'CBS Evening News' Downplays Ash Carter's Private E-Mail Scandal

December 17th, 2015 8:53 PM

The Big Three broadcast network evening newscasts all touched on the revelation that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter used private e-mails for government business and this well after former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came under fire for exclusively conducting her official email correspondence that way. That said, only CBS's Evening News downplayed the significance of the story by…


CBS, NBC Use Newtown Anniversary to Lament Lack of Gun Control

December 14th, 2015 11:53 PM
With Monday marking the third anniversary of the horrifying murders of 20 children and their teachers in Newtown, Connecticut, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News used the somber occasion to lament the lack of gun control passed by the GOP Congress and compared the need for gun control to seat belts and passing a driving test to obtain a driver’s license.

Nets Tout Obama Pentagon Visit; Forced to 'Reassure an Anxious Nation'

December 14th, 2015 9:20 PM
The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC all prominently touted on Monday night President Barack Obama’s visit to the Pentagon to discuss the fight against ISIS, but skimped on reporting any criticism of the administration’s strategy but instead lamenting that he’s had to try once “again to reassure an anxious nation” despite polls showing Americans are concerned about the growing threat of terrorism…

ABC, CBS Trumpet Canadian Leader's 'Warm Welcome' for Syrian Refugees

December 12th, 2015 10:05 AM
On Friday, ABC and CBS's evening newscasts touted how Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau "personally welcoming Syrian refugees" as they flew into Toronto. ABC's David Muir heralded, "Trudeau greeting fathers, mothers, and children — telling them — quote, 'You're home.'" CBS's Scott Pelley spotlighted the "noteworthy landing — 163 refugees escaping the war in Syria were welcomed to Canada by…

CBS Hypes Trump Poll Numbers, Skips Obama’s Poor Marks on ISIS, Terror

December 11th, 2015 1:32 AM
The December edition of the CBS News/New York Times poll came out on Thursday and, naturally, the results were covered on the CBS Evening News but, as per the liberal media’s usual pattern, it left out a slew of poll results in which voters gave President Obama poor marks on terrorism, the fight against ISIS, and how the country remains on the wrong track. Instead, CBS chose to devote all of its…

Nets Omit Party ID for Lib Gov. Banning Guns for Those on Watchlists

December 10th, 2015 9:38 PM
On Thursday night, the major broadcast networks saw no point in informing their viewers of Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy’s party affiliation (Democrat) as ABC, CBS, and NBC all reported that Malloy had issued an executive order banning those on government watchlists from possessing guns in his state. Along with being arguably the strictest governor in the country when it comes to gun control,…

CBS Pushes Report on Income Inequality; No Mention of Obama's Policies

December 9th, 2015 11:00 PM
In the middle segment of Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, the newscast promoted a new Pew Research Study that illustrated the decline of the middle class in the years since the Great Recession to the point that, as anchor Scott Pelley highlighted, “[t]he middle class is no longer the majority in America.” Of course, as the liberal media naturally does, they neglected to include any placement of…

Obsession: Network Evening Shows Spend 24 Mins on Trump’s Muslim Ban

December 8th, 2015 10:16 PM
Acting as though the latest news the war against ISIS, new developments in the Hillary Clinton scandal or any other story barely existed, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted a whopping 24 minutes and three seconds of their Tuesday evening newscasts to obsessing over Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States. Not surprisingly, NBC Nightly News led the way…

CBS Hails Australia’s Gun Confiscation After Story on Surging US Sales

December 8th, 2015 9:23 PM
In what certainly won’t be the latest case of irony in the liberal media, Tuesday’s CBS Evening News immediately pivoted from a full report on surging gun sales in the United States following mass shootings to a piece prominently touting Australia’s massive gun control and confiscation initiatives carried out in the 1990's.

CBS Runs CAIR-Heavy Piece on Islamophobia Fears Post-San Bernardino

December 7th, 2015 10:06 PM

On Monday, the CBS Evening News ran a full story about fears of continued Islamophobia in America following the terror attack in San Bernardino and turned to none other than the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) for help, but neglected to mention CAIR’s extremist tendencies and how an official recently blamed the United States and the West for the spread of terrorism.


NBC, CBS Promote NY Daily News's 'Terrorist' Smear of the NRA's CEO

December 5th, 2015 12:35 AM
Friday's NBC Nightly News and CBS Evening News both spotlighted the New York Daily News's latest anti-conservative front page, which denigrated Wayne LaPierre of the NRA as a "terrorist." CBS's Nancy Cordes touted how "the always-heated gun debate has gotten personal. The New York Daily News...called the head of the National Rifle Association a 'terrorist.'" NBC's Hallie Jackson played up the…

ABC, CBS Omit Obama Walkback on ISIS, Disconnect w/Joint Chiefs Chair

December 1st, 2015 9:45 PM
On Tuesday night, ABC and CBS refused to acknowledge a pair of points in its respective stories concerning news that additional U.S. special forces will be stationed inside Iraq to fight ISIS and will engage in combat roles. Along with not mentioning that the move represented the latest example of backpedaling by President Obama on a pledge to not put U.S. troops on the ground, the two networks…

Network Evening Shows Spend 15 Mins Hyping Climate Change Agenda

November 30th, 2015 9:56 PM
Seeking to boost President Barack Obama and backers of the Paris climate change summit, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted on Monday night over 15 minutes of airtime across six segments touting the summit, a Discovery Channel documentary on climate change, a hashtag campaign, and climate scientists in the Arctic Circle -- to name a few examples. CBS anchor Scott Pelley: "…

CBS: Refugees Face 'Brewing Problem' with GOP After Fleeing Civil War

November 25th, 2015 7:47 AM
Following in the footsteps of Monday’s CBS This Morning, the CBS Evening News featured on Tuesday a segment sounding the alarm on opposition to the U.S. accepting Syrian refugees with the comparison that those Syrians who have settled in the U.S. are facing “another brewing problem” in those opposed to their settlement (after having survived the horrors of the Assad regime).