Calling Susan Rice Incompetent is Racist, But Smearing Condi Rice as a

November 30th, 2012 4:26 PM
As NewsBusters colleague Kyle Drennan noted today, the liberal media has mobilized their legions to defend embattled U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, complaining that the criticisms leveled by Republicans are motivated by racism, sexism or both. But there most certainly is a double standard at play as Eliana Johnson of National Review noted in an excellent November 21 post in which she detailed…

Washington Post's Marcus Claims Rice's False Benghazi Comments Were 'B

November 30th, 2012 10:41 AM
In an attempt to dismiss Republican criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's misleading September 14 Sunday show statements about Benghazi, on Thursday's MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus asserted: "I don't think this is really about some comments that were basically right, that she made on Sunday talk shows." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the…

WaPo's Marcus and Dionne Downplay Fiscal Cliff, It's More of a 'Slope

November 20th, 2012 11:33 AM
During Friday’s broadcasts of the PBS's NewsHour and NPR’s All Things Considered, liberals continued with their narrative about the fiscal cliff, and how it’s not all that bad.  Previously, Mark Shields and E.J. Dionne agreed with New York Times-style Republican David Brooks that they would go off the cliff.   The Washington Post's E.J. Dionne equated it with the “will of the people.” But now…

As Usual, PBS 'Conservative' David Brooks Agrees With Liberals: Romney

September 16th, 2012 8:41 AM
On the PBS NewsHour weekly pundit roundup on Friday, they reviewed the media's assault on Mitt Romney with the usual NewsHour balance: liberal Washington Post columnist (and former reporter) Ruth Marcus gave Obama an A and Romney an F, and said Romney's remarks were "really disgraceful" and his "doubling down was just unconscionable." And the alleged conservative, David Brooks agreed, with…

WaPo's Ruth Marcus: Paul Ryan Is 'Sarah Palin With Substance and a Pap

August 12th, 2012 3:38 PM
With all the trashing of Paul Ryan by Obama-loving media members in the past 24 hours, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus pulled off quite a feat on CBS's Face the Nation Sunday. In just one sentence, she insulted Ryan as well as former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (video follows with transcript and commentary):

George Will and Dana Loesch School Donna Brazile and Ruth Marcus on Ob

July 29th, 2012 1:44 PM
For the past two weeks Barack Obama's media minions have been working overtime trying to convince the American people the President was taken out of context during his now infamous "You Didn't Build That" speech in Roanoke, Virginia. CNN's Donna Brazile and the Washington Post's Ruth Marcus tried making that pathetic claim on ABC's This Week Sunday only to receive a much-needed education from…

MSNBC's Mitchell, WashPost's Marcus Spin for Rosen, Polish Up Her Anti

April 13th, 2012 4:34 PM
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell has been a key player in pushing the network's "war on women" meme, such as when she viciously tag-teamed with liberal senators to attack Susan G. Komen founder Nancy Brinker to her misleading, biased coverage of the defunding of Planned Parenthood in Texas. So it's no surprise that Mitchell joined forces with liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus at the top of…

WaPo's Ruth Marcus Scolds...Barack Obama

April 3rd, 2012 11:27 AM
Here's something you don't see every day. One of the Washington Post's perilously liberal columnists, Ruth Marcus, actually scolded President Obama Monday for his "unsettling" "preemptive strike" on the Supreme Court:

WaPo's Marcus on Rick Perry: 'He's Like Monty Python's Parrot - He's N

October 16th, 2011 2:57 PM
Remember all that talk about returning civility to political discussions following Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' (D-Ariz.) shooting in January? Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus clearly doesn't, for on ABC's This Week Sunday, she said of Texas governor Rick Perry's presidential candidacy, "He's like Monty Python's parrot - he's not dead yet" (video follows with transcript and…

On PBS, Former Bush Aide Laments Perry's Importing Ann Coulter Lingo I

August 21st, 2011 8:09 AM
It might not be surprising to see someone sit in the rarefied liberal air of a PBS set and dismiss the undignified palaver of talk radio and Ann Coulter, but on Friday's PBS NewsHour, this line was coming from former Bush speechwriting chief Michael Gerson, and the target was Gov. Rick Perry. Gerson and liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus were sitting in for David Brooks and Mark…

WaPo's Marcus Worried Bachmann's Religious Beliefs Will Make Her 'Subm

July 20th, 2011 10:30 AM
As Michele Bachmann climbs in the polls, Obama-loving media members are working overtime to dig up and/or manufacture dirt on the conservative Congresswoman from Minnesota. One of the new flavors of the day is that her religious beliefs might make her too submissive to be president, a silly concept the Washington Post's Ruth Marcus felt was necessary to share with her readers Wednesday:

Sunday Highlights: CBS’s Smith Wonders If Tea Party ‘Losing’ Its

May 30th, 2011 9:23 AM
“Do you think the Tea Party is losing some of its appeal?” So Harry Smith cued up a hardly independent guest on Sunday’s Face the Nation: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic Congresswoman and Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Earlier, the fill-in host was astonished House Majority Leader Eric Cantor would want to find cuts to afford extra spending for tornado recovery efforts…

WaPo Columnist to Upset Air Travelers: 'Grow Up, America

November 24th, 2010 12:19 PM
Calling the uproar over the new TSA screening procedures "overblown" and "immature," Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus praised the majority of Americans polled who are okay with the body scanners at airports and scolded those who stand opposed to the searches. "'Don't tough my junk' may be the cri-de-coeur – cri de crotch? – of the post-9/11 world, but it's an awfully childish one," the…

It’s ‘Deranged’ to Not Raise Taxes, Washington Post’s Marcus D

November 14th, 2010 2:12 PM
Despairing that the current income tax rates will be extended for all income levels, on Sunday’s This Week, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus declared: “I think that the conversation right now is deranged” and “crazy.” In measuring the long-term “cost” of keeping the Bush rates for those below $250,000 versus for all, she argued: I think that the conversation right now is deranged. We…