
Cupp Slams Media/Politicians: No ‘Basic Curiosity’ for Niger Ambush

October 18th, 2017 10:15 PM
During Wednesday’s edition of HLN's Unfiltered, host S.E. Cupp was outraged over the fact that much of the media coverage this week in and around D.C. has centered around what President Trump may or may not have said to a Gold Star family instead of demanding answers for the ambush in Niger. “It's a little empty to be outraged over what the President did or didn't say to these Gold Star families…

Cupp Slams Liberals for Trashing GOP Women While Silent on Weinstein

October 11th, 2017 12:26 AM
During her show on Tuesday, HLN’s S.E. Cupp unloaded on liberal Hollywood for keeping Harvey Weinstein’s predatory nature an “open secret” throughout the industry while slamming and shaming conservative women as traitors to their gender. “But there's another problem here, and it's why so many women like me are angry that Hollywood protected Weinstein’s horrific treatment of women for so long,”…

Cupp Unloads on Relitigating Sandy During Harvey; ‘How Old Are You?'

August 30th, 2017 10:03 PM
On the Wednesday edition of her HLN show, conservative/libertarian host S.E. Cupp ripped into the current political debate over disaster relief funding in light of Hurricane Harvey that’s centered around how lawmakers felt about the so-called Sandy relief package in January 2013.

Keith Ogre-mann: Conde Nast-y's Misogynist-in-Chief

August 30th, 2017 8:10 PM
Once a woman-hating blowhard, always a woman-hating blowhard. Keith Olbermann, the "new" face of the Democratic resistance on Conde Nast's digital video platform, is the same old foul-mouthed beast he was on cable TV. Over the weekend, the former MSNBC frother went berserk over Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's anodyne call for prayers "for all those in the path of #HurricaneHarvey" and her…

HLN Panel Tears Into 'Borderline Terrorists Group' Antifa for Violence

August 29th, 2017 12:19 AM
Over the weekend, the radical leftist group known as Antifa descended on a right-wing rally in Berkeley, California to violently shut down the free speech rights of any who didn’t agree with their twisted worldview. And after turning a blind eye to their tactics, or in some cases promoting it, the liberal media appeared to have finally caught on to Antifa’s extremism. On HLN’s S.E. Cupp…

CNN Makes Gallup Poll on Lack of Trust in the Media All About Trump

September 19th, 2016 11:38 AM
As many have probably seen by now, Gallup released a poll on September 14 that a record-low percentage of the American people trust the media and, naturally, CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday addressed it, but the 11-minute segment made it another obsessive discussion of Donald Trump’s hostility toward them and ignored key factors such as routine bias by omission stories or excusing/ignoring…

Off the Rails: Van Jones Declares GOP Convention a ‘Hate-Fest’

July 18th, 2016 11:54 PM
During CNN’s coverage of the Republican National Convention on America’s Choice 2016 on Monday, panelist Van Jones went off the rails and declared the whole event an unabashed “hate-fest.” “What I will say is this. Up until now, up until this moment, I was not saying borderline hate-fest. This is hate-fest,” Jones declared after his fellow panelists called him out for going beyond the pale with…

HBO's Maher: Pence 'Super Hates Gay People,' 'Hates the Poor'

July 18th, 2016 11:54 AM
On Friday's Real Time, HBO host Bill Maher attacked presumptive Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence as someone who "hates poor people" and "super, super hates gay people," who, because being Catholic "wasn't oppressive enough," "became an evangelical Christian." He then attacked Donald Trump and his son as "a**holes," and compared Trump's children to the infamous sons of former Iraqi…

Jeffrey Lord Schools Former Philly Mayor on Origin of Housing Collapse

May 25th, 2016 12:34 AM
NewsBusters contributor Jeffrey Lord laid out the facts about the origin of the housing market collapse of 2008, on CNN’s America’s Choice 2016 primary coverage Tuesday night. “You've got people out there saying that the Clinton housing policy helped cause the housing crisis in the first place,” Lord stated, after being asked if it was smart for Hillary Clinton to attack Donald Trump for his…

CNN Liberals Blast Cruz for Leaving: 'Defend Your Family Honor!'

May 3rd, 2016 9:57 PM
Ted Cruz dropped out the race for president Tuesday night and CNN’s America’s Choice panel could barely believe their ears. After weeks of saying that Donald Trump was inevitable and his opponents should just give up, now they question the decision to drop out at this point. “Would you have dropped out tonight?” Van Jones asked of Paul Begala. 

On CNN, WashPost's Wemple Slams 'Cowardly' NRA, Cupp Indicts Media

January 10th, 2016 1:07 PM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN to discuss CNN's town hall on guns with President Barack Obama, Washington Post media columnist Erik Wemple derided the National Rifle Association as "utterly cowardly" for refusing to take part. Fellow guest and right-leaning CNN political commentator S.E. Cupp then argued that the NRA had "no incentive" to attend because the President…

Cupp Blasts Media's 'Journalistic Malfeasance’ for Distorting Jeb

October 4th, 2015 1:39 PM
On Sunday’s State of the Union, conservative commentator S.E. Cupp blasted the media for distorting Jeb Bush comments after the Oregon shooting in which the Republican presidential candidate argued that “stuff happens. There's always a crisis. And the impulse is always to do something and it's not necessarily the right thing to do.”

CNN Host Costello Defends PP, Cupp Calls Her Out as 'Liberal'

September 30th, 2015 11:51 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Newsroom, anchor Carol Costello defended federal funding for Planned Parenthood in a segment which included conservative CNN commentator S.E. Cupp and liberal CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill supposedly for balance, but was so slanted to the left that Cupp quipped that "I love doing your show because I know I'll get to debate two liberals."

CNN’s Smerconish Complains Carly Fiorina Didn’t Smile Enough in Debate

September 17th, 2015 1:28 AM
In CNN’s post-debate coverage early Thursday of their 2016 Republican debate, CNN political commentator Michael Smerconish praised Carly Fiorina as possessing “a public speaking gift,” but lamented that she didn’t smile enough during the debate and should “loosen it up a little bit.”