
‘CBS Evening News’ Praise Liberal Super Bowl Ads, ‘Brave’ Companies

February 6th, 2017 9:46 PM
It appears that on Monday night CBS wanted to follow in NBC’s lead, from earlier that morning, and highlight the super bowl ads that pushed the liberal agenda. “The 1984 Wendy's super bowl ad finding its way into the presidential campaign. Well this year, in something of an end reverse, politics found its way into the Super Bowl ads,” hyped anchor Scott Pelley, while reporter Don Dahler touted, “…

NBC’s Holt Lectures Viewers on the Meaning of the Statue of Liberty

January 30th, 2017 10:39 PM
With the debate over the legality of President Donald Trump’s immigration and travel ban still raging Monday evening, NBC broadcasted their Nightly News program “from the shadow of the Statue of Liberty” accompanied by a lecture from anchor Lester Holt. “Behind me the Statue of Liberty, which for nearly 130 years, has symbolized the welcome arms of a country of immigrants,” he opined at the start…

CBS Knocks ‘Chaotic’ Trump Admin; 'It Was That Kind of Day'

January 26th, 2017 9:21 PM
From the first words out of anchor Scott Pelley on Thursday’s CBS Evening News, one had to know what kind of newscast it would be. Throughout the newscast’s A-block, every segment involved almost exclusive criticism of the Trump administration on issues ranging from the border to the media to Syrian refugees to trade agreements.

Networks Frown on President Trump’s Executive Actions on Immigration

January 25th, 2017 10:01 PM
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday a series of executive orders that will pave the way for the building of the US-Mexico border wall and the crackdown on sanctuary cities. The Democrats raged at the idea and the Big Three networks took exception to the orders, showing almost exclusively negative reactions. “Here in New York, a massive protest has erupted against his wall plans and policy…

CBS Distressed Over Possible US Embassy Move, ‘Would Be an Act of War’

January 25th, 2017 12:15 AM
President Donald Trump has made it known that he has some interest in moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the holy city of Jerusalem. The simple mention of the idea sent left into an uproar, as CBS Evening News on Tuesday demonstrated. “That would essentially be U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital,” fretted anchor Scott Pelley, “Palestinian leaders also claim the holy…

Bozell & Graham Column: The Ongoing Gosnell Blackout

January 24th, 2017 10:43 PM
Six years ago, a deeply disturbing story emerged from a poor neighorhood in Philadelphia. In a horrific 261-page report, prosecutors accused abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell of delivering seven babies alive and then killing them by snipping their spines with scissors. He also allowed a woman who had survived 20 years as a refugee in Nepal to be incompetently overmedicated. She died at his clinic.…

NBC: 'Shockingly Divisive' Trump Threw 'Verbal Grenades' in Address

January 20th, 2017 10:22 PM
Friday's NBC Nightly News hyped how President Donald Trump supposedly lobbed "verbal grenades" in his inauguration address, as Hallie Jackson put it. Chuck Todd contended that the speech was "shockingly divisive for an inaugural," and quickly added that it was "unnecessarily divisive." Todd later underlined that Trump "insulted almost every living president that was there...which, to me, was so…

CBS’s Bob Schieffer Recounts ‘Enduring Images of Barack Obama’

January 20th, 2017 12:07 AM
With President-elect Donald Trump set to take the oath of office in less than a day, CBS Evening News ended Thursday with anchor Scott Pelley turning the microphone over to former anchor Bob Schieffer to pontificate about how he imagines President Barack Obama. “In the early days, most Americans never saw their presidents or even their likenesses,” he began his gushy rambling, “In the modern era…

Somber Nets Mope Over Obama's Departure

January 18th, 2017 10:06 PM
The end of Barack Obama’s reign as president of the United States appeared to hit the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) pretty hard. All three of them took the time to bid the President an emotional farewell at the end of their Wednesday night programs. “While President Obama was busy changing the White House…the White House was also changing him,” remarked anchor Lester Holt on NBC Nightly…

Pelley Swoons Obama ‘Is Not Going Gently into that Good Night’

January 18th, 2017 3:33 PM
Prior to President Obama’s final press conference, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley seized the opportunity to gush that Obama “will be leaving the presidency in less than 46 hours and he is not going gently into that good night.” 

NBC Praises Manning Release, Nets Ignore Terrorist’s Commutation

January 17th, 2017 10:51 PM
Late Tuesday afternoon the White House announced a list of 64 convicted criminals they planned to pardon, including 209 others whose sentences were being shortened. “The Obama presidency is ending on a note of forgiveness,” declared anchor Scott Pelley at the start of CBS Evening News. One of the most controversial sentence commutations was that of Private Chelsea Manning, who stole and released…

CBS, NBC Fawn Over Michelle Obama's 'Emotional Goodbye'

January 6th, 2017 11:46 PM
CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News both waxed ecstatic on Friday over Michelle Obama's legacy and her final official speech as first lady. Both newscasts emphasized how she got "emotional" at the White House event. CBS's Julianna Goldman touted how Mrs. Obama "turned into the Democrat's not-so-secret weapon" during the 2016 presidential race, and spotlighted how she "used her celebrity to…

Notable Quotables: ‘Authoritarian’ Trump an ‘Illegitimate’ President

January 2nd, 2017 9:55 AM
The news media reward Donald Trump with a “honeymoon” as unfriendly as their campaign coverage, with journalists blasting the President-elect as a “racist,” “authoritarian” and a “demagogue,” while some cast his election as “tainted” and potentially “illegitimate” because of Russia’s hacking.

Must Read: The Top Ten Most-Read NewsBusters Blogs from 2016

December 30th, 2016 3:33 PM
With 2017 rapidly approaching, I decided that, as NewsBusters managing editor, it would be worthwhile to take a look back at the top ten most-read blogs from 2016. Once again, tens of millions of people flocked to NewsBusters for the best and worst media bias in newspapers, television news, social media -- and liberal outbursts from celebrities.