NYT's ‘Hard-Line’ Bias in Favor of Dreamers vs. 'Draconian' Trump

January 26th, 2018 7:39 PM
On no issue is the paper’s bias more obvious than on illegal immigration, and it showed in both the tone and terminology used regarding President Trump’s latest offer in the fight over Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. The front of Friday’s New York Times showcased Michael Shear and Sheryl Gay Stolberg’s “Immigration Offer: Citizenship and Stern Tactics.”

NYT’s Strange New Approval for Trump, Pondering Amnesty for Illegals

January 10th, 2018 4:34 PM
The New York Times may be at its most liberal on the immigration issue, and when President Trump seemed to warm to the idea of a path to citizenship for some illegals, reporters abruptly warmed to him, at least compared to the “hard-line anti-immigration activists” in his party. The lead story by Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Sheryl Gay Stolberg, “Trump Receptive To Working Out Citizenship Path,"…

NYT Front Cries ‘Criminal Investigation’ of Trump; Inside Story Rebuts

March 21st, 2017 6:37 PM
The New York Times two-column lead story Tuesday was predictable: FBI director James Comey’s testimony in front of the House Intelligence Committee, where he announced that the FBI is in fact “investigating whether members of President Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.” (The Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Trump nominee Neil Gorsuch were relegated to…

Trumpocalypse? NYT Blares Fears of 'Shameful' Service Cuts in Budget

March 18th, 2017 9:59 AM
New York Times reporter Michael Shear lead off Friday’s paper with the usual liberal horror show on President Trump’s proposed budget. You didn’t hard to read far to get the loaded liberal language, where taxpayer- and deficit-funded spending on all but the military is sacrosanct: “Trump Gambles in Cutting Services That Aid His Base – Budget Billed as Necessary, but Opponents Label it ‘Draconian…

NYT Shudders at Trump's 'Dark...Angry Jeremiad' Inaugural Address

January 21st, 2017 2:36 PM
"Dark” was the New York Times’ theme for Donald Trump’s Inaugural Address, even in the banner headline that began the paper’s coverage of the 45th President. It also happened to be liberal Democrats' favorite criticism of the speech. Mark Landler wondered: "The question left hanging after this angry jeremiad: How will the new commander in chief be able to work with these people to govern the…

Hypocrite NYT Hits Trump for Nazi Comparison; Did Same Thing to Trump

January 12th, 2017 2:10 PM
When Donald Trump mentioned Nazi Germany in reference to a lurid document floating around U.S. intelligence agencies, the New York Times was shocked and appalled -- and deeply hypocritical, given the eagerness of the paper's reporters, editors, and columnists to make those same comparisons against Donald Trump.

NYT Sore Loser Edition: Trump's 'Radical' Picks, GOP 'Viral Nonsense'

December 18th, 2016 4:21 PM
Sunday’s New York Times may as well have been the sore loser edition, still obsessed with conjuring up links, no matter how tenuous, between Donald Trump and Russia, as shown in the off-lead story by Mike McIntire, “How Putin Fan Peddled Trump From Overseas – ‘Patriot’ Site Promoted Hoaxes to Americans.” Two other stories complained of Trump's "radical" and "hard-line" staff picks.

NYT Jumps on 'Cyberbully' Trump, Skips Obama Hitting Private Citizens

December 9th, 2016 10:32 AM
The front of Friday’s New York Times featured Michael Shear's interview with Chuck Jones, the now-famous president of Indiana United Steelworkers Local 1999, who came under withering attack by president-elect Donald Trump on Twitter on Wednesday night, after claiming that “Trump lied his ass off” about how many U.S. jobs Trump’s Carrier move would actually save. The headline: “Trump as Cyberbully…

NYT Cocky Over Hillary Win: Lead Story Shouts 'Victory in Sight'

October 24th, 2016 3:21 PM
The New York Times is getting awful cocky about big Democratic victories on November 7. One of the two leading stories on the front of Monday’s paper: “Obama Targets G.O.P. Control of Statehouses.” The other lead story found no worries for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the home stretch: “Victory In Sight, Clinton Presses Beyond Trump – Appeals to Vote Early – With Lead in the Polls, She Turns to…

NYT Celebrates 'Emotional' Playlist of Obama, Avatar of Cultural Cool

August 15th, 2016 7:42 PM
President Obama, demi-god of cool. The New York Times Gardiner Harris hailed Obama’s musical taste in his Monday “White House Letter,” “The President’s Revealing Disclosure, in Rhythm and Prose.” Yep, it’s more of that tough Times coverage of the president, as Harris got way too excited over the president's  “Musical taste that includes surf rock, soul and the blues.” But when it came to…

NYT Hails 'Our National Poet' Obama's 'Stirring Valedictory Address'

July 28th, 2016 2:38 PM
New York Times coverage of Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention could be characterized by an hour-long swoon over Barack Obama’s speech -- pardon, his “stirring valedictory address." Also, Democrats were (again!) finding their voice on gun control, Bill celebrated Hillary, TMI-style, and Frank Bruni celebrated the president as "our national poet."

NYT Lauds 'Stirring Speech' of' 'Pop-Culture Heroine' Michelle Obama

July 26th, 2016 2:27 PM
The bias highlight of Night One of the Democratic National Convention from the New York Times was the laudatory coverage of “pop-culture heroine” Michelle Obama’s prime-time anti-Trump speech. The most prominent was Michael Shear and Mark Landler’a “Stirring Speech by a First Lady Backs Another." Nick Confessore found it "a moving political speech.” Meanwhile, Matt Flegenheimer looked back…

NYT Tucks Obama Into Bed With '7 Almonds and Some Precious Solitude'

July 9th, 2016 8:26 AM
Catching up on some unadulterated Obama hero-worship from the New York Times: Reporter Michael Shear penned his latest fawn-a-thon for the front page of the Sunday July 3 edition, showing our belovedly quirky president still tirelessly working as the day and his presidency winds down: “Obama at Night: 7 Almonds and Some Precious Solitude."

Tears at NY Times: Obama’s Imperial Immigration Act Fails at SCOTUS

June 24th, 2016 10:19 PM
Immigration is the issue where the New York Times' liberal slant is most obvious, and Friday's edition did not fail to provide it. The Supreme Court effectively doomed President Obama’s executive actions in 2014 to unilaterally shield some five million illegal immigrants from deportation, and the New York Times' front-page “news analysis," “Lines Drawn for November,” immediately pounced on what…