
ABC, NBC Ignore Iran Sentencing WashPost Reporter Rezaian to Prison

November 23rd, 2015 9:34 PM
Amidst all the news about gas prices and weather forecasts for this Thanksgiving week, Monday’s morning and evening newscasts on ABC and NBC found no time to mention that Washington Post reporter and U.S. citizen Jason Rezaian had been sentenced by Iran’s Revolutionary Court to an unspecified prison term after being detained in July 2014.

Notable Quotables: Blasting 'Ugly' 'Fear Talk' on Syria

November 23rd, 2015 8:57 AM

This week, journalists echo the Obama line on Syrian refugees, blasting Republicans for their "ugly" "fear talk," even as FNC anchor Shepard Smith scolds the "collective freak-out....We cannot resort to the tactics of the barbarians." Meanwhile, ABC's Jon Karl confronts GOP candidate Ted Cruz: "You don't think it's un-American to say, only Christians, no Muslims?" And Scott Pelley scolds new…


NBC Hits GOP for ‘Ugly’ Refugee Talk; Hillary ‘Going Against the Tide'

November 19th, 2015 9:13 PM
NBC Nightly News lashed out at conservatives and Republicans on Thursday for creating an “ugly” and “angry debate” with President Obama over whether to accept Syrian refugees while gushing how Hillary Clinton was “[g]oing against the tide” of a bipartisan majority of voters and members of the House in backing the President.

Watch Pelley's Moving Commentary on Making Sense of Evil After Paris

November 19th, 2015 7:42 AM
Anchoring the CBS Evening News for a third-straight night in Paris following Friday’s deadly Islamic terror attacks, Scott Pelley concluded Wednesday’s broadcast with an emotional commentary looking back at how parents so often struggle to discuss tragedies over the past two decades with their children while some are also crippled by grief of losing loved ones in the events themselves.

Nets Ignore Kerry’s Suggestion of ‘Rationale’ for Charlie Hebdo Attack

November 17th, 2015 8:52 PM
On Tuesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC saw no reason to inform their viewers of Secretary of State John Kerry’s assertion that he could recognize there having been a “rationale” and “particularized focus” for Islamic terrorists to carry out the January attacks in Paris on the offices of Charlie Hebdo but not for the “indiscriminate” attacks that occurred in the very same…

Pelley Accuses Ryan of ‘Blowing Chalk Dust in the President's Face'

November 13th, 2015 10:05 AM
In an interview with House Speaker Paul Ryan for 60 Minutes, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley scolded the congressman for criticizing President Obama’s unconstitutional executive action on illegal immigration: “On your first day as speaker you said you were going to wipe the slate clean. And then in your very first news conference you said the President has, quote, ‘Proven himself…

CBS Hypes $15 Minimum Wage Hours Ahead of GOP Debate

November 11th, 2015 3:37 PM
“Fight for $15,” the slogan trumpeted by activists campaigning to more than double the minimum wage, got another boost from CBS right before the Republican presidential debate aired on the Fox Business Network. The protesters rallied in Milwaukee outside the GOP debate along with other activist groups like Black Lives Matter.

CBS: Manning Part of 'Widespread Failure' in Security Clearances

November 7th, 2015 11:11 AM
Friday's CBS Evening News previewed an upcoming 60 Minutes exposé on the "widespread failures in the system that grants top-secret security clearance to federal employees and contractors." Scott Pelley pointed at Bradley Manning as a prime example of "how top-secret clearances fall into dangerous hands." Pelley featured several clips from his interview of Manning's former supervisor in Iraq, who…

CBS Evening News Blames Thursday’s Severe Weather on Global Warming

November 5th, 2015 9:23 PM
Thursday’s CBS Evening News led with the severe weather threatening those in the Midwest, but in addition to looking at the storm track and damage thus far, the storms were hyped as a consequence of global warming. Anchor Scott Pelley ruled in an opening tease that “[t]ornadoes in Texas” struck “on the same day that a new study blames climate change for a surge in severe storms and wildfires.” 

CBS Cries Foul Over Houston Rejecting Transgender Bathroom Measure

November 5th, 2015 2:43 AM

The day after voters in Houston, Texas defeated a measure dubbed by many to be “the bathroom bill” aimed at “protecting” gay and transgender people from discrimination, Wednesday’s CBS Evening News lit into those who overwhelmingly opposed the measure by touting fears of Houston businesses being boycotted and even the 2017 Super Bowl being moved out of the city due to this measure’s failure to…


NBC NN Touts OH Pot Measure Before Vote; Ignores It After It Fails

November 5th, 2015 1:17 AM
After heavily promoting on Tuesday the Ohio ballot initiative to legalize marijuana before the polls closed, NBC Nightly News offered an about-face of sorts on Wednesday and refused to acknowledge the fact that measure was soundly defeated. Hailing it as “high stakes” in the Buckeye State, anchor Lester Holt hyped in a tease on Tuesday’s newscast: “Legalized pot on the ballot tonight in the…

CBS, NBC Hit Marco Rubio over Finances; ‘On the Defensive’

November 4th, 2015 10:56 PM
With his continued rise in the 2016 Republican presidential polls, the liberal media has circled back to attacking Marco Rubio over his personal finances with the latest attack pieces coming on Wednesday’s editions of the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News as both minimized the fact that Rubio was exonerated by a Florida ethics commission back in 2012. 

ABC, NBC Fail to Cover Clinton Foundation Group Refiling Tax Returns

November 4th, 2015 8:55 PM
On Wednesday afternoon, the Clinton Foundation group Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) admitted that it had made “minor errors” in its tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in both 2012 and 2013 and thus added another layer to the Clinton Foundation scandal. When it came to major broadcast networks covering this on Wednesday night, however, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC…

CBS Evening News Airs Pro-Gun Rights Segment Decrying Gun-Free Zones

October 24th, 2015 11:11 AM
Friday's CBS Evening News actually gave a platform to a pro-gun rights conservative, just four days after it aired a segment from gun control advocate Andy Parker, who attacked the National Rifle Association as a bunch of "cowards" who were "blocking...sensible gun legislation." The segment featured the executive director of the Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt, who contended that "the problem…