
Nets Gush: ‘Preacher’ Obama ‘at His Best,’ ‘a Chorus of Amens’

July 28th, 2016 1:04 AM
The journalists at ABC, CBS and NBC were beside themselves with gushing praise of Barack Obama’s address to the Democratic National Convention, Wednesday. Immediately after his speech, they hailed the President as a “preacher" and a “powerful” "lawyer." Offering the most effusive cheering, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley lauded, “Barack Obama in full Sunday meeting mode, preaching to a choir…

CBS Fawns Over Michelle Obama Coming 'A Long Way' As First Lady

July 25th, 2016 9:36 PM
Michelle Miller gushed over Michelle Obama and her seven and a half years as first lady on Monday's CBS Evening News. Miller trumpeted Mrs. Obama as "her husband's biggest advocate; a mother fiercely protective of her daughter's privacy; champion for healthy eating and staying fit — using her bare arms to redefine fashion; and her voice to comfort the country." Miler later spotlighted how the…

UPDATED CBS Sells Clinton/Kaine Ticket: ‘Terrific’ ‘Perfect Chemistry’

July 25th, 2016 1:18 PM
Scott Pelley and the CBS This Morning crew, on Monday, made the sales pitch for Hillary Clinton’s Tim Kaine VP selection. The CBS Evening News anchor, invited on to recap his 60 Minutes interview with the Democratic ticket, proclaimed of the pair “they look terrific” and “they were finishing each other’s sentences.” His CBS colleague Charlie Rose hailed they had “perfect chemistry.”

‘Comeback?’ Networks Gloss Over 6 Key Indicators of Weak Economy

July 25th, 2016 10:11 AM
They call it a comeback. It is true, the U.S. economy is no longer in the depths of what has been called “The Great Recession.” But, in many ways the economy remains “weak.” Overall economic growth remains “subpar” and labor force participation rates remain shocking, not far from 38-year lows. Then of course there’s poverty, food stamp use, weak wage growth and household income struggles. The…

Networks on Trump: A ‘Dark Speech’ From a ‘Vengeful’ ‘Demagogue’

July 22nd, 2016 12:49 AM
The three networks on Thursday night immediately derided Donald Trump’s “dark speech” as one coming from a “vengeful” “demagogue.” On NBC, Tom Brokaw allowed that “some” will see Trump as on a “white horse who will lead them to some kind of sanctuary and then pull the drawbridge up.” But he sneered, “Others looking in are going to see someone they will only think as a demagogue of some kind.” 

Networks, MSNBC Spend Almost Six Minutes Promoting ‘Scrappy’ Code Pink

July 20th, 2016 12:36 AM
When a lone protester from the anti-American, far-left group Code Pink tried to make noise in the crowd at the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Tuesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC tag-teamed with MSNBC to spent nearly six minutes showing and discussing the “scrappy” protester.

Obsessed CBS Hypes These Liberal Musicians Angry at Trump

July 19th, 2016 8:00 PM
The journalists at CBS are obsessing over musicians who are angry at Donald Trump’s use of their music. Evening News anchor Scott Pelley combined this with the alleged plagiarism of Melania Trump, chiding, “Borrowed words are controversial and borrowed music, too.” 

CBS Issues Correction, Jumped the Gun on AP Bullets Used in Dallas

July 15th, 2016 7:52 PM
CBS’s Scott Pelley had to issue a correction Friday July 15 for an overzealous segment on the Dallas ambush he aired on Monday July 11. In the original report Pelley claimed so-called armored piercing bullets were used to kill the police, that claim turned out to be false. “Early in the investigation, a city official told us the ammunition the killer used was armor-piercing,” he stated, “Well,…

CBS Promotes Social Justice with Poem to 'White Boy Privilege'

July 13th, 2016 10:45 PM
During Wednesday’s CBS Evening News the network chose to give a boost to Social Justice Warriors by ending the show with a poem to “white privilege.” “We end tonight with a poem, written and performed by an Atlanta teenager this past spring, but it's been getting new attention from millions after the violence that shook America last week,” stated CBS Anchor Scott Pelley. The poem titled “White…

CBS, NBC Praise Obama’s Speech at Dallas Memorial Service

July 13th, 2016 1:26 AM
In an encore of their performance from earlier in the day CBS and NBC heaped their praises on to President Barack Obama Tuesday evening. “He eulogized the slain police officers of Dallas, but he seized this moment of national attention to plea for reason from both sides of a racial divide,” proclaimed Anchor Scott Pelley on CBC Evening News. Pelley seemed to be in awe of the president during his…

ABC, CBS Ignore Ethical Concerns with Ginsberg’s Trump Comments

July 12th, 2016 11:41 PM
It came to light Tuesday that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg had been talking to the media about what she thinks of Donald Trump. A Justice coming out as opposed to or in favor of a candidate running for elected office has never really been done before, and it’s drawing ethical concerns from experts. Yet ABC and CBS treated it like just another wacky development in the 2016…

Nets Praise Obama as ‘Preacher-In-Chief’ Following Dallas Service

July 12th, 2016 5:14 PM
President Barack Obama was in Dallas Tuesday to speak at the memorial service to the five police officers who were killing in last Thursday’s ambush. All the networks in the “big three” sung the president’s praises. “The president clearly in the role of preacher-in-chief today talking about what a raw moment this is for the country,” stated ABC’s Senior Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas, during…

CBS Anchor Demands Executive Action on ‘Armor Piercing Bullets’

July 11th, 2016 11:10 PM
Following the tragic attack on Dallas police officers late last week, CBS anchor Scott Pelley took it upon himself on Monday to pressure Vice President Joe Biden for the Obama administration ban so-called ‘armor piercing rounds.” “Late today we asked Joe Biden about the ready availability of armor-piercing bullets,” he stated on CBS Evening News, “Dallas' mayor has blamed them for penetrating his…

CBS Questions Hillary Over E-Mail Scandal; NBC Goes Softer On Her

July 8th, 2016 11:45 PM
The Big Three networks' evening newscasts on Friday each treated Hillary Clinton different with regard to the FBI closing their investigation into her e-mail scandal. ABC's David Muir didn't mention the subject at all on World News Tonight. On NBC Nightly News, Lester Holt placed the onus on FBI Director James Comey, instead of Mrs. Clinton, on the issue: "Did he get it right; and if not, where…