
CBS Freaks Out: Trump Asked for Lists of Federal Programs and Workers

December 22nd, 2016 9:32 PM

In yet another report on CBS Evening News about seemingly nothing, the network tried to stoke fear of President-Elect Donald Trump’s upcoming administration Thursday night. The cause of their concern? He did the unthinkable and asked for a list of federal programs he would be overseeing. “The Trump transition team has been sending questionnaires to cabinet departments, not at all unusual, but…


Bored CBS Knocks Trump’s Cabinet Picks for Their Wealth

December 20th, 2016 9:16 PM
With seemingly nothing else better to report with regards to U.S. politics Tuesday, CBS Evening News chose to whine about how President-Elect Donald Trump’s cabinet is comprised of millionaires and billionaires. “He's nearly finished with his cabinet, and outside national security, the billionaire president has surrounded himself with billionaires,” remarked Anchor Scott Pelley leading into…

Notable Quotables Special Edition: Trashing Trump’s Cabinet

December 13th, 2016 10:00 AM
So far, the liberal media have trashed Donald Trump’s cabinet choices as a “racially insensitive” group of “hard-line” “radicals” and “ignoramuses” who will bring about “environmental disaster” and “calamity to the poor.” This is a far cry from the treatment Barack Obama’s cabinet picks were given in 2008. His appointments were hailed as a diverse “mosaic,” an “all-star” team of “superstar” “…

ABC, NBC Punt on Stein’s Recount Failures in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

December 12th, 2016 11:44 PM
On Monday, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News saw no reason to keep their viewers abreast of two embarrassing failures in Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s recount efforts to alter the presidential election results as the recount ended in Wisconsin while a judge blocked it in Pennsylvania.  With ABC and NBC missing in action, the CBS Evening News covered the recount news…

CBS Barely Covers Bomb Threat on Trump Project; ABC, NBC Censor

December 10th, 2016 12:01 AM
CBS Evening News was the sole Big Three evening newscast on Friday to cover the bomb theat on a Trump construction project in the South American country of Uruguay. Scott Pelley devoted ten seconds to the threat, which forced the evacuation of the planned high rise. ABC's World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News didn't cover the evacuation on their Friday broadcasts. However, both programs devoted…

NBC Fears Trump’s Pick Will ‘Dismantle’ Obama’s EPA, CBS Smears

December 7th, 2016 9:11 PM
News broke Wednesday that President-Elect Donald Trump had selected Oklahoma Attorney General, and active opponent to the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt to lead that very same organization. Word of Trump’s latest pick sent liberal environmental groups into a panic along with networks CBS and NBC. “The president-elect filled more administration posts today, putting a global warming…

Pelley Frets GOP Health Plan Could Strip Millions from ObamaCare Plans

December 5th, 2016 12:54 PM
CBS’s 60 Minutes scored a sit-down on Sunday with House Speaker Paul Ryan, conducted by host Scott Pelley, in which he sought to corner Ryan from the left on the repeal of ObamaCare supposedly putting millions of Americans at risk for no healthcare and whether or not President-elect Donald Trump says as many “bizarre things” in private as he does when tweeting.

94% of Nets' Castro Coverage Ignores His ‘Economic Disaster’

November 30th, 2016 1:44 PM
Journalists like to point out the 1950s and ’60s classic cars dominating Cuba’s streets, but in the wake of dictator Fidel Castro’s death they largely ignored the story those cars tell. Those vintage cars are emblematic of the island nation’s constricted economy and the way the regime’s oppression led to poverty and reduced economic growth.

CBS Dismisses Trump's EPA Hire for Being a ‘Critic of Climate Science’

November 15th, 2016 9:28 PM
Yet another hire by President-Elect Donald Trump is drawing the ire of the liberal media, Tuesday evening. “Well, another one of those hires is a well-known critic of climate science who does not believe that fossil fuels are warming the planet,” announced an irritated sounding Scott Pelley on CBS Evening News, “His assignment-- staffing the environment protection agency.”

ABC, CBS Spotlight Assaults on Trump Supporters; NBC Censors

November 12th, 2016 1:31 AM
ABC, CBS, and NBC's evening newscasts all devoted air time to racially-charged incidents in schools in the wake of the election. However, NBC Nightly News stood out from its competitors for failing to mention the violence against Donald Trump supporters in recent days. ABC's World News Tonight featured cell phone video of a California high school student being punched for supporting Trump. CBS…

CBS Frets Trump’s Effect on the Mexican Economy and Job Market

November 10th, 2016 10:27 PM
On the night of the election, as it was becoming apparent that Donald Trump would win there were reports that the value of the Mexican peso dropped 2 percent. Since then the value has dropped even more, resulting in CBS to worry about their economy on Thursday’s CBS Evening News. “The Trump election, however, sent shivers through Mexico's economy. The peso dropped 12 percent in two days,”…

NBC Stokes Fear of President Trump, Ties Him to World’s Despots

November 9th, 2016 10:51 PM
During the first half of their extended post-election coverage Wednesday evening, NBC Nightly News seemed to be setting the ground work for four years of a President Donald Trump all while stoking the left’s anxieties. “There were gasps around the world. Headlines, ‘Trumpocalypse’ and ‘Disunited States’” hyped NBC’s Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel as he delved into the ridiculous, “But…

CBS Frets Low African American Turnout for Clinton in Key States

November 1st, 2016 10:38 PM
With Election Day just a week away the liberal media seems to be stepping up their get out the vote effort for the Hillary Clinton campaign. One of the clearest examples of this was CBS Anchor Scott Pelley fretting about a low turnout for the African American vote in key swing states. “African Americans could tip the balance in battleground states, especially in Florida and here in Ohio if they…

Networks Aid Clinton’s Bashing of Comey, Calm Worried Supporters

November 1st, 2016 12:28 AM
In the wake of the FBI’s announcement on Friday, that they discovered new e-mails possibly pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s private server, the liberal networks have taken every opportunity to slam FBI Director James Comey and cast doubt on his investigation. It was the exact same thing on Monday as ABC, CBS, and NBC joined the “chorus” of Democrats criticizing the FBI Director.