MSNBC’s ‘Lean Forward’ Ad Unwittingly Alludes to Communist 'Grea

March 18th, 2013 4:00 PM
For the past few years, MSNBC has produced ‘Lean Forward’ ads featuring a network hosts push his or her liberal agenda on the  audience.  Past ‘Lean Forward’ ads have included a push for action on global warming, promoting gay rights, and viciously attacking the Republican Party. MSNBC’s newest ad features weekend host Melissa Harris-Perry unwittingly -- or at least one hopes-- referencing…

Rewriting the Bible: The Gospel According to Liberals

March 13th, 2013 1:45 PM
When liberals and their media allies have an agenda to push, they’ll use any tool at hand. The left often rails against the presence of religion in civic life, mocking conservative Christians as “Taliban” agitating for theocracy. But other times, they find faith to be a handy weapon to bludgeon conservatives. And they’ll go so far as to reinterpret and rewrite the Bible to justify any liberal…

This Happened: MSNBC Panel Sits Around and Tells Race Jokes On the Air

February 18th, 2013 5:10 PM
Apparently it's okay for MSNBC panels to sit around and tell race jokes on-air. Host Melissa Harris-Perry had her panel guests tell their "favorite race joke" or "best punch line" on race on her Sunday show and laughter ranged between nervous and uproarious. Harris-Perry capped it all off with a Jewish joke. After discussing if the best way to give a "social critique" on race was through…

'We Are Undocumented And Unafraid, Because This Is What We Learned In

February 2nd, 2013 6:51 PM
The most disturbing thing is that she's probably right . . . On Melissa Harris-Perry's MSNBC show this morning, Cristina Jiménez, leader of United We Dream, an organization that advocates on behalf of illegal immigrant youth, declared "we are undocumented and unafraid, because this is what we learned in school."  In American schools of today, dominated by government employee unions, she's…

Melissa Harris-Perry Admits: U.S. Military 'Despised By Many Progressi

January 26th, 2013 10:05 PM
It's hardly a secret.  After all, in a letter to a senior officer, no less than a young Bill Clinton openly admitted that many of his cohort  "loath[ed] the military." Still, it's stunning to hear a modern-day liberal make a similar admission. On her MSNBC show today, Melissa Harris-Perry stated that the U.S. military is "despised as an engine of war by many progressives."  View the video…

WaPo's Henderson Frets Not Enough Access to Abortion in America

January 20th, 2013 4:58 PM
On Saturday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, during a discussion of the 40th anniversary of the Roe Vs. Wade Supreme Court decision, panel member Nia-Malika Henderson of the Washington Post asserted that it is a "real problem" that many parts of the country do not have abortion clinics. She went on to fret that younger people are not interested enough in the issue and recommended that "…

Blanking On Her Name, MSNBC's Roberts Calls Michele Bachmann 'What's-H

January 10th, 2013 12:27 PM
Sure, we've all blanked on a person's name.  But how we handle it can reveal how we feel about the person in question. On the MSNBC Live show he was hosting during today's 11 AM ET hour, Thomas Roberts, blanking on Michele Bachmann's name, referred to her as "what's-her-face."  View the video after the jump.

Media Bias Year-in-Review: The Most Horrendous Bias of

December 31st, 2012 11:07 AM
It's the last day of 2012, and NewsBusters is recounting the worst media bias of the year, as catalogued in the MRC's Best Notable Quotables of 2012. Earlier, we documented journalists' most partisan potshots against the Romney-Ryan ticket, as well as the most effusive "Obamagasms" of the preceding twelve months. Today, some of the most infuriating and/or wacky quotes of 2012, including the…

Melissa Harris-Perry Laughs Hysterically When Guest Calls Romney 'Negr

December 30th, 2012 1:43 PM
MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry laughed hysterically Sunday when one of her guests called former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney "Negro." Such occurred as Harris-Perry and four liberal comedians took "A Look Back In Laughter" at the year 2012 (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC's Perry In a 'Mushy Mess' Over LGBT Wedding

December 18th, 2012 7:41 PM
Far-left MSNBC weekend host Melissa Harris-Perry is no fan of marriage. The whole business is simply an act of “conspicuous consumption under the guise of tradition and love," she scoff. But the cynical feminist in her finds herself reduced to a “mushy mess when it comes to two fantastic people finding genuine happiness – and deciding to celebrate.” But that couple in question, naturally, is a…

Bozell, Hannity Review Worst Media Bias of 2012; MSNBC's Harris-Perry

December 18th, 2012 11:21 AM
"The blame America crowd has come back, but it's become far more militant. It's the hate America crowd," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted on the December 17 edition of Hannity. Bozell was reacting to a now infamous clip from her eponymous July 1 program when MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry trashed the Founding Fathers. "The land on which they formed this Union was stolen. The hands with…

MSNBC Anchor Sneers: 'Is the South Ready for a Black Senator

December 7th, 2012 3:35 PM
Following Senator Jim DeMint’s abrupt resignation to run The Heritage Foundation, much has been made over who South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley might name to replace him.  One name mentioned is that of African American Congressman Tim Scott,  a prospect which prompted MSNBC anchor Richard Lui to sneer: "... Is the South ready for a black Senator?" On Friday’s MSNBC Live, Lui baited fellow…

MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry: 'This Is No Country For Young Black Men

December 3rd, 2012 9:18 AM
Another black teenager was killed in Florida last week by an older, non-black assailant, and the media - just as they did in the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case - are predictably taking sides before all the facts are in. MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry did her part Saturday saying in a piece about the incident, "This is no country for young black men" (video follows with transcript and…

Here We Go Again: MSNBC's Harris-Perry Uses Virgin Mary to Push Libera

November 27th, 2012 5:33 PM
Ah, the holiday season. It's that time of year when the liberal media loves to use Jesus and the Virgin Mary to push liberal talking points if not outright push the envelope. So while NPR is busy promoting a new novel that presents the Virgin Mary as a skeptic who believes her son Jesus was a fraud, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry went a safer but equally trite route, using the story of Jesus's…