CNN’s David Gergen Mocks Joe the Plumber, Asks Why McCain Didn’t V

October 17th, 2008 4:26 PM
On Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360 program, CNN senior political analyst David Gergen followed the liberal talking points about how Joe the Plumber’s real first name is Samuel and how he doesn’t have a plumbing license. When host Anderson Cooper asked if John McCain benefitted from the attention on the Ohio laborer, Gergen replied, "Well, I think he was for a while. But I -- when we found out he…

CNN's Roland Martin Says McCain's Ayers Is...Thurmond, Helms, and Byrd

October 8th, 2008 3:45 PM
At the top of’s most popular stories at midday Wednesday was a commentary by CNN contributor Roland Martin, a relentless unpaid Obama spin controller and host of a series of weekend specials. Martin's commentary argued that the Bill Ayers issue is a "smokescreen" and that if Barack Obama is tarred by working with Ayers, McCain is just as tarred by working with....Strom Thurmond, Jesse…

Roland Martin & Jeffrey Toobin: CNN’s Resident Obama Spokesmen

September 17th, 2008 5:37 PM
Two segments on CNN’s Election Center program on Monday and Tuesday evenings which aimed to fact-check political ads by the McCain and Obama campaigns were followed by panel discussions in which contributor Roland Martin (on Monday) and senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin (on Tuesday) took active roles in denouncing the McCain ads as being filled with "lies" and "falsehoods." Martin accused…

CNN’s Toobin: Palin ‘Very Extreme’ on Embryonic Stem Cell Resear

September 10th, 2008 9:39 PM
CNN’s senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin criticized Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Tuesday’s Election Center program for having a "very extreme" position on the issue of embryonic stem cell research: "By excluding that entire scientific method, it seems like you're an extremist, and frankly, her position is very extreme in the American spectrum. And I think that is the…

'Showbiz Tonight' Trumpets Hasselbeck 'Controversy

September 10th, 2008 4:54 PM
Is an implicitly mild anti-Michelle Obama comment worse than an overt anti-Catholic remark? According to the CNN Headline News show "Showbiz Tonight" on Monday September 8, they apparently are. While they ignored Joy Behar’s inflammatory remarks comparing the saints to mental patients, they were all over Elisabeth Hasselbeck for revealing that Michelle Obama provided a list of forbidden questions…

CNN’s Martin and Toobin Come Out Hard Against Palin After Speech

September 4th, 2008 2:00 AM
Minutes after Republican vice-presidential pick Sarah Palin finished her speech on Wednesday night, CNN’s Roland Martin and Jeffrey Toobin went on the offensive against the Alaska governor. Co-host Anderson Cooper first asked Martin for his reaction. He first stated that "she gave a solid speech" and then focused on Palin’s dig at Barack Obama being a community organizer in Chicago: "...[S]he…

CNN’s Liberal Talking Heads Caught Dancing to Dems’ Music

August 26th, 2008 11:30 PM
No, it’s not what you might think. We know that CNN’s Roland Martin "dances" to a liberal tune, but the cameras caught him grooving to the music at the Democratic convention, along with CNN frequent contributors (and Democratic strategists) Paul Begala and Donna Brazille, as featured in a report by correspondent Jeanne Moos on Tuesday’s The Situation Room (video at right).The CNN camera crews…

CNN's Martin: 'Crazy Folks on the Right' Distort Michelle Obama

August 25th, 2008 12:02 PM
Monday’s "American Morning" featured a segment on CNN political analyst Roland Martin’s recent TV One interview with Michelle Obama which seemingly sought to counter negative assertions about Obama by Republicans and “crazy folks on the right.” After airing a clip of Obama talking about her blue-collar upbringing, during which she stated that her story was the "quintessential American story," co-…

CNN's Analysis: At Saddleback, Obama Was 'Thoughtful

August 17th, 2008 11:16 AM

CNN’s Roland Martin Disses Pro-Lifers, Dobson

June 25th, 2008 5:55 PM
Over the course of two programs on Tuesday evening, CNN political analyst Roland Martin unhesitatingly ran to the defense of Barack Obama against the recent criticism of Dr. James Dobson, who characterized the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate of "distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology" in a 2006 speech. On the "…

CNN’s Roland Martin: ‘Weak’ Conservative Men ‘Don't Like Stron

June 18th, 2008 5:59 PM
[Update, 10:30 am EDT Thursday: Martin's title at CNN is now political analyst, not contributor, according to an e-mail we received earlier this morning. This must be a very recent development, as Mr. Martin was referred to as "contributor" as late as June 17.] CNN contributor Roland Martin, when asked on Tuesday’s "Anderson Cooper 360" if Michelle Obama was being held to a different standard…

CNN’s Roland Martin: ‘Idiot Democrats’ Behind Michelle Obama Rum

June 13th, 2008 4:31 PM
CNN contributor Roland Martin, a known Barack Obama sympathizer, surprisingly isn’t buying the argument that conservatives/Republicans are behind the rumored Michelle Obama "whitey" comment. During a segment on Thursday’s "Anderson Cooper 360," substitute anchor Campbell Brown asked Martin, "Republicans have made it clear, pretty much, that Michelle is fair game here. Are you surprised by the…

BET Founder: Election of Obama ‘Greater Than the Emancipation Procla

June 4th, 2008 1:37 PM
BET founder Bob Johnson, despite his consistent support of Hillary Clinton, placed an unequivocal importance on Barack Obama’s election as President during a segment on Wednesday’s "American Morning." "I believe that if Senator Obama leads this country the way he ran the primary, it will become a historic event for African-Americans, probably greater than the Emancipation Proclamation, which was…

Campbell Concurs: Obama Flag Pin Issue 'Nonsensical, Ridiculous

May 27th, 2008 10:13 PM
CNN classifies Campbell Brown as an "anchor," but that apparently doesn't prevent her from riding to Barack Obama's defense on a high-profile issue. On this evening's Election Center, Brown seconded a guest's assertion that the controversy surrounding Barack Obama's erstwhile refusal to wear a flag pin was "nonsensical" and "ridiculous."The topic was the matter of Obama's patriotism as a…