Ken Cuccinelli On Dave Brat: ‘He’s A Conservative Professor So He

June 15th, 2014 4:23 PM
Ken Cuccinelli, former Attorney General and Republican Gubernatorial candidate in Virginia, poked fun at supposed “juggernaut” Hillary Clinton and offered praise to GOP congressional candidate Dave Brat. Appearing as a guest on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday, June 15, Cuccinelli commended Brat and how he “Connected when he talked about issues. He’s an economics professor...he's a conservative…

MSNBC Cheers Obama's 'Triple Win' on Equal Pay, Downplays WH Hypocrisy

April 8th, 2014 3:40 PM
During live coverage of President Obama signing two executive orders on "equal pay" on Tuesday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell announced: "He is basically signing an executive order which will be a big deal for federal contractors – think about all the federal contracts in the defense and intelligence communities alone – but it's also a big political issue." [Listen to the audio or watch the video…

Andrea Mitchell: Immigration Reform Would Be 'Jewel in the Crown' of O

February 6th, 2014 4:45 PM
On her 1 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Thursday, host Andrea Mitchell saw immigration reform as a way to save Barack Obama's floundering presidency: "This would be, you know, the jewel in the crown for this administration, they've had so few legacy things that have not been complicated. Health care is obviously complicated by the downsides. Immigration would be the real key to this second term." […

Year-End Awards: The ‘Move Along, Nothing to See Here Award,’ for

December 21st, 2013 9:14 AM
This week, the Media Research Center announced our “Best Notable Quotables of 2013,” reviewing the worst media bias of the year, as selected by our panel of 42 expert judges. 2013 was the year that scandal after scandal — from the IRS targeting the Tea Party, to Benghazi, to the lies surrounding ObamaCare, and on and on — hit the Obama administration, but journalists kept acting as if the…

Bozell Column: Safeguarding Obama Throughout

December 17th, 2013 10:15 PM
Liberal journalists were glowing and full of hope after Barack Obama won a second term. As 2012 drew to a close, there was the traditional hour of ABC’s Barbara Walters fawning: “Mr. President, Mrs. Obama. There is a photograph of you [hugging] that went viral, became the most shared photograph in the history of Twitter. How do you keep the fire going?” As the second inauguration neared,…

Wash Post Columnist: Rand Paul Deserves 'Scrooge Award of the Year

December 9th, 2013 5:43 PM
On her Monday 1 p.m. ET hour show on MSNBC, host Andrea Mitchell was shocked by Senator Rand Paul's supposedly "breathtaking" observation that continually extending government unemployment benefits can cause people "to become part of this perpetual unemployed group." She incredulously asked: "It's the unemployment insurance that creates the, quote, 'dependency'?" [Listen to the audio or watch…

Double Washington Post Downer For Obama: Milbank and Marcus Say It's O

November 16th, 2013 7:28 AM
Somebody cue the Debbie Downer horn. How bad are things for President Obama?  In recent days, the Washington Post has brought us a double-barreled downer blast from two pundits who normally support the president. All you need to know about Dana Milbank's and Ruth Marcus' columns you can glean from their respective final sentences, which read: "Maybe the president does understand that the…

Bozell Column: Spreading 'Scandal-Free Administration' Ignorance

November 5th, 2013 10:58 PM
The latest and greatest Obama scandal is the disastrous Obamacare rollout, but it has something in common with all the others (besides Obama knew nothing). Some journalists are still brazenly trying to deny against all evidence that this scandal has any substance at all. The same people who freaked out over President Bush's one sentence in one State of the Union speech that Saddam Hussein…

Even MSNBC Libs Stunned by 'Outrageous Dumbness' of IRS

May 10th, 2013 2:56 PM
The admission by the IRS that its workers targeted conservative Tea Party groups was so scandalous even some of the liberals at MSNBC felt compelled to condemn the tax agency. On Friday's edition of Andrea Mitchell Reports substitute host Chris Cillizza exclaimed he was "stunned" by the "dumbness" of the IRS. Cillizza's Washington Post colleague, Ruth Marcus called the revelations "outrageous…

George Will: Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants Necessary to 'Sustain

April 14th, 2013 12:32 PM
On ABC's This Week Sunday, George Will made a comment about the need for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants that is likely to raise eyebrows on both sides of the aisle. "As the baby boomers retire, and as the birthrate declines, we need something to replenish the workforce to sustain the welfare state" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

This Week's PBS Quiz: Does David Brooks Read the News

March 9th, 2013 2:56 PM
Does David Brooks read the news?  I’m sure he does, but with the liberal media failing to report on the spike in gas prices – it’s no surprise that this New York Times Republican thinks the price of oil has gone down...instead of the "worst February on record." On the PBS Newshour last night, Ruth Marcus filled in for Mark Shields, and said that the new jobs numbers are a positive development…

Newt Gingrich Smacks Down WaPo's Ruth Marcus: 'This Is Just Such Washi

February 17th, 2013 1:56 PM
Newt Gingrich had a fabulous exchange with the Washington Post's Ruth Marcus on ABC's This Week Sunday that really speaks volumes about the media's reaction to Republican Senators filibustering Chuck Hagel's confirmation as Defense Secretary. When Marcus spouted the typical liberal commentator line "Republicans just want to make themselves look even more obstructionist with a country that’s…

Earth to WashPost: Romney, GOP Did Not Get a 'Shellacking' from Obama

February 9th, 2013 9:59 PM
Reporters at the Washington Post need a refresher already on the November elections. Obama beat Romney 51-47; Senate Democrats gained two seats, up to 53; House Democrats gained eight seats, but still trail 234-201. Somehow, the Post says this is a “shellacking.” That’s a word Obama used more accurately after the wave election of 2010, when the Republicans added a historic 63 seats. In…

Washington Post's Marcus: 'Unions Aren't Going to Survive When People

December 12th, 2012 9:32 AM
Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus lashed out against passage of Michigan's right-to-work law: "Unions are reeling, and the more states that enact measures like this, the more unions will be reeling....unions aren't going to survive when people have a choice of whether to ante up the dues or to get the benefit of being free-…