CNN's Rick Sanchez 'Making News' on Supposed Torture Case Against Rums

January 26th, 2009 5:55 PM
On Monday’s Newsroom program, anchor Rick Sanchez trumpeted a United Nations investigator’s apparent finding against Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld concerning torture: “...[W]e’re making news here, because I just heard you on the record say that there does seem to be enough evidence to be able to make a case against Donald Rumsfeld specifically.” He also asked why Rumsfeld had been “…

CNN's Rick Sanchez Calls Out Joe the Plumber

January 14th, 2009 11:40 PM
We've seen the mainstream media afflicted with Palin Derangement Syndrome.  We've experienced the media in the throes of Bush Derangement Syndrome.  Over at CNN, which modestly styles itself as the most trusted name in news, there's now an outbreak of Joe the Plumber Derangement Syndrome.Last week CNN Newsroom anchor Kyra Phillips went after Joe.  Today, it was CNN Newsroom anchor Rick Sanchez's…

CNN Corrects Its Pathetic 'Bush Snubbed By World Leaders' Story

November 22nd, 2008 2:45 PM
CNN has corrected a bogus story the network's Rick Sanchez pathetically aired Wednesday about leaders at last Saturday's G20 meeting snubbing President Bush as if he had "cooties."For those that missed it, Sanchez played a video (embedded below the fold) of Bush seemingly being ignored by most of the leaders of the free world as they lined up to take a group picture:I want you to look at this…

CNN's Sanchez Tries Mind Reading

November 14th, 2008 12:39 PM

CNN Implies Conservatives are Partially to Blame For Murders of Illega

November 12th, 2008 9:14 PM
On Wednesday’s Newsroom program, a report by CNN correspondent Joe Johns, along with a subsequent interview by anchor Rick Sanchez, raised the implication that anti-illegal immigration rhetoric, particularly from conservatives, might be partially to blame for a spike in so-called hate crimes against Latinos. During a clip in Johns’ report, which was about the recent murder of an immigrant from…

CNN’s Rick Sanchez Mentions Criticism from NewsBusters

November 12th, 2008 6:19 PM
CNN anchor Rick Sanchez actually complimented NewsBusters on Wednesday afternoon for monitoring his Newsroom program: "...[T]he NewsBusters website, which constantly monitors this show -- and we're glad that they do -- questioned my conversation -- criticized it with Neal Boortz. In particular, our suggestion that the GOP needs to remain adamantly anti-abortion, to try and keep the Southern vote…

F-Bomb Fallout: Morning Joe Crew Reacts To Tape Delay

November 12th, 2008 7:03 AM
If Morning Joe seems every-so-slightly less up-to-date, there's a reason for it. The show is now seven seconds behind the times. A tape delay has been instituted in the wake of Joe Scarborough's unintentional dropping of an f-bomb two days ago.B&C reported the change yesterday, and NewsBuster Ken Shepherd discussed it here.  The Morning Joe crew had fun with the move on today's show. Coming…

CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Does the GOP ‘Have to Be Anti-Abortion

November 11th, 2008 9:47 PM
During a segment on Tuesday’s Newsroom program, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez asked South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford if the Republican needed to abandon its social conservative principles in order to be successful again: "Do you have to be anti-abortion, because that's a very important, big topic in the South..?" Sanchez later asked the Republican governor, as well as talk show host Neal Boortz, "…

CNN's Sanchez Urges Obama to Bring Back FDR's WPA & CCC

November 7th, 2008 5:07 PM
President-elect Obama's economic plans aren't left-wing and government-centered enough for CNN anchor Rick Sanchez, who about 20 minutes after Obama's Friday afternoon press conference shared his personal suggestion for another WPA (Works Progress Administration) and/or CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), two government make-work programs from the 1930s. To a guest who lived through the Depression…

Rick Sanchez Gets Dirty With Joe the Plumber

November 5th, 2008 9:21 AM
Sheesh! Talking about rolling around in the dirt! CNN's Rick Sanchez was arguing taxes with Joe the Plumber (Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher) yesterday and somehow couldn't figure out the concept of "principles." Ironically, Sanchez then showed just how unprincipled he is by rolling around in the mud and digging up recycled "dirt" on Joe. Here is the transcript of the video so you can see for yourself…

GOP Palin Critics ‘Intellectual,’ Palin Backers ‘Knuckle-Dragger

November 3rd, 2008 6:12 PM
During a roundtable discussion on Monday’s Newsroom program with conservative talk show host Martha Zoller and her left-wing colleague Mike Malloy, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez strangely differentiated between "intellectual" conservatives who are "not so crazy" about Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and social conservatives who "love" her. Sanchez then described Zoller as a "mix" of…

CNN Graphics Highlight 'Palins & the Fringe,' Obama 'Braving... Attac

October 29th, 2008 5:57 PM
CNN practiced a more subtle form of bias during two reports in October by using its on-screen graphics. On October 14th's Newsroom program, a graphic accompanying a segment on Sarah and Todd Palin's connections to the Alaskan Independence Party proclaimed “The Palins and the Fringe.” On the other hand, a chyron from a report on Tuesday's Situation Room about Barack Obama making campaign stops in…

CNN’s Drew Griffin Warps Quote From National Review in Palin Intervi

October 22nd, 2008 1:22 PM
During an interview with Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Tuesday’s Situation Room, CNN’s Drew Griffin ripped a phrase out of a recent article by National Review’s Byron York which criticized the media’s coverage of Palin and characterized it as an attack on the Alaska governor. Griffin pointed out how "[t]he press has been pretty hard on you. The Democrats have been pretty…

CNN’s Rick Sanchez Highlights ‘Defecting’ Conservatives Against

October 15th, 2008 8:05 PM
During Wednesday’s Newsroom program, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez tried to portray that there were many so-called conservatives who were "defecting," in his words, from John McCain over his selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. His list of conservatives, which he read prior to an interview of National Review senior editor Ramesh Ponnuru, included homosexual activist Andrew…