CNN's Liberal Panelists Run to Obama's Defense on Supreme Court Rebuke

January 28th, 2010 5:02 PM
During CNN’s post-State of Union coverage on Wednesday night, three  liberal commentators- Paul Begala, James Carville, and Roland Martin- put up an energetic defense of President Obama’s rebuke of the Supreme Court during the address. Begala and Carville took issue with Republican panelist Alex Castellanos’s reproof of the President, while Martin rebuked Justice Samuel Alito’s reaction.Anchor…

CNN's Martin Warns Obama: Blaming Bush Won't Work Forever

December 6th, 2009 7:09 PM
CNN political contributor Roland Martin opined on Friday that since President Obama has been in the White House for almost a year, his default line of blaming George Bush for an inherited mess will soon stop working. In a strange bout of liberal acknowledgement, Martin conceded that Barack Obama "rode into office on the 'blame Bush' tidal wave" that had become "the Democrats' most famous…

Roland Martin Politicizes Beck Appendectomy: 'Blew Gasket After NY

November 5th, 2009 11:06 AM

CNN's Martin: Dems are a 'Big Tent,' GOP Risks 'Fringe' Status

November 3rd, 2009 4:32 PM
CNN’s Roland Martin picked up where Anderson Cooper left off on Monday’s AC360, claiming that there’s “the beginnings of a civil war” in the GOP and that Tea Party protesters “want to radicalize the right” in the party. Martin also claimed that the Democrats are more of a “big tent” than Republicans: “You have a Democratic Party that has no problem having liberal...moderate...and conservative…

CNN's Brown Points Out Fox and MSNBC's Bias; Ignores Network's Own

October 29th, 2009 12:38 PM
CNN’s Campbell Brown was quick to point out the apparent biases of competitors MSNBC and Fox News during her program on Wednesday, but ignored that of her own network as she tried to portray it as unbiased: “Some of us, like my colleagues here at CNN, are still trying to do journalism....I’m not critical of what my friends at Fox News and MSNBC do, but it is apples and oranges when compared to…

Roland Martin Hits Obama From the Left on Executive Pay: 'It's About T

October 21st, 2009 6:06 PM
CNN political analyst Roland Martin ripped President Obama from the left on Wednesday’s Newsroom, after the White House announced that they were going to cut the pay of top executives at corporations which took taxpayer money from the federal government for bailouts: “It’s about damn time. The White House, frankly, has been slow in actually making this happen.”Near the end of the 3 pm Eastern…

No Conservatives in Campbell Brown's Health Care Discussion

September 30th, 2009 4:46 PM
Hours after the Senate Finance Committee rejected the public option as part of the proposed health care “reform” plan, CNN’s Campbell Brown couldn’t seem to find any conservatives to discuss the vote on her program on Tuesday. Her discussion segment brought three liberals to the table- former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich, Roland Martin, and senior political analyst Gloria Borger.…

CNN's Brown: Critics of Obama Speech Curriculum 'Insane,' 'Nutty

September 9th, 2009 4:16 PM
CNN anchor Campbell Brown blasted the critics of the initial curriculum for President Obama’s speech to school children on her program on Tuesday. She first advised them to “admit this whole episode was just nutty,” and later accused Republicans of “pushing some insane stuff.” The CNN anchor omitted any mention of the curriculum, making it look like the critics were overreacting to the speech…

Bozell: 'Here We Go Again' As Lib Media Assail Protesters of Obama's

September 8th, 2009 12:02 PM
Just as soon as "average Americans practice their First Amendment free speech rights to protest another outrageous liberal proposal," the liberal media "immediately go into full-on attack mode - against the American people" Media Research Center President Brent Bozell argued in a statement released this morning."Just as with the tea party protesters, and the socialized health care town hall…

CNN's Martin: 'Insane' Objectors to Obama Speech to Kids Acting Childi

September 4th, 2009 4:39 PM
On Thursday’s Campbell Brown program, CNN’s Roland Martin berated the critics of the accompanying lesson plan for President Obama’s upcoming speech to school kids, calling them “insane parents.” He later complimented Mr. Obama for the planned speech and made another insult: “I’m glad we have a president who’s willing to speak to children, because maybe these same parents were acting like children…

CNN Tries To Tie Gov. Perry to Secessionist, Hints He's a Closet Racis

September 2nd, 2009 6:33 PM
On Wednesday’s Newsroom, CNN’s Rick Sanchez used a recent pro-Texas secession rally in Austin to renew attention on Governor Rick Perry’s April 2009 speech to a tea party where he appeared to endorse this political view. Sanchez, along with CNN political analyst Roland Martin, later strongly hinted that Governor Perry could be painted as a racist for using “states’ rights” language.Sanchez began…

CNN's Sanchez Admits to Erroneous 'Paraphrase' of John McCain

August 4th, 2009 5:37 PM
[Update, 6:45 pm Eastern: Video and audio clips from segments added.]CNN anchor Rick Sanchez concluded Tuesday’s Newsroom program with an admission of sorts about his misrepresentation on the previous day of John McCain’s words about the GOP’s outreach to Latinos: “I paraphrased to my colleague Roland Martin that McCain had said the party needs to recruit ‘competent’ Hispanics. I just want to be…

CNN's Sanchez Misrepresents John McCain's Words on Hispanic Outreach

August 3rd, 2009 6:29 PM
On Monday’s Newsroom program, CNN anchor Rick Sanchez misrepresented Senator John McCain’s words from an interview with his colleague John King on Sunday about the GOP’s outreach with Latinos. He described the Arizona Republican as recommending that “the Republican Party needs to find competent Hispanics who can fit into the party,” when McCain never used the word “competent.”Sanchez had CNN…

CNN Panel Overwhelmingly Argues in Favor of Same-Sex 'Marriage

May 28th, 2009 4:20 PM
CNN’s Roland Martin on Wednesday’s “No Bias, No Bull” program featured another panel which leaned overwhelmingly to the left, during a discussion about the California Supreme Court upholding Proposition 8. Four of the five participants -- CNN correspondent Erica Hill, Lisa Bloom of TruTv, New York Observer columnist Steve Kornacki, and the Reverend Byron Williams of Resurrection Community Church…