LAT's Rainey: Palin Not Most Likely to Secede

October 15th, 2008 11:29 AM
Rather than deliver a single revelation, the 24-hour cable news channel coughed up a reheated, overwrought and misleading story that seemed designed to yoke Sarah Palin and her husband to the most extreme secessionists in Alaska.That's how Los Angeles Times's James Rainey characterized an October 14 effort by CNN's Rick Sanchez to portray Gov. Sarah Palin as a shady secessionist who would like…

Rick Sanchez Shocked by Black Men Who Don't Support Obama

October 12th, 2008 11:34 AM

CNN's Rick Sanchez: A Shining Paragon of Fairness and Balance

September 23rd, 2008 4:33 PM
At 3:30 yesterday afternoon, CNN's Rick Sanchez described in exquisite detail how fair and balanced his network has been behaving during the 2008 Presidential election. Specifically, Rick pointed out that: For the record, CNN has aired 22 reports from Alaska about Sarah Palin. We've aired 54 reports from Chicago about Obama, his minister, and other stories. See? Contrary to our neanderthal…

CNN’s Sanchez Features Student Who Mouths Obama Race Point by Stepha

September 15th, 2008 2:22 PM
CNN anchor Rich Sanchez, as part of his continuing interviews of first-time young voters, featured a Georgia Tech student on Monday’s American Morning who made a liberal statement on race that was nearly identical to one made by George Stephanopoulos over a year ago. Ben Porter, who was identified on-screen as an Obama supporter, stated that "[t]he people that can't accept a black man in the…

CNN Backtracks on Clinton Releasing Delegates Wednesday

August 25th, 2008 1:26 AM
CNN is suddenly backtracking from a report it made early Sunday evening concerning Hillary Clinton releasing her delegates to Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday.During the 6PM EDT installment of "CNN Newsroom," Rick Sanchez announced the "breaking news" that was later posted at the network's website under the headline "Clinton to Release Her Delegates to Obama."Yet, just…

Pressed by CNN, Warren Says Obama Had a Competitive Edge

August 18th, 2008 5:30 PM
On Sunday night’s Newsroom program, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez, pressed megachurch leader Rick Warren about Obama campaign charges that John McCain was cheating by not being in a "cone of silence" during Obama’s interview. "Last night, I heard you say that McCain would be in a cone of silence, and then half-hour into the event, I hear our guys here at our political desk announced that McCain has…

Rick Warren Seconds CNN's Portrayal Of Obama As 'Thoughtful

August 17th, 2008 11:21 PM

Day 1 of Obama's Magical Media Tour: All Air from Outside the Paint

July 20th, 2008 1:20 AM
A great first day on national television news for Barack Obama as he began his much-hyped overseas trip with a stop in Kuwait before moving on to Afghanistan. CNN anchor Rick Sanchez, seemingly channeling the media's own excitement, on Saturday night hailed it as “a trip that seems to be captivating the rest of the world as much, if not more so, than many in the United States.”ABC, CBS and CNN…

CNN’s Sanchez Asks Young Muslim Voters Leading Questions on War, Oba

April 25th, 2008 11:22 AM
CNN’s Rick Sanchez, who is interviewing apparent first-time voters as part of CNN’s series titled “The League of First Time Voters,” featured a group of young Muslim voters in a segment that aired on “American Morning” and CNN’s “Newsroom” program on Thursday, and asked them a series of questions that seemed tailored for the American Islamic community. In his first question, Sanchez asked, “When…

Did CNN's Rick Sanchez Push Left Agenda in College Interviews

April 21st, 2008 1:30 PM
On Monday morning, April 21, CNN aired "America Votes 2008” with Rick Sanchez, (11:30 AM CT) a segment that featured reporter Sanchez visiting Penn State University to talk to some of the students about the upcoming Pennsylvania Democratic Primary. In the aftermath of CNN's visit, some of the students involved in the taping are alleging that Sanchez was so virulently skewed to the left that he…

CNN's Sanchez Defends Hit on McCain Over Supporter's 'Bitch' Remark

November 15th, 2007 3:45 AM
A night after CNN host Rick Sanchez decided to try to create a scandal over John McCain's failure to rebuke a supporter who referred to Hillary Clinton as a “bitch,” Sanchez on Wednesday declared McCain “should have distanced himself” from the remark and, since he didn't, the incident was newsworthy; McCain castigated CNN for its “biased reporting” and CNN's own media critic, Howard Kurtz agreed…

CNN's Sanchez Erupts Over McCain Not Rebuking Supporter Who Called Hil

November 14th, 2007 3:06 AM
Trying to create a scandal over Republican presidential candidate John McCain's failure to rebuke a woman supporter who called Hillary Clinton a “bitch,” CNN's Rick Sanchez led Tuesday night's Out in the Open with what he insisted was the “relevant and newsworthy” topic as he seriously asked: “Is John McCain done as a result of this?” He later speculated: “Is his campaign dead in the water?”…

CNN Uses Rick Sanchez Program to Hammer O’Reilly Story

October 1st, 2007 4:57 PM
CNN has highlighted the Media Matters-driven spin on Bill O’Reilly’s race remarks on his radio program since the beginning of the week, and has specifically used "Out in the Open" program, hosted by Rick Sanchez, to carry the water on the subject Monday through Friday of last week."Out in the Open" first did a segment on the O’Reilly issue on Monday, at the bottom of the 8 pm Eastern hour.…

CNN’s ‘Newsroom,’ MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ Pile on O’Reilly

September 25th, 2007 6:26 PM
Less than a half-hour after Kiran Chetry and Roland Martin speculated whether O’Reilly’s recent comments on race would be the next "Imus Moment," the cast of MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" mocked the Fox News host. Co-host Mika Brzezinski put on her best Meryl Streep imitation after a clip of O’Reilly’s comments were played. "Oh, my God.... Wow... That's attractive," and also made an audible Al Gore-style…