
S.E. Cupp: Hillary’s Rope Line Was Her ‘Michael Dukakis Tank Moment’

July 6th, 2015 3:29 PM
On Sunday, the political panel on CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper blasted the Clinton campaign for the horrible optics of Mrs. Clinton use of a moving rope line to separate herself from the media during a 4th of July parade in New Hampshire. 

CNN's Hill: Panetta 'Most Disgusting Example of Monday Morning QBing'

October 13th, 2014 12:20 PM
Marc Lamont Hill, liberal CNN contributor and host of HuffPost Live, appeared on Sunday’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley and did his best to smear former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for daring to criticize President Obama on foreign policy. Appearing alongside Neera Tanden, Newt Gingrich and S.E. Cupp, Hill proclaimed that Panetta’s criticism of Obama was “the most disgusting example…

AlterNet Writer: Fox News Audience’s Fear of Atheists Is Just Part o

August 15th, 2014 5:34 PM
When last seen in these parts about a month ago, writer CJ Werleman asserted that Jesus was a proto-Marxist. On Thursday, staunch atheist Werleman, author of books including God Hates You. Hate Him Back, charged in an AlterNet piece that Fox News has in recent years “waged a relentless war on atheism” because the channel’s viewership is “afraid of an America they no longer understand…afraid of…

Possible New 'View' Host S.E. Cupp Slams 'Liberal' NYT for Pot Editori

July 28th, 2014 12:35 PM
Possible new View co-host S.E. Cupp got a tryout on Monday for the token conservative slot on the morning program. Wasting no time, the conservative commentator got in a fight with Whoopi Goldberg over the New York Times's endorsement of federally legalized marijuana. After Goldberg described herself as "very, very, very happy" with the Times, Cupp shot back, "Luckily, it is not up to the New…

S.E. Cupp's 'View': 'Discipline Was Necessary' Against CNN and NBC Rep

July 22nd, 2014 9:33 AM
Appearing as a guest on ABC's The View on Monday, CNN Crossfire co-host S.E. Cupp – who is reportedly in talks to join the daytime talk show – told the hosts it was justified for CNN correspondent Diana Magnay and NBC correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin to be removed from reporting in the Gaza Strip after both expressed Anti-Israel bias. [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] …

S.E. Cupp Condemns Media Treatment of Hillary Clinton: ‘It Seems As

May 8th, 2014 11:23 AM
CNN’s S.E. Cupp had some harsh words for members of the liberal media on the Wednesday May 7, Crossfire about their treatment of Hillary Clinton.  Appearing alongside co-host Van Jones and guests Penny Young Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, and The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus, Cupp condemned the media for how they cover Hillary: “It seems as if there is a bubble around…

CNN's S.E. Cupp, Liberal Brazile Agree: 'Conservatives Have Got to Mov

April 21st, 2014 1:30 PM
On Sunday's This Week on ABC, CNN's S.E. Cupp called on social conservative Christians to drop their opposition to same-sex "marriage" and adoption: "I will say conservatives have got to move on gay marriage....[and] on gay adoption. If abortion is the abhorrent option – and I believe it is – then adoption by any two loving people has got to be the better option." Democratic strategist Donna…

S.E. Cupp: Michael Bloomberg Is ‘The Best, And By That, I Mean The W

April 20th, 2014 12:12 PM
Conservative commentator S.E. Cupp had some tough words for former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the wake of him giving $50 million to push his gun control agenda. Appearing as a guest on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, the CNN Crossfire co-host mocked Bloomberg’s efforts: “Well, he's the best, and by that, I mean the worst face for gun control. And believe me, my…

S.E. Cupp Rips Into Obama Adviser After ABC's Karl Says He Has the 'Fa

February 10th, 2014 9:45 AM
On “This Week” on Sunday, substitute host Jonathan Karl told Obama adviser David Plouffe that his “far more nuanced” truth might not beat the Republicans’ negative ads when it came to the new Congressional Budget Office report on Obamacare: “The ad saying 2 million fewer jobs is a lot easier than this far more nuanced argument about job lock.” Plouffe tried the lame spin that the American…

On CNN's Crossfire, Bill Burton Celebrates How 'More People Have Jobs

October 9th, 2013 11:33 PM
On Tuesday's Crossfire (HT commenter Gary Hall), liberal Democratic guest Bill Burton tried to impress the show's hostesses and guest David Limbaugh when he said of President Obama: "More people have jobs than they did when he took office." Wow. That's about the most unimpressive statement I've heard in years, and it would be beyond pathetic but for the performance of one state. Let's look at…

Conservatives Should Hope CNN’s New Crossfire Succeeds

September 18th, 2013 10:03 AM
On Tuesday, I published an article gleefully applauding the poor ratings CNN’s new Crossfire received in its first week back on the air. After some reflection, I realize such sentiments went counter to my goal of having a truly fair and balanced media.

CNN's New Crossfire Totally Bombs, People Actually Like Wolf Blitzer B

September 17th, 2013 10:25 AM
CNN has been hyping the return of Crossfire for months, but given the ratings the first week, it seems the public wasn't buying it. Quite the contrary, numbers reported by The Wrap Monday show this not so new venture by the supposedly most trusted name in news is a bomb of epic proportions.

Supposedly Conservative 'Cycle' Panelist Abby Huntsman Agrees with Fas

August 30th, 2013 10:06 AM
The four panelists of MSNBC’s The Cycle each weighed in on yesterday's nationwide fast food workers’ strike on Thursday’s show. All four of them voiced their support for the strikers, including the supposedly conservative member of the panel, Abby Huntsman. Huntsman claimed the strike was “bigger than the minimum wage. This is about making enough to live.” She groused that the average…

'Crossfire' Returns With Debate Over Supreme Court Rulings on Gay Marr

June 28th, 2013 11:18 AM
After more than eight years since the cancellation of “Crossfire” in June of 2005, the once-popular debate program returned to the Cable News Network on Wednesday as a segment of that evening's “Piers Morgan Live” with a spirited debate about the U.S. Supreme Court decisions regarding California's Proposition 8 and the dismissal of part of the Defense of Marriage Act. The first new debate…