
Ted Cruz Schools ABC on ‘Dirty Trick’ Claim

February 4th, 2016 11:20 AM
Senator Ted Cruz on Thursday battled with ABC’s Tom Llamas after the Good Morning America reporter accused the Republican of using “dirty tricks” against Ben Carson in Iowa. Regarding a press release and a tweet sent out by the Cruz campaign on caucus night, Llamas demanded, “Will you fire or suspend anyone at your campaign for putting out misinformation?...Is it a dirty trick to confuse voters?”

ABC, NBC Cheer Trump Attacking Cruz over Carson Rumors

February 3rd, 2016 10:04 PM
The networks continued to act as promoters of Donald Trump on Wednesday as ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News devoted over six minutes to Trump accusing Ted Cruz of “stealing” the Iowa caucuses while the CBS Evening News spent only 35 seconds on Trump and Ben Carson lashing out at Cruz. Among the most intense moments was ABC’s Tom Llamas clashing with Cruz during a press conference…

ABC Spends Half of GOP Coverage on 'Mount Trump Erupting' Post-Iowa

February 2nd, 2016 9:54 PM
Despite coming in second place and nearly falling to third in Monday’s Iowa caucuses, Donald Trump was still the dominant focus of the GOP segment on ABC’s World News Tonight with well over half of the four-minute segment devoted to the “Mount Trump erupting” on Twitter on Tuesday because he “never surrenders ground.”

ABC to Cruz: 'Did You Pray for Donald Trump or Senator Rubio' Today?

January 31st, 2016 10:54 PM
On the Iowa caucus eve edition of ABC’s World News Tonight, Republican campaign correspondent Tom Llamas had another lead story that focused heavily on frontrunner Donald Trump, but also featured a bizarre question to Republican Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) as he was leaving an Iowa church about praying for his opponents like Donald Trump and fellow Senator Marco Rubio (Fl.).

Nets Waste Nearly 10 Mins on Trump; Barely Preview Actual GOP Debate

January 28th, 2016 8:16 PM
In the latest sign that the liberal media loves the candidacy of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted nearly 10 minutes of their Thursday evening newscasts to capitulating to the “master of stealing the show” in Trump but only one minute and 29 seconds for previewing the actual debate with the top seven candidates that don’t include Trump. …

Liberal Nets Heap Praise on ‘Shrewd’ Trump ‘Eviscerating' Megyn Kelly

January 27th, 2016 9:15 PM
On Wednesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted 10 minutes and 43 seconds over four segments on their evening newscasts to 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s decision to boycott Thursday’s Fox News Channel (FNC) debate and, in that coverage, ABC and NBC hailed Trump as a “renegade” making “a very shrewd move” by “eviscerating” moderator Megyn Kelly and FNC.

ABC’s WNT Hypes Old Cruz Video; Still Ignoring New Hillary E-Mail News

January 25th, 2016 12:32 AM
Instead of covering any of the developments that have boiled to the surfice since Tuesday concerning Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal, ABC’s World News Tonight again skipped that aspect of Clinton coverage and spent a portion of its 2016 report on Sunday dithering over recently-posted video of a young Ted Cruz telling the camera that he hopes to achieve “world domination” as an adult.

Nets Seize on Dole Blasting Cruz as ‘Extremist’ Who ‘Nobody Likes'

January 21st, 2016 12:42 PM
On Thursday, all three network morning shows were eager to hype former senator and Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole viciously attacking Texas Senator Ted Cruz. On ABC’s Good Morning America, correspondent Tom Llamas proclaimed: “This morning, more and more prominent Republicans turning their backs on Senator Ted Cruz. First Iowa's governor, and now, former Republican presidential nominee…

NBC, ABC Accuse Ted Cruz of ‘Hypocrisy,’ Lack of ‘Credibility’

January 14th, 2016 1:00 PM
Hours before the first Republican debate of 2016 on Thursday, NBC’s Today and ABC’s Good Morning America both eagerly hyped a report in The New York Times that Ted Cruz failed to disclose a loan from Goldman Sachs to help fund his 2012 Senate campaign.

ABC Raged at Obama Birther ‘Nonsense,’ Blase on Cruz Birtherism

January 7th, 2016 11:20 AM
In 2011 and 2012, the journalists at Good Morning America railed against birther claims relating to Barack Obama, assailing the conspiracy theory as “bizarre” and “nonsense.” Yet, the same program lacked outrage on Thursday as Donald Trump promotes a form of birtherism against Ted Cruz. 

ABC to Cruz: ‘How Can You Be’ POTUS If You ‘Hate’ Dems, DC 'Culture'

January 6th, 2016 10:40 PM
While interviewing Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz for the Wednesday edition of ABC’s World News Tonight, Republican campaign correspondent Tom Llamas demanded Cruz explain how he could “be a president and hate the Democrats and hate the culture of Washington so much and be effective.”

Year-End Awards: The ‘Harsh to the Huddled Masses’ Award

December 25th, 2015 10:10 AM
This week, NewsBusters is presenting the Media Research Center’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2015,” our annual awards for the year’s worst journalism. Today, the “Harsh to the Huddled Masses” award, for attacks on the GOP candidates for their supposed hostility to immigration. Winning the trophy: Yahoo! News anchor Katie Couric for suggesting to GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz that he lacked “…

Nets Cheer Hillary as ‘Grown Up’ on ISIS Unlike 'Freewheeling' GOP

December 15th, 2015 8:04 PM
Just after the undercard Republican presidential debate began on Tuesday night, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC offered previews of the impending “freewheeling and fiery slugfest” debate and contrasted that with plenty of laudatory rhetoric for “grown up” Hillary Clinton as she spoke in Minnesota about ISIS and “slamm[ed] Republicans for fearmongering.”

ABC: Trump ‘Declared His Own Personal Jihad on American Values’

December 9th, 2015 3:56 PM
Whether one considers Donald Trump’s recent comments highly offensive or simply over-the-top, it’s clear that the networks have abandoned any attempt at objectivity. On Wednesday, Good Morning America’s Tom Llamas trumpeted the New York Daily News’s assault. Llamas described the front cover featuring Trump. The journalist cheered, “It shows Trump with a large sword. His victim? The Statue of…