New MRC Report Exposes The Real Radio Hatemongers

August 24th, 2010 10:42 AM
The so-called “news” media have spent much of the past two decades demonizing the rhetoric of conservative radio talk show hosts as mean-spirited, divisive or a menace to civil discourse. But these same journalists — who gleefully castigate Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and other conservatives — are silent about the vile and vicious rhetoric that spews from the Left’s leading radio talk…

That Wacky Left: Mike Malloy Says 'Murdoch Is a Nazi,' Every Employee

July 25th, 2010 7:11 AM
While the "gatekeepers" of the "mainstream media" worry about the recklessness of conservative bloggers in the wake of the Shirley Sherrod speech, one easy rebuttal is the recklessness of liberal talk radio. Wild-eyed Mike Malloy was at it again Wednesday, suggesting Fox owner Rupert Murdoch is a "Nazi," and every Murdoch employee is a "potential murderer." They should be beaten violently:…

Lib Talker Malloy Happy Cheney's In Hospital, Hopes 'Miserable Bastard

June 28th, 2010 7:35 PM
Is there any limit to the hatred liberal talk radio host Mike Malloy is willing to express on the air about conservatives?Have we as a nation really degraded to a point that it's acceptable to verbalize over the airwaves one's hope that a fellow American dies?Such questions naturally arise when one hears the kind of unhinged invective that came out of Malloy's mouth on Friday after it was…

Mike Malloy: Rush Limbaugh Is a 'Filthy, Disgusting Subhuman' Who Want

June 19th, 2010 7:24 AM
On Thursday, leftist radio talk-show host Mike Malloy launched into another of his purple-raced rants about Rush Limbaugh. He warmed up by attacking Rep. Joe Barton's apology to BP, and how Barton is a "filthy subhuman" and Republicans are "snorting, groveling filthy pigs." What set him off about Limbaugh was the conservative host mocking the notion that children won't eat over the summer without…

HuffPo Columnist Can't Recall Any Vitriol From the Left

June 8th, 2010 1:18 PM
An emerging defense of Helen Thomas's "Jews go home" comment is that either what she said really was not that bad, or that others occasionally say worse things without the same level of reproach.Richard Greener, writing at the Huffington Post on Monday, was so close to making a good point. He noted that a number of other public figures have said things that could reasonably be interpreted as more…

Unhinged: Lib Talker Malloy Calls Bachmann Glenn Beck’s 'Whore,' 'St

June 4th, 2010 4:37 PM
This probably didn't make the cut for Chris Matthews' upcoming special, "Rise of the New Right," just for comparison purposes when it comes to angry conservatives versus their counterparts on the left. However, this could qualify for hateful speech. Left-wing bomb-thrower and syndicated radio host Mike Malloy, made some angry remarks on his June 3 program about stalwart conservative Minnesota…

The Attorney General vs. BP: Little Skepticism on ABC & NBC, While Lef

June 3rd, 2010 3:35 PM
The American lawyers who flock to Guantanamo Bay to represent captured terrorists are simply fulfilling their duty to provide representation, it is often argued by those who seem to enjoy mucking up efforts to curtail future terrorism. But once representing the American beverage giant Coca Cola makes Attorney General Eric Holder a “corporatist” who’s going to “do the Devil’s work” and only “…

Bozell Column: Preposterous Bill Press

May 25th, 2010 10:45 PM
Radio talk-show host Bill Press is the tiniest of fish in the radio ocean, but this minnow’s all over the place complaining about the whales. The problem is, of course, that if the market is any kind of measurement, no one knows, or cares, that he’s written a book. So he’s written a column to self-tout “Toxic Talk: How the Radical Right Has Poisoned America’s Airwaves.” Press writes about the…

Liberal Bomb Thrower: Rep. Michele Bachmann a 'Phony-Ass Broad,' 'Skan

May 19th, 2010 3:06 PM
Say something quasi-outrageous about a Democratic public official and it gets wall-to-wall coverage on MSNBC - just ask Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck. But go on misogynistic tirade about a Republican public official and no one notices. So goes liberal talker and bomb thrower Mike Malloy. Malloy, with a long history of making malicious remarks to belittle conservatives, this time went after Rep.…

The 'Humor' of Ultra-lefty Radio Host Mike Malloy: I Believe Bomber Is

May 5th, 2010 10:27 AM
Hard-left radio host Mike Malloy on Monday spewed venom at Fox News' Glenn Beck, using the near-tragedy of the failed Times Square bombing to claim that the guilty party would be a "follower" of the radio host, "if not Beck himself." (Hours later, an American Muslim would be arrested for the plot.) [Audio available here.]Malloy opened his program by mocking, "But, so far, no word as to whether…

Malloy: Beck and Limbaugh Want Oklahoma City Bombing Repeated 'Endless

April 23rd, 2010 3:22 PM
Radical left-wing radio talker Mike Malloy was predictably overwrought on April 19 in remembering the Oklahoma City bombing. He claimed Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh greeted that mass murder with clapping and dancing, and wanted it endlessly repeated: Today, I think Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh want today to be declared, uh, a national holiday. I suggest it be called Beck Memorial Day. This is the…

Hot and Heavy Tax-Day Rants Against the Tea Parties on Left-Wing Radio

April 17th, 2010 2:56 PM
April 15 was a hot day for Tea Party rallies, and also a hot day for liberal talk-radio denunciations of the Tea Party movement. Randi Rhodes claimed it was just a crowd of stupid people looking for a free lunch: They have a lot of free time to travel about and around the country, don't they? These are the same people that just were in Boston; then they got on buses. They never ask who pays their…

Huh? Rabid Lefty Radio Host Mike Malloy Decries 'Nasty, Divisive' Rhet

April 7th, 2010 11:17 AM
There's something about the Tea Party movement that brings out the left's inner hypocrite. Case in point: the left's front runner for the "most egregiously offensive and derogatory commentator" award is now calling for civility in the public discourse. Mike Malloy took to his website on Monday to lament the "nasty, divisive, and uber-partisan" rhetoric in Washington. Who's to blame for all the…

Libtalkers Use Sarcastic 'Tim McVeigh' Remark to Smear Hannity

April 4th, 2010 2:48 PM
Facts, apparently, will not interfere with the left's quest to slander Sean Hannity. What's worse, many of the mistruths are being peddled by Hannity's cable news competition, adding financial gain to the cheap political incentives for delegitimizing him.Even after facts debunked the bogus claim that Hannity had improperly used funds raised by the Freedom Alliance charity, MSNBC libtalker Ed…