CNN's Sanchez Asks: Are U.S. 'Zealots' Similar to Al Qaeda, Taliban

March 25th, 2010 3:01 PM
Not content with simply reporting on threats against lawmakers who voted for ObamaCare, the liberal media has taken it upon itself (with a bit of direction from the Democratic Party) to blame the Tea Party and the GOP. The coverage stands in stark contrast to the litany of similar instances involving conservatives and Republicans. They were treated as isolated incidents, if discussed at all.CNN's…

Sanchez Hints GOP, 'Crazy Talk Show Hosts' to Blame For Violent Threat

March 24th, 2010 5:26 PM
CNN's Rick Sanchez repeatedly insinuated on his Rick's List program on Wednesday that Republican leaders and "crazy talk show hosts that are so right wing" were to blame for ten congressman requesting extra security earlier in the day: "Are some Republicans culpable of stirring this, to a certain degree?"Sanchez led the 3 pm Eastern hour of his program with House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn and…

Sanchez to Grayson: Did You Call Sarah Palin An Alaskan Dingbat

March 23rd, 2010 10:10 AM
On the day after the historic healthcare reform vote in the House of Representatives, CNN's Rick Sanchez decided to use his interview with Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) to bash former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.After spending a few minutes getting the outspoken Floridian's views of what happened in the House Sunday, Sanchez moved on to what he and his producers must have felt was a more…

Sanchez and Former Arafat Adviser: Israel's a Danger to US Troops

March 17th, 2010 2:06 PM
Rick Sanchez Tuesday invited on a former adviser to deceased Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat in order to tell viewers how Israel has become a threat to American troops.The CNNer devoted a good amount of his two-hour "Rick's List" to teeing up a number of guests and fellow so-called journalists to voice their anti-Israel sentiments. "Mark Perry is saying that some of the top Pentagon generals…

CNN Displays Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Twitter Comments

March 17th, 2010 11:16 AM
CNN on Tuesday ran some anti-Semitic and anti-Israel comments sent by viewers via the social networking website Twitter.As host Rick Sanchez discussed the Israeli-Palistinian issue during yesterday's "Rick's List," the bottom of the screen carried "tweets" from viewers on the subject.Politico's Ben Smith reported shortly after it occurred (video embedded below the fold):

The Short Memory of Rick Sanchez and His Tea Party Coverage

March 10th, 2010 3:14 PM
In an event most likely coordinated with help from the White House, more than 1,000 protesters supporting Obama's radical health care agenda demonstrated in D.C. on March 9, going so far as to attempt a citizen-arrests of health insurance executives holding a conference at a hotel in Dupont Circle. Covering the story on "Rick's List," CNN's Rick "Down the Middle" Sanchez assured viewers he would…

CNN's Rick Sanchez Again Hints Rick Perry is a Racist

March 2nd, 2010 7:15 PM
On Tuesday's Rick's List on CNN, Rick Sanchez again hinted that Texas Governor Rick Perry is a racist. Sanchez, reacting to the distinct possibility that Perry would win the Republican gubernatorial primary, referenced a comment he made at a tea party rally in 2009: "He was talking about states' rights. States' rights is, to most people of color, a racist term" [audio clip available here].The CNN…

CNN's Cooper Follows Rick Sanchez's Example in Looking For Sob Stories

March 2nd, 2010 5:26 PM
Just days after Rick Sanchez and his producer asked for "hardship stories" online, CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 program on Tuesday looked for people who have lost their unemployment benefits due to Republican Senator Jim Bunning's opposition to a $10 billion emergency measure which would have extended benefits.The unsigned entry on the AC360 blog, which was posted on Tuesday afternoon, first…

Rick Sanchez Admits He Doesn't Know What Nine Meters Is

March 2nd, 2010 1:25 PM
"Myself and most of the people I know don't know the metric system or can't do the conversion charts very well."So said CNN's Rick Sanchez Monday in response to criticism that he has taken for his absolutely pathetic coverage of Saturday's tsunamis in Hawaii.As NewsBusters previously reported, Sanchez manically pestered a scientist brought on to CNN's set Saturday to explain what was happening in…

Jon Stewart Rips Rick Sanchez For 'Nine Meters In English Is

March 2nd, 2010 10:19 AM
Comedian Jon Stewart tore apart CNN's Rick Sanchez Monday leading one to believe the "Daily Show" host might be a NewsBusters reader.On Saturday, we noticed a pathetic performance by Sanchez during that afternoon's coverage of the tsunamis predicted to hit Hawaii after the massive earthquake in Chile."By the way, nine meters in English is?" the manic CNNer actually asked a scientist brought on to…

Rick Sanchez Asks Scientist 'Nine Meters In English Is

February 27th, 2010 9:10 PM
CNN's Rick Sanchez Saturday actually needed someone to explain to him what nine meters measures in feet.As tsunamis approached Hawaii following the 8.8 magnitude earthquake in Chile, CNN rushed in a scientist to discuss what wave detection buoys in the ocean were showing.After CNN meteorologist Jacqui Jeras set up Dr. Kurt Frankel of the Georgia Institute of Technology, the professor explained…

CNN's Sanchez Takes a Page From Democrats' Playbook

February 27th, 2010 4:16 PM
Unable to defend ObamaCare with reasoning or facts, many of the Democrats at Thursday's health care summit resorted to anecdotes or, as Rush Limbaugh appropriately characterized them, sob stories.  The recycling of a dead woman's dentures and a letter from a struggling farmer who just happens to be the brother of a staffer for the Democratic senator sent the letter were the order of the day.CNN…

Sanchez to Medina: 'You Say You're Not a Truther. Are You a Birther

February 23rd, 2010 11:11 PM
CNN's Rick Sanchez Tuesday grilled Texas gubernatorial candidate and Tea Party activist Debra Medina about her positions concerning America's role in the 9/11 attacks as well as whether or not Barack Obama was born in the United States."Just so for the record, if you want to stomp this out right here now on national television, do you believe the government, the U.S. government, played any role…

Rick Sanchez: Ann Coulter 'Exemplifies the Hardline Spirit of CPAC

February 22nd, 2010 6:08 PM
On Monday's Rick's List, CNN's Rick Sanchez painted Ann Coulter and CPAC as "hardline." Sanchez also implied that the CPAC attendees were hypocritically cheering Dick Cheney: "I invited Ann Coulter, who exemplifies the hardline spirit of CPAC...and asked her why anti-spend conservatives meeting there...would give a standing ovation to a former vice president whose administration ran up the…