California Scheming? NY Times Uses Fires to Burn Trump’s 2020 Chances

September 17th, 2020 12:13 PM

New York Times reporters dealt with the deadly state of wildfires in California on Monday’s front page, but used it solely as a cudgel with which to bash President Trump, in two front-page stories: “Trump, a Bold Climate Denier, Confronts a Charred California" and “Spurred By Fires, Trump and Biden Clash On Climate."

NY Times Melts: Abnormal Trump's 'Racist and Sexist Attacks'

August 18th, 2020 4:09 PM

The Democratic National Convention launched in virtual mode, and the New York Times was predictably gushing -- but still reserved plenty of space for invective again President Trump. White House correspondent Peter Baker in particular has become openly contemptuous of the president. He was granted a half-page of text for his Tuesday “news analysis,” “Racist Attacks, Conspiracy Theories and War…

Debacle for NY Times: Story on Ousted HHS Director Crumbles Quickly

April 26th, 2020 5:10 PM
It’s been a long time since the New York Times actually lived up to its motto of being “All the News That’s Fit to Print.” These days, the paper can instead be defined as “All the News That Promotes Our Liberal Agenda.” That view was reinforced on Wednesday, when a report claimed that Rick Bright, the former top vaccine expert at the Department of Health and Human Services, was fired for opposing…

NYT Whining Trump Won't Play Dictator: 'Ceding...Leadership' on Virus

April 18th, 2020 2:31 PM
Make up your mind! The New York Times, which has criticized Donald Trump for wanting to play dictator in his response to the coronavirus pandemic, is now criticizing him for “ceding any semblance of national leadership on the pandemic” on Saturday’s front page: “Right-Wing Protests Find Megaphone in Trump.” Reporters Michael Shear and Sarah Mervosh stated: "His stark departure from the more…

NY Times Lauds WHO Against Trump, Quotes CCP Stooge's Criticism

April 16th, 2020 9:04 AM
The New York Times defended the World Health Organization and pushed a Chinese Communist Party propagandist, all the while fighting Trump’s call to halt funding for the global health group. First up on Wednesday was W.H.O., under the heading of “Shifting Responsibility,” a story by Michael Shear and Donald McNeil. “Trump, Seeing Poll Numbers Drop, Blames W.H.O. for Virus Mistakes.” A…

NY Times Front Page Hits Fox News for Blaming China for Coronavirus

April 3rd, 2020 11:28 AM
The New York Times’ crusade to use the coronavirus to cripple its ideological enemies continued on Thursday’s front page with reporter Jeremy Peters’ over-excited hit piece “Pro-Trump Media’s Virus Pivot: From Alarm to Denial to Blame.” The subtitle: “Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and other right-wing commentators turned a pandemic into a battle of us vs. them -- the kind of battle President Trump…

Partisan New York Times: Trump’s Clemency ‘Spree’ vs Obama’s ‘Mercy’

February 19th, 2020 1:16 PM
The New York Times headline echoed its hostile lead story Wednesday: “Trump Exerts His Power With a Spree of Pardons – Critics Denounce Clemency for Blagojevich, Milken and Kerik as Undeserved” by Michael Shear and Maggie Haberman. Catch the echo of “crime spree” in the headline? "But the president’s announcements on Tuesday were mostly aimed at wiping clean the slates of rich, powerful and well-…

NYTimes: Trump ‘Hijacking’ News Cycle With Accurate Bloomberg Quotes

February 12th, 2020 10:27 PM
The New York Times, which constantly lambastes Trump for spreading lies, is now critical of Trump for bringing actual news to public attention: “Trump, Once a Fan of Stop-and-Frisk, Uses It to Cudgel Bloomberg.” Notice the word choice in the online headlines: “Trump Takes On Bloomberg and Once Again Hijacks a News Cycle -- Like an assignment editor at a tabloid newspaper, the president poured…

NYT Gushes: 'Masterful Performance' of 'Liberal Rock Star' Schiff

January 24th, 2020 6:36 PM
Since the beginning of the trial to impeach President Donald Trump, the New York Times has eagerly trumpeted the case laid out by the House impeachment managers, especially Rep. Adam Schiff of California. Congressional reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg gushed over Schiff, who had “secured his place as a liberal rock star -- and villain to conservatives -- with the fiery closing argument he delivered…

As Impeachment Resumes, NY Times Praises Dem's 'Heroic Icon' Pelosi

January 7th, 2020 3:00 PM
Alisha Haridasani Gupta, who writes the New York Times’ feminist newsletter “In Her Words,” made Page Two of Tuesday’s edition with “Powering the Democratic Party.” She talked to the Times' Lisa Lerer about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. It's a truncated,  version of a month-old Q&A from Gupta’s newsletter, suggesting its sole function is to welcome back “powerful” Pelosi as the impeachment…

Excited NYT: Could Trump's Mean Tweet Be Witness Tampering? (No)

November 17th, 2019 6:14 PM
The New York Times offered up a silly time-waster of a “news analysis” from Charlie Savage and Michael Shear in Saturday’s paper, one that elevated Trump’s mean tweets about former Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch to “witness tampering" They huffed: “President Trump on Friday attacked Marie L. Yovanovitch, the former United States ambassador to Ukraine he summarily removed this year, even as…

NYT's 10-Page Attack on Trump Twitter's Racist, Anti Media-Madness

November 3rd, 2019 6:35 PM
President Trump’s dangerous Twitter. That was the paper’s overriding obsession in Sunday’s edition. The enormous story launched on the top half of the front page and jumped to a special 10-page section, “The Twitter Presidency.” The timing is apt, considering the paper is pressuring Twitter to be better than Facebook and actually squelch political messaging as the 2020 campaign nears. One reason…

Anchors Amp Up Trump Outrageousness in Promoting 'Border Wars' Book

October 13th, 2019 8:56 AM

In the past couple of weeks, New York Times reporters Michael Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis have made TV appearances to promote their book Border Wars: Inside Trump's Assault on Immigration. In appearances on CNN and MSNBC, anchors have underlined revelations that President Trump suggested the extreme step of government agents shooting immigrants in the legs -- often leaving out the notion…

NYT Discovers Lefty Dayton Killer, Hits Trump for Noting Violent Left

August 8th, 2019 6:40 PM
The New York Times has learned its lesson on front-page headlines, making sure it injected plenty of anti-Trump context to lead its Thursday edition, after being vilified by the left for insufficient hostility toward Trump (and quickly changing a banner headline) on Tuesday. The headline over Thursday’s lead story posed no such danger to liberal groupthink, as it dutifully countered everything…