:57 PM
In a contest for the most consistent media fool of the year, Bloomberg's Mark Halperin would be an early favorite to take the top prize for 2015. This year, Halperin has already had at least three instances of outrageous hackery. As will be seen, for sheer hypocrisy, his most recent is arguably his worst.

Morning Joe Panel: Hillary Could Lead Democratic Wave in 2016

May 26th, 2015 11:40 AM
On the May 26 edition of Morning Joe, panelists Mike Allen, John Heilemann and Mark Halperin were all bullish about Hillary Clinton’s prospects for creating a wave that could carry down-ballot Democrats to their own election victories in 2016. Allen happily noted that Democrats were using “the historic element of her candidacy and the higher turnout that you traditionally get in a presidential…

Ted Cruz Shows How to Tackle Media Bias Head-On

May 23rd, 2015 8:30 AM
The setting: An interview with Texas Senator Ted Cruz and KMBT-TV’s Kevin Steele in Beaumont, Texas. Steele repeatedly asked Cruz if he had a “personal animosity against gay Americans?" Cruz would have none of it.

Dem McMahon: Rubio Melts My Heart, Will Be Nominee

May 21st, 2015 8:29 PM
Dem strategist Steve McMahon prefaced his remarks with the standard tongue-in-cheek disclaimer about not intending to hurt, by praising him, the prospects of someone from the other party. On this evening's With All Due Respect, McMahon then proceeded to gush over Marco Rubio, saying that listening to him recount his life story as the son of immigrants "melts my heart."  McMahon predicted that…

Will Nets Report? Dem Voters Can’t Name Accomplishments for Hillary

May 20th, 2015 12:17 PM
In an interview with Democratic voters from Iowa that first aired Tuesday night on Bloomberg TV, Mark Halperin asked whether they could name an accomplishment from Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Not a single person on the panel could name something that the former New York Senator had achieved in that position. 

The Real Takeaways From the Cruz-Halperin Interview

May 11th, 2015 9:20 PM
Liberal media honcho Mark Halperin really showed his "colors" as he tried to de-Hispanify Sen. Ted Cruz in an interview for Bloomberg Politics over the weekend.

Halperin Lamely Apologizes 'To Those Offended' by His Cruz Interview

May 11th, 2015 6:52 PM
Today, Bloomberg TV's Mark Halperin inadequately apologized for his conduct and line of questioning during an April 30 interview of GOP presidential candidate which came off as rude and racist to many who saw it — well, basically because it was. As Tim Graham at NewsBusters noted on Sunday, and as will be seen in the video following the jump, Halperin engaged in a "prove-you're-a-Cuban" line of…

'Progressive' Wolf Blitzer Praises Jane Fonda, Marie Harf

April 27th, 2015 1:04 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer brought liberal actress Jane Fonda and Obama administration flack Marie Harf as his guests to Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner. Blitzer gushed over Fonda and Harf during a live interview with colleague Brianna Keilar: "It doesn't get any better than Jane Fonda....Can you believe that I'm here with Jane Fonda? And Marie Harf, acting spokeswoman for the U.S. State…

Notable Quotables: Gleefully Hyping Hillary’s Vacuous Campaign Launch

April 20th, 2015 8:57 AM
This week, reporters attempt to manufacture excitement over how newly-declared Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton used Twitter, rode around in a van and ate lunch at a Chipotle ("fun and new," opined Bloomberg's Mark Halperin). And, even as the media drooled over Hillary, MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski disparaged GOP candidate Marco Rubio as a "little boy," while fellow MSNBC host Ed Schultz trashed…

Halperin: Hillary 'Running Against Herself' And 'Kind of Losing'

March 23rd, 2015 3:19 PM
Appearing on Monday's NBC Today, Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin saw problems for Hillary Clinton running unopposed for the 2016 Democratic nomination: "...the Republicans are running in a field of thirteen or fourteen, she's running against herself and right now she's kind of losing."