MRC's Notable Quotables: Court Delivers 'Gut Punch' to Immigrants

June 27th, 2016 8:49 AM
The June 27 edition of Notable Quotables: ABC showcases a pro-amnesty protest slogan (“Don't Deport My Mom”) to frame their coverage of the Supreme Court's blocking of Obama's executive orders, while reporters exploit the ISIS massacre in Orlando to demand more federal gun control. “What will it take to move the needle when it comes to gun control?” CBS's Gayle King pleaded. Plus: The New York…

Nets Pity Obama: 'Crushing Disappointment' from Supreme Court Ruling

June 23rd, 2016 10:30 PM
The US Supreme Court dealt a major blow to President Barack Obama’s unilateral attempt to enact amnesty for illegal immigrants Thursday. And in response the “big three” networks let their feeling be known during their evening broadcast, where they threw a pity party for the president. “A crushing disappointment today for the Obama White House and the president's go at it alone immigration…

Nets Trumpet Dem Sit-In, Twist House Rules to Trash GOP

June 22nd, 2016 10:56 PM
On Wednesday, House Democrats staged a sit-it on the House floor trying bring their failed Senate bills to a vote in the House. Many are calling their actions a publicity stunt, and they seem to be right. All three of the liberal networks were glued to Capitol Hill during their evening broadcasts. “The dramatic sit-in on Capitol Hill,” ABC’s David Muir touted on World News Tonight, “Sitting down…

Networks Whine Over Senate Gun-Control Votes ‘Going Nowhere’

June 20th, 2016 11:56 PM
The Senate voted on four gun-control proposals Monday evening, two from Democrats and two from Republicans, but all of them failed to pass. Even though the result was predicted in advance, all of the networks were disgruntled by the outcome. “The problem is that Democrats and Republicans have two different solutions to the problem, and their half-hearted attempts at compromise have simply gone…

CBS Promotes Lawsuit to Find Remington Liable for Newtown Shooting

June 20th, 2016 10:35 PM
During Monday’s edition of CBS’ Evening News the network threw their weight behind a lawsuit against Remington, which is trying to find the gun-manufacturer liable for the shooting in Newtown Connecticut. “Congress shielded gun-makers from most lawsuits except when a gun is sold negligently to someone who is a high risk,” stated anchor Scott Pelley, “Well, the parents argue that the AR-15 assault…

NBC’s Today Ignores CIA Director’s ‘Stark Warning’ About ISIS

June 17th, 2016 3:29 PM
On Friday, NBC’s Today skipped any mention of CIA Director John Brennan detailing Obama administration failures in the fight against ISIS while testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee. The morning show ignored the major story despite Thursday’s NBC Nightly News devoting a nearly two-minute segment to the topic.

NBC, CBS Declare: 'Familiar Ritual' for Obama to be 'America's Pastor'

June 17th, 2016 1:02 AM
President Barack Obama was in Orlando, Florida Thursday to pay his respects to victims of Sunday’s terrorist attack and push for more gun control in the process. And the liberal news networks were happy to aide with his agenda on their evening news programs. “It has become a familiar ritual of a current national tragedy,” lamented NBC’s Lester Holt starting off Nightly News, “The president of the…

CBS Is SHOCKED Their Producer Can Buy AR-15 with Clean Record

June 16th, 2016 9:27 PM

To apparently demonstrate how a law abiding citizen can purchase a firearm, CBS went to a gun store in Alexandria Virginia during Thursday’s Evening News. “A CBS news producer went to a gun store in Alexandria, just outside of Washington, DC,” reported Kris van Cleave in a whispered tone as if it was a secret. And what they discovered was quite shocking to behold: 


After Smearing Christianity, CBS Notices Brutality of Islam to Gays

June 16th, 2016 12:54 AM
Roughly 24 hours after attacking Christianity as contributing to the Orlando terror attack on the gay night club, Wednesday’s CBS Evening News did their due diligence in devoting a full segment to how a slew of Islamic countries punish anyone who is or suspected of being gay with death. 

NBC, CBS Champion Democratic Filibuster for Gun Control Legislation

June 15th, 2016 9:48 PM
During their evening news coverage Wednesday NBC and CBS championed Senate Democrat Chris Murphy’s (Ct.) filibuster for movement on gun control legislation. Reporter Peter Alexander praised Murphy’s actions as, “a filibuster fueled by frustration,” on NBC’s Nightly News. “Democrats commandeering the Senate floor, trying to force a vote to toughen up gun laws,” Alexander continued. 

Nets Hype Obama and Hillary’s ‘Passionate’ ‘One-Two Punch’ of Trump

June 15th, 2016 1:22 AM
All the networks in the “big three” praised President Obama, during their evening shows on Tuesday, for taking the presumptive GOP nominee to task on how to fight the War on Terror. They all talked about Obama’s takedown in glowing terms, while pointing out how Donald Trump’s strategy breeds hate. NBC even saluted the Democratic Party for putting Obama and Hillary Clinton together to fight Trump…

CBS Insinuates Christians ‘Promote the Kind of Violence’ in Orlando

June 14th, 2016 11:15 PM
During their Tuesday night broadcast of Evening News CBS directed the blame for the Orlando terrorist attack towards American Christians, even though it was carried out by a pledged member of the Islamic State. To ease into the Christian bashing host Scott Pelley stated, “There has been so much progress for the LGBT Community, but we are now reminded that fear is still a constant reality.”

CBS, NBC Tout SPLC, Declare Gun Control at ‘Forefront’ of 2016 Race

June 12th, 2016 8:39 PM

Each of the network evening newscasts devoted the duration of their air time to the terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando and, unfortunately, the networks immediately rushed to the issue of gun control and did only the bare minimum to highlight Omar Mateen’s radical Islamic beliefs. 


Networks Praise Obama's Endorsement, 'Helping Hillary Make History'

June 9th, 2016 10:30 PM
The President of the United States, and leader of the Democratic Party, Barack Obama endorsed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for president Thursday, and the liberal media couldn’t get enough of it. “Just when it looked like Democrats were on the verge of their own unity crisis, President Obama stepped in today to try to bridge the divide saying, “I'm with her,”” touted NBC’s Lester…