NYTimes Gives Beto, All Dems Room to Blame Trump Rhetoric for El Paso

August 5th, 2019 2:03 PM
The New York Times’s lead story Monday morning was of course the mass murder of 29 people in two mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso. The second paragraph cast some blame at “angry words directed at immigrants...by right-wing pundits and President Trump.” The theme of Monday’s paper was to tie President Trump to the El Paso mass murderer. Peter Baker and Michael Shear’s “news analysis,” “In…

NY Times Blasts Trump on Strongmen, But Loved Castro, China, Chavez

March 2nd, 2019 2:15 PM
New York Times reporter Michael Shear analyzed Donald Trump’s supposed admiration for strongmen, turning President Reagan’s admonition on its head against Trump: “For President, It’s Just ‘Trust,’ No ‘Verify.” Many conservatives have criticized Trump for his credulous remarks on what North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un knew about the treatment of American prisoner Otto Warmbier. But it’s a bit rich…

Boo Hoo: CNN Still Bashing Trump for Iraq Visit, Not Meeting Iraqi PM

December 27th, 2018 4:01 PM

Thursday’s Inside Politics led off with more kvetching about every aspect of President Donald Trump’s surprise visit to U.S. troops in Germany and Iraq, including how he didn’t meet with the Iraqi Prime Minister. Conveniently, they downplayed the positive symbolism of having a president visit troops and footnoted the similarities between Trump and Barack Obama in not meeting face-to-face with…

NYT Sees Racists, Nazis, Conspiracy Theories in the 'Trump Bubble'

November 6th, 2018 12:01 PM
Monday’s pre-Election Day New York Times was absolutely stuffed with bias. First, the front page featured Kevin Roose and Ali Winston’s web warning, “Web’s Far Right Can Hear Itself As Trump Talks -- Cheering the Spread of Once-Fringe Views,” which conflated Trump supporters with neo-Nazis. Reporter Michael Shear went to West Virginia to mock Trump supporters as trapped in a “presidential bubble…

NYT Packed With Accusations of Trump's ‘Dark, Anti-Immigrant Message'

November 3rd, 2018 3:07 PM
With elections fast approaching, Friday’s New York Times was packed with accusations of President Trump as a racist and hostile to immigrants, most intensely in the lead story by Michael Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis. The headline deck: “Trump Invoking ‘Crisis’ at Border As Voting Nears – Message For Midterms – A Presidential Theme Is Built Around a Fear of Immigrants.” Illegal immigrants,…

NY Times Leads With Dems Denouncing FBI 'Limits' as 'Farce'

October 1st, 2018 5:09 PM
In Monday’s New York Times lead story on the continuing Kavanaugh controversy, reporters Michael Shear and Robin Pogrebin showed the Times eagerly marching down the field in step with the Democrats as they moved the goalposts on the FBI inquiry, which they once demanded but now consider insufficiently broad: “Democrats Irked By Limits Placed On F.B.I.’s Inquiry.” The online headline was more…

NYT Chides 'Angry...Aggrieved,' Kavanaugh, Sad About Sen. Graham

September 28th, 2018 4:23 PM
The New York Times gave vastly different views of Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford regarding their extraordinary testimony, consistently chiding Kavanaugh as "angry" and "aggrieved" and calling his judicial temperament into question -- as if anger wouldn't be a perfectly reasonable response to false allegations of sexual assault. The paper was clearly disappointed with Sen. Lindsey…

CNNers Back Chaos at SCOTUS Hearing; ‘Definitely’ ‘Had No Choice’

September 4th, 2018 1:42 PM
Breaking in just after noon Eastern on Tuesday for Inside Politics, panelists expressed support for liberal Senators and protesters repeatedly disrupting and trying to delay the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing, declaring they “had no choice” and “definitely” have a point about Kavanaugh not being transparent with Americans concerning his time in the Bush White House. 

Priorities: Briefing Featured Nearly 4x Omarosa Q's as Everything Else

August 14th, 2018 10:38 PM
As part of the liberal media’s obsession with Omarosa’s salacious allegations against the President from her book tour, Tuesday’s White House Press Briefing featured nearly four times as many questions about Omarosa-related topics as all other matters. Specifically, the breakdown was 39 Omarosa questions by 11 reporters to 10 questions for everything else from seven journalists (Afghanistan,…

NY Times Uses Rahm Emanuel [!] to Slam Brett Kavanaugh as Partisan

August 5th, 2018 11:55 AM
New York Times reporters Michael Shear and Adam Liptak’s review of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his involvement in Ken Starr’s independent counsel investigation of President Bill Clinton, made the front page of Sunday’s edition. It conveniently served as a defense of the Clintons against the “puritanical” “hatred” of Republicans: “Court Pick, Soldier in the Battle to Impeach Clinton…

NYT Calls Trump ‘Black Sheep’ of G7 Family, ‘Poked' Allies in the Eye

June 8th, 2018 4:53 PM
In Friday’s lead New York Times story on the Group of 7 meeting of industrialized nations in Canada which opened today, reporter Michael Shear set the table with sour grapes for Trump and sympathy for Europe’s more conventionally liberal leadership: “Anger Flares Up As The Group of 7 Heads to Quebec": "Mr. Trump is the black sheep of this family, the estranged sibling who decided to pick fights…

Williams Hits Trump Patriotic Speech, Errs on Spending (UPDATED)

May 26th, 2018 10:53 PM
UPDATE, May 27: A writer at the BreakingDefense.com website estimates that Mainland China's defense spending on a Purchasing Power Parity basis is $434.5 billion, and that its spending plus Russia's PPP spending of $157.6 billion is only about 2 percent below the USA's $606 billion. On Friday's The Five on Fox, Juan Williams sharply criticized President Donald Trump's speech that morning at the…

NYT Finds ‘March’ It Can Devote Enormous Coverage to: An Anti-Gun One

March 25th, 2018 3:34 PM
Sunday’s New York Times lead story on the multiple rallies of anti-gun kids was reported by Michael Shear and a teeming throng of at least 19 other reporters around the world: “With Passion and Fury, Students March on Guns – Rebuke of N.R.A. by Huge Crowds Across U.S.” This would be the anti-gun March for Our Lives, not the pro-life March for Life, which the Times virtually ignores every year.…

NYT Sheds Journalistic Inquiry, All In on Anti-Gun Children’s Crusade

March 14th, 2018 5:19 PM
The New York Times has fully and unapologetically embraced the children’s crusade of gun control in the aftermath of the Parkland school killings, and is now cheering on the promised nationwide school walkout today. The lead National section story for Wednesday, reported by Stephanie Saul and Anemona Hartocollis, was “Too Young to Protest? 10-Year-Olds Beg to Differ – Thousands of Students…