Rob Stein

Calling Dr. Orwell: WaPo Tries to Help ACLU Define Abortion, Contracep
December 23rd, 2010 12:02 PM
Liberals have claimed that conservatives wage a war on "science," but when it comes to social liberalism, they are often at odds with scientific reality. For example, they will define a woman as "He" and a man as "She" if the person in question simply decides that's how they want to be addressed. Or, in Thursday's Washington Post, the words "reproductive care" are used, without quotes, to…

Partial-birth Abortionist Opens Shop in D.C. Area, WaPo Buries Story o
December 1st, 2010 12:08 PM
Three weeks ago, the Washington Post reported on the front page of its November 10 Metro section that a "Nebraska doctor who is one of the few in the country to perform abortions late in a pregnancy said Wednesday that he would open new clinics in Iowa and the Washington area."
At the time, Carhart refused to disclose where he would open his D.C.-area clinic, but said that it would be in a…
Liberal Feminists Angry at Obama, But WaPo Avoids the Words 'Liberal
March 25th, 2010 6:56 AM
The Washington Post will go to great lengths to avoid the L-word. On its front page, it acknowledges that liberal feminists are upset about the executive order that claims to stop plans for taxpayer-subsidized abortions. "Obama angers core backers with abortion order. A8".The story by Post reporter Rob Stein is headlined "Order on abortion angers core backers: Women's advocates bristle as…
Jack Cafferty: 'Abstinence-Only Sex Education Might Just Work
February 2nd, 2010 9:26 PM
CNN's Jack Cafferty, during a commentary on Tuesday's Situation Room, fairly presented the results of recent "landmark" study which indicates abstinence-only sex education has better results than "safe sex" classes in preventing teenagers from having sex : "This just in: abstinence-only sex education might just work... [The] study...could have huge implications on the national debate over…
Washington Post Says Abstinence Programs 'Might Work' Just Days After
February 2nd, 2010 2:26 PM
Rob Stein of The Washington Post rehashed a two-year-old study about teen pregnancy rates on Jan. 26 in order to criticize funding for abstinence programs. Little did he know that he'd have to eat his words just a few days later. On Feb. 2, Stein wrote another abstinence-centered article, but this time with a very different theme. The headline read: "Abstinence only programs might work, study…
Time and Post Rehash Old Study to Bash Funding for Abstinence Programs
January 27th, 2010 11:09 AM
UPDATE: The New York Times joined the fray as well with a similar article. Must be a slow news week. Both Time and the Washington Post reported yesterday on a rehashed two-year-old study about rising teen pregnancy rates. "Pregnancy rates among U.S. teenagers," wrote Time's Belinda Luscombe, "which had been dropping since 1990, took an upturn in 2006, according to newly released data." This "…
Post Article Largely Ignores Health Problems with Gardasil Vaccine
March 26th, 2009 3:45 PM
A major pharmaceutical company lobbies to require that children be given a vaccine. Parents should be made aware of any problems resulting from the vaccine, right? Not according to a recent Washington Post article.Rob Stein’s March 26 article about the Gardasil vaccine debate failed to include any references to the several documented cases of health problems and even death that resulted from the…
WaPo Labeling Bias Pits Conservative Pro-lifers vs. 'Women's Health Ad
August 22nd, 2008 8:16 AM
In a below-the-fold August 22 front page story, the Washington Post cast a "controversial" new federal regulation aimed at safeguarding the consciences of medical professionals as pitting "conservative groups" and "abortion opponents" against "[w]omen's health advocates."Right off the bat Post staffer Rob Stein skewed his article -- "Protections Set for Antiabortion Health Workers: Opponents…
WaPo Prescribes Bias in Story on Pro-life Pharmacy
June 16th, 2008 11:50 AM
On the one hand, I have to give the Washington Post some credit for its biased June 16 story about a new pro-life pharmacy set to open in northern Virginia this summer. Even with its less-than-fair treatment, it informs pro-life readers of a new pharmacy they may wish to patronize. Of course the store opening is worthy of news coverage for a number of reasons, such as the intersection of faith…