MSNBC's Harris-Perry Sees Red Areas Not 'Caring About' Children Being

May 14th, 2013 5:55 PM
As she appeared as a guest on Monday's All In with Chris Hayes show, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry described the conservative "red" parts of her home state of Lousiana as "not thinking about or caring about the 10-year-old children in my neighborhood who are shot while walking down the street" as she and host Chris Hayes discussed a recent mass shooting at a parade in New Orleans and…

Chris Hayes' 'Easy' Solution To Poverty: Give People Money

May 12th, 2013 2:08 PM
Chris Hayes is what passes for a progressive intellectual at MSNBC. Which makes his simple-minded and manifestly mistaken proposal that much more maddening. Making a peek-a-boo video-clip appearance on today's Melissa Harris-Perry's show, which focused on finding solutions to poverty in America, Hayes was seen holding up a hand-written sign with his solution, reading "Giving people money: It…

MSNBC Host Harris-Perry Blames NRA for Airport Shooting in Houston

May 3rd, 2013 7:40 PM
Coming up next on MSNBC, further evidence of the link between global warming and the National Rifle Association, which the gun lobby inexplicably continues to deny ... How reassuring it is for liberals to trot out their various all-purpose boogeymen to blame for whatever frustrates liberals at any given moment.

Liberal Media Bias? Don't Make Bob Herbert Laugh

April 27th, 2013 12:46 PM
Bob Herbert: columnist from the Planet Benzar?  Seriously, what the former New York Times op-ed writer had to say this morning is enough to make you wonder whether he occupies the same orb as the rest of us.  Appearing on Melissa Harris-Perry's MSNBC show, Herbert literally laughed out loud at the notion that American media leans liberal.  According to Herbert, the bias in the American media is…

Liberals: ‘We Do Want to Change Marriage

April 22nd, 2013 3:21 PM
Last week, gay marriage advocates on the left began to show their true colors. It started with Slate’s Jillian Keenan advocating for polygamy and The Huffington Post’s Abby Huntsman admitting that “gay marriage opens the door to legalizing polygamy and other things.” MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry went a step further, writing in The Nation on April 15, that the gay marriage debate helps us to…

More Socialism In Latest Harris-Perry 'Lean Forward': Most Successful

April 10th, 2013 9:08 AM
Maybe MSNBC was trying to deflect some of the controversy surrounding Melissa Harris-Perry's previous "Lean Forward" promo by pushing out a new one. MH-P had provoked outrage in that earlier promo by proclaiming that "kids belong to their communities," not to their parents. But if anything, the new promo aired during today's Morning Joe just adds fuel to MH-P's socialist fire. While claiming…

In Blog Post, MSNBC's Harris-Perry Defends 'Collective' View of Caring

April 9th, 2013 4:35 PM
MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry this afternoon took to her blog on the network's website to "double down" on her recent "Lean Forward" spot in which she lamented that we as Americans don't have a view of our "collective" responsibility to the nation's children. From start to finish, the Tulane professor played the victim of right-wing persecution, even closing with a link to Matthew 5:44, where…

Bozell: MSNBC Stands for 'My Son Needs to Belong to the Collective

April 8th, 2013 1:57 PM
Melissa Harris-Perry declaring in an ad that we must “break through” the “private notion” that “your kid is yours” because “kids belong to whole communities” is an outrage. This isn’t what Mediaite called “a collection of tired progressive cliches on steroids.” This is shredding the notion of family, replacing it with the commands of the state. MSNBC has awarded itself a new acronym: My Son…

Sarah Palin on Harris-Perry's 'Kids Belong to Their Communities' Comme

April 7th, 2013 8:20 PM
On Thursday, NewsBusters exposed Melissa Harris-Perry saying in an MSNBC "Lean Forward" ad, "We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to their communities." Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin tweeted her displeasure about this remark Saturday:

MSNBC's Harris-Perry: America's 'Kids Belong to Their Communities

April 4th, 2013 6:33 PM
On March 23, my colleague Mark Finkelstein noted how MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry considers the unborn child a "thing" which takes a "lot of money" to "turn into a human," costing thousands of dollars to care for each year of his/her life. Now it appears that Harris-Perry thinks that, after they're born, children fundamentally belong to the state. Narrating a new MSNBC "Lean Forward" spot, the…

Sharpton: I'd Urge My Daughters Not to 'Get Rid of a Child' Through Ab

April 3rd, 2013 6:34 PM
Rare is the "pro-choice" liberal who admits that abortion kills an unborn human being. The Rev. Al Sharpton made this seldom-witnessed acknowledgement -- or as close as he's likely to get -- on his radio show while drawing an analogy to his views on the Defense of Marriage Act.  (audio clip after page break) --

Is Ed Schultz Still Getting Weekend Show on MSNBC

April 2nd, 2013 12:20 PM
Nearly three weeks after MSNBC announced that Chris Hayes would replace Ed Schultz at 8 p.m. weeknights and that Schultz would host late-afternoon weekend versions of "The Ed Show," the network has still not given a start date for the weekend show. This has led to speculation on Twitter that Schultz is being eased out at MSNBC, to the point that Schultz addressed the rumors on his radio show…

On Easter, MSNBC's Harris-Perry Calls Babies 'Things' Again, Invites A

April 1st, 2013 10:11 PM
ABC wasn’t the only network to turn to atheist on Easter morning for some acidulous religion-bashing. MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry turned to feminist Katha Pollitt to rip apart religions as “all invented by men for men” to repress women. That came after Harris-Perry somehow compared the morality of abortion as a less weighty matter than access to water in the Third World. Once again, like…

Harris-Perry's Fetal Indifference: What It Costs To Have 'This Thing

March 23rd, 2013 10:57 AM
UPDATE:  For a brilliant, clear and concise takedown of Harris-Perry's comments, have a listen to the analysis of Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, in this podcast.  The discussion comes about 8:25 in and lasts about five minutes. ---------------- . Melissa Harris-Perry is clearly a member of the "blob of cells" brigade when it comes to her…