CNN's Cafferty Skeptical of Kagan Nomination to Supreme Court

May 11th, 2010 6:55 PM
CNN's Jack Cafferty expressed skepticism of President Barack Obama's nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court during a commentary on Tuesday's Situation Room. After outlining Kagan's elite background, Cafferty noted that many thought that "someone who has spent so much time in elite academic settings is out-of-touch with average Americans."The CNN commentator began by pointing out a…

Topsy Turvy: CNN Obama Pal Bashes Kagan, Fox News Legal Expert Praises

May 10th, 2010 3:21 PM
Who said the cable networks were predictable? The Elena Kagan nomination has drawn surprising fire from Obama-friendly Roland Martin of CNN, and surprising praise from Fox News legal analyst Lis Wiehl. In a commentary, Martin hammered Kagan's record of hiring a pile of whites at Harvard Law: Guy-Uriel Charles, founding director of the Duke Law Center on Law, Race and Politics, has heavily…

CNN's Roland Martin Has an Answer for Most Tea Partiers, Lefties Who D

May 1st, 2010 7:37 PM
CNN political analyst/Obama publicist Roland Martin granted an interview to Time Out Chicago, and his dominant theme was America is full of stupid people:  Roland Martin thinks you’re stupid. Well, not you, specifically, just a lot of you in general. “We got some pretty dumb people,” says the Chicago-based CNN contributor, relaxing in the network’s offices at Tribune Tower between appearances…

Media: Confederate History Month Proof of Conservative Racism

April 14th, 2010 9:37 AM
Painting conservatives as racists is a favorite pastime of the mainstream media and a recent move by Republican Virginia governor Bob McDonnell gave them more ammunition to do just that. McDonnell issued a proclamation on April 2 stating April would be Confederate History Month, but failed to note the role slavery played in the U.S. Civil War that lasted from 1861-1865. Commentators and…

Roland Martin Says 'Confederates and Al-Qaida Are The Same: Terrorists

April 11th, 2010 4:01 PM
CNN's Roland Martin continues to make a fool out of himself concerning Gov. Bob McDonnell's (R-Va.) decision to name April "Confederate History Month.""After reading the hundreds of e-mails, Facebook comments and tweets in response to my denunciation of Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell's decision to honor Confederates for their involvement in the Civil War -- which was based on the desire to continue…

CNN's Roland Martin Bashes NewsBusters in Twitter Chat About Racial In

April 8th, 2010 10:52 AM
The following is a Twitter conversation I had with CNN's Roland S. Martin on Wednesday. He was upset at Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-Va.) issuing a proclamation declaring it Confederate History Month in the commonwealth without mentioning slavery. He had retweeted Donna Brazile's tweet that she was outraged that the RNC hadn’t condemned McDonnell. Her Tweet said:  "RNC Chair should have condemned this…

ObamaCare Opponents 'Probably Can't Spell Communism and Socialism' Say

March 22nd, 2010 8:49 AM
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck - but just be prepared to have your spelling skills challenged when you reach that conclusion.  And so goes CNN's Roland Martin. On the network's March 21 special coverage of the House of Representatives passage of health care legislation, host Wolf Blitzer asked Martin, a CNN political analyst, about his views of…

CNN's Rick Sanchez Again Hints Rick Perry is a Racist

March 2nd, 2010 7:15 PM
On Tuesday's Rick's List on CNN, Rick Sanchez again hinted that Texas Governor Rick Perry is a racist. Sanchez, reacting to the distinct possibility that Perry would win the Republican gubernatorial primary, referenced a comment he made at a tea party rally in 2009: "He was talking about states' rights. States' rights is, to most people of color, a racist term" [audio clip available here].The CNN…

Van Jones Tells Roland Martin He's Called 'The Green Jack Kemp

March 1st, 2010 8:30 AM
The whitewash-the-green-czar tour continued, as Van Jones found another comfortable powder-puff interview with another black leftist, this time with CNN analyst Roland Martin. On Martin's Sunday show Washington Watch on the black entertainment channel TV One, Jones declared "I'm called the green Jack Kemp, because I'm so passionate about the entrepreneurial agenda here."He means green jobs, which…

Media Cast Liberal Republican Meghan McCain as ‘Voice of Young Conse

February 17th, 2010 10:27 AM
CPAC, the annual Conservative Political Action Conference begins Feb. 18. Conservative leaders will rally the troops before the mid-term elections in November and discuss the future role of conservatives in politics. One person who will not be in attendance is Meghan McCain, despite the year-long media attempt to make citizens believe she is somehow representative of conservatives. She…

Roland Martin: Palin Should ‘Cut the Crap’ and Stick to Making Mon

February 16th, 2010 5:34 PM
Last Thursday, Roland Martin went nuclear on former Governor Sarah Palin in a rant clearly inspired by the "retard" dustup that devolved into a general screed against everything the CNN contributor could think of. Among the lowlights of the piece, Martin: mocked those in "real America" for being Palin fans; accused her of giving speeches "full of falsehoods," and; claimed she was an empty-headed…

CNN's Roland Martin: It's Time for Obama to 'Go Gangsta on GOP

February 11th, 2010 10:47 PM
CNN political analyst Roland Martin stirred things up on with his editorial "Time to go gangsta on GOP." Martin is sick and tired of Republicans holding up Obama nominees, so he’s suggesting that the president act like Al Capone or maybe the movie version, Robert DeNiro in The Untouchables: Obama's critics keep blasting him for Chicago-style politics. So, fine. Channel your inner Al…

Media Let Duncan Off the Hook for Katrina Comment, Blasted GOP Rep for

February 1st, 2010 1:22 PM
On Saturday, NB's Noel Sheppard reported on this statement made by Education Secretary Arne Duncan: "I think the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans was hurricane Katrina. That education system was a disaster. It took hurricane Katrina to wake up the community and say we have to do better."CNN host T.J. Holmes read that quote aloud during a broadcast. "Of course I…

CNN Shocker: Hurricane Katrina Good For New Orleans Schools

January 30th, 2010 8:49 PM
Here's something you never would have heard from a mainstream media outlet when George W. Bush was President: Hurricane Katrina was a good thing for New Orleans.When it comes to the school system in the Louisiana city, that's exactly what CNN reported during Saturday's "Newsroom." After anchor T.J. Holmes read a statement from Education Secretary Arne Duncan -- "I think the best thing that…