Time Places 'Moron' NewsBusters on 'Least Influential' List

April 29th, 2010 4:17 PM
Time magazine's website on Thursday named me to their tongue-in-cheek "Least Influential People of 2010" list, ranking me with other notables such as Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, MSNBC anchor David Shuster, and Clarence Thomas. Contributor Joel Stein stated that he was "short on morons" to put on his list, so he picked me after CNN anchor Rick Sanchez told him about our recent dispute.The…

Oops: CNN, WaPo Jumped on CAIR's License Plate 'Hate' Theory, Now Disp

April 29th, 2010 1:49 PM
On April 22 and 27, CNN and The Washington Post both helped forward Islamic advocacy group CAIR's publicity stunt which demeaned an anonymous Virginia motorist as a racist. The Post finally found the driver on Thursday – and apparently, both news outlets jumped the gun, as the owner claimed that the numbers on his license plate were a tribute to his favorite NASCAR drivers, not secret code for “…

Rick Sanchez Forwards CAIR's Nazi License Plate Speculation

April 27th, 2010 7:42 PM
On Tuesday's Rick List, CNN's Rick Sanchez unquestioningly forwarded Islamic advocacy group CAIR's admitted speculation about a Virginia license plate containing a supposed coded message of white supremacy/neo-Naziism, which they found on a pickup truck that also had an anti-Islamic message on it [audio clip available here].Sanchez devoted a brief to the controversy over the Virginia license…

What Will Rick Sanchez, CNN's Mr. Wizard, Discover Next About Science

April 26th, 2010 9:37 PM

What Will Rick Sanchez, CNN's Mr. Wizard, Discover Next About Science

April 25th, 2010 4:55 PM

What Will Rick Sanchez, CNN's Mr. Wizard, Discover Next About Science

April 24th, 2010 7:01 PM

What Will Rick Sanchez, CNN's Mr. Wizard, Discover Next About Science

April 23rd, 2010 5:21 PM

What Will Rick Sanchez, CNN's Mr. Wizard, Discover Next About Science

April 22nd, 2010 6:05 PM

Satire: What Will CNN's Mr. Wizard, Rick Sanchez, Discover Next About

April 21st, 2010 5:06 PM
In response to CNN anchor Rick Sanchez lunging onto the air to defend his quote-unquote "joke" when he suggested it was strange to discover a volcano in a cold place, NewsBusters has decided to spend a few days presenting other episodes of scientific genius we might see from CNN's Mr. Wizard in the months and years to come during Rick's List in the afternoon. Here's one:   "We have some new…

CNN's Rick Sanchez Goes After 'Cheap Shot' From NewsBusters

April 19th, 2010 6:08 PM
CNN's Rick Sanchez named me and NewsBusters to "the very top" of his daily 'List That U Don't Want 2 Be On' on his Rick's List show on Monday. Sanchez criticized me for apparently not being able to tell he was "joking" during a segment on April 15 where he stated that "you think it's too cold to have a volcano" in Iceland [audio available here].I have been monitoring the anchor since September…

Rick Sanchez: 'Too Cold' in Iceland 'To Have a Volcano There

April 15th, 2010 6:37 PM
[Update, 6:21 pm Eastern Monday April 19: Sanchez named me to the "very top of his "List U Don't Want 2 Be on" for this item: CNN's Rick Sanchez Goes After 'Cheap Shot' From NewsBusters][Update, 10:25 am Eastern Friday: Rick Sanchez dismissed his Iceland remark as a "joke" on Twitter on Friday morning: "yeah, it's friday reading up on...dummies who took my joke w chad about vocano [sic]…

Media Omits 'Outspoken' Priest's Liberal Dissension From Catholic Chur

April 13th, 2010 11:49 PM
On Monday evening and Tuesday, ABC, CBS, and CNN all highlighted a Catholic priest's call for Pope Benedict XVI's resignation due to his alleged mishandling of the Church sex abuse scandal, labeling him "outspoken," and even going so far to compliment him as "brave" and "gutsy." All three networks, however, ignored the priest's affiliation with a liberal group and his dissension from Church…

Tea Partier Schools CNN's Rick Sanchez and Rep. Alan Grayson

March 30th, 2010 11:48 AM
Jordan Marks, the head of Young Americans for Freedom and a Tea Party activist, took on CNN's Rick Sanchez and Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) Monday and came out looking like the only sane, civil man in the room.Appearing on "Campbell Brown" to address recent allegations of death threats by Tea Partiers against Congressional Democrats, Marks told substitute host Sanchez, "I think it's a shame that…

Media Badly Misrepresent Ann Coulter's 'Take A Camel' Remark

March 28th, 2010 10:10 PM
Conservative author Ann Coulter found herself embroiled in controversy last week after she spoke at a Canadian university.According to numerous American media outlets, when asked by a seventeen-year-old Muslim student at the University of Western Ontario last Monday, "[S]ince I don't have a magic carpet, what other modes [of transportation] do you suggest," Coulter responded, "Take a camel."What…