Time’s Stengel: ‘Certain Amount of Glee’ in Press Over Hillary

May 27th, 2008 5:35 PM
Time magazine managing editor Richard Stengel made an open confession about the mainstream media’s pro-Obama leanings on Monday’s "The Situation Room." " I would be a liar if I said that there hasn't been a certain amount of glee in the press corps about Hillary Clinton not doing that well. To use a very fancy word, there's some schadenfreude among the press." Despite this candor, he then went on…

CNN’s Roland Martin Slams ‘War Hero’ McCain While Speaking for O

May 19th, 2008 12:54 PM
CNN contributor Roland Martin, asked about Democrats’ low poll results concerning national security on Friday’s "Election Center" program, answered using his best Barack Obama impression. "...John McCain, you're a war hero. You served. But you also voted for the war that's led to the death of 4,000 Americans. We have spent billions of dollars and, frankly, it has not stabilized the Middle East…

CNN’s Brown Rejects Suggestion That McCain Hasn’t Received a ‘Fr

May 14th, 2008 1:09 PM
CNN’s Campbell Brown, participating in a panel discussion on CNN’s special coverage of the West Virginia primary on Tuesday evening, agreed with the liberal members of the panel and rejected a Republican strategist’s opposition to the idea that John McCain has been receiving a "free ride" over the past weeks. "We can argue he’s [McCain] also not getting a lot of attention right now."Brown must…

David Gergen on CNN: The Media Needs to ‘Move On’ From Rev. Wright

April 28th, 2008 1:21 PM
Later in the segment on CNN’s "Newsroom" between Tony Harris, David Gergen, and Roland Martin after the Reverend Jeremiah Wright speech at the National Press Club (which Mark Finkelstein blogged about earlier), Gergen suggested that "it’s time for him [Rev. Wright] to get off the stage, and frankly, for the media, I suggest, to move on." He also twice characterized the whole affair as a "sideshow…

Rev. Wright's Press Club Debacle Has CNN Anchor Groaning 'Ah, Boy

April 28th, 2008 11:49 AM
How bad was Reverend Wright's appearance before the National Press Club this morning? Bad enough that even CNN contributor Roland Martin—who yesterday enthused about Wright's address to the Detroit NAACP, who gave Wright's chat with Bill Moyers an 'A'—flunked it with an 'F.' Bad enough that David Gergen condemned it as "narcissistic almost beyond belief." Bad enough that, introducing a panel…

CNN Spin for Obama's Pastor

March 21st, 2008 6:33 PM

CNN’s Martin Twice Equates Rev. Wright Scandal With Catholic Sex Sca

March 18th, 2008 1:12 PM
Roland Martin, a talk radio host out of Chicago and contributor to CNN, appearing on the network immediately Barack Obama’s "race speech" on Tuesday morning, compared the reaction to Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s much-publicized comments to the reaction to the Catholic sex scandal. Co-anchor Heidi Collins asked, "He [Obama] didn't disagree strong enough to go to a different church though. He stayed for…

CNN's Wish Early: 'Something for NewsBusters.org for Tomorrow

February 12th, 2008 9:22 PM
At the end of panel discussion, just before 7:30 PM EST Tuesday night about conservative opposition to John McCain, CNN analyst Roland Martin recognized his next comment -- about how only “extremists” in the GOP afraid of losing power are opposed to McCain -- might well upset conservatives and so cited NewsBusters in putting a warning up front:I have something for NewsBusters.org for tomorrow.…

CNN’s Martin: Obama Should Emphasize His Liberal Record

February 6th, 2008 12:55 PM
CNN contributor Roland Martin, commenting on the results of Super Tuesday on Wednesday’s "American Morning," advised Barack Obama to indirectly play-up his liberal credentials in order to do better in upcoming caucuses and primaries. One such item was Obama’s visible support of the pro-illegal immigration marches in 2007. "[H]e has to be able to take the Hispanic supporters and say, look, this is…

CNN: Media Deserve 'Shame' for 'Complicity' w/ Dems Ignoring Immigrati

January 21st, 2008 12:17 PM

CNN’s Martin Takes Hillary, BET Founder To Task Over Obama Comments

January 14th, 2008 1:28 PM
Roland Martin, a CNN contributor and talk radio host out of Chicago, blasted Hillary Clinton and some of her supporters on Monday’s "American Morning" over recent comments they made about Martin Luther King, Jr. and Barack Obama. Martin, responding to Clinton’s comment that MLK’s dream " began to be realized when President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964," countered by bringing…

CNN's Roland Martin Suggests Most Pro-Lifers Seem 'Hateful

January 5th, 2008 7:15 PM

CNN’s Martin Dismisses Farrakhan’s Call for Violence as Mere ‘Rh

October 18th, 2007 5:02 PM
CNN contributor Roland Martin, in an interview on Thursday’s "American Morning" about Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s apparent threat against law enforcement officials in a recent speech, tried to explain away the comments as "rhetoric," and tried to put them in the context of "the history of the Nation of Islam." "It is not like it is a surprise when you actually hear the kind of…

CNN Uses Rick Sanchez Program to Hammer O’Reilly Story

October 1st, 2007 4:57 PM
CNN has highlighted the Media Matters-driven spin on Bill O’Reilly’s race remarks on his radio program since the beginning of the week, and has specifically used "Out in the Open" program, hosted by Rick Sanchez, to carry the water on the subject Monday through Friday of last week."Out in the Open" first did a segment on the O’Reilly issue on Monday, at the bottom of the 8 pm Eastern hour.…