
Nets Tout Trump Could ‘Gift Wrap the White House’ for Hillary

December 9th, 2015 11:36 AM
On Wednesday, all three network morning shows eagerly seized on the latest Donald Trump controversy to boost Hillary Clinton’s 2016 chances. On NBC’s Today, correspondent Peter Alexander proclaimed: “For the Grand Old Party, an urgent dilemma, fail to stand up to Trump and risk long-term damage to the party or confront Trump and risk his running as an independent....A Trump third-party bid would…

NBC, CBS Promote NY Daily News's 'Terrorist' Smear of the NRA's CEO

December 5th, 2015 12:35 AM
Friday's NBC Nightly News and CBS Evening News both spotlighted the New York Daily News's latest anti-conservative front page, which denigrated Wayne LaPierre of the NRA as a "terrorist." CBS's Nancy Cordes touted how "the always-heated gun debate has gotten personal. The New York Daily News...called the head of the National Rifle Association a 'terrorist.'" NBC's Hallie Jackson played up the…

ABC Whines: Rubio Is 'Dodging Our' Immigration Questions

November 12th, 2015 11:49 AM
Good Morning America’s Tom Llamas on Thursday whined that Marco Rubio was “dodging our questions” on immigration. Yet, the journalist seemed to forget that the Senator answered questions on that very topic on Wednesday’s GMA. At a campaign event, the journalist pounced and grilled the Republican about Donald Trump: “I tried asking Senator Marco Rubio about Trump's idea, but he dodged our…

ABC, NBC Cheer ‘Fierce,’ ‘Dramatic Divisions’ in GOP After Debate

November 11th, 2015 9:58 PM
The Wednesday editions of ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News each provided their own wrap-ups of the Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate from the night before, but the theme was predictably similar as both networks spun the event as illustrating “fierce opposition” and “dramatic divisions” within the GOP on apparently every issue.

NBC Boosts Politico's Retracted 'Fabrication' Headline on Carson

November 6th, 2015 9:50 PM
On Friday's NBC Nightly News, Chris Jansing touted Politico's scoop about Dr. Ben Carson's "scholarship" claim about West Point, underlining how the liberal outlet "call[ed] Carson's story a 'fabrication.'" However, Jansing's report aired more than two hours after Politico removed the "fabrication" term" from their headline." The journalist later hyped that it's "hard to overstate how much Carson…

ABC Hyperventilates: ‘Carson Under Fire’; Cheers Hillary on Late Night

November 6th, 2015 4:49 PM
The journalists at Good Morning America on Friday hyperventilated about Ben Carson being “under fire” and investigated for possible lies about his childhood. On the same show, a segment on Hillary Clinton simply cheered her latest late night comedy appearance.

ABC, NBC Chide ‘Hardline’ Carson on Political Experience ‘Issue’

November 4th, 2015 12:26 AM
As part of their 2016 coverage on Tuesday night, both ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News took shots at Dr. Ben Carson for his “hardline conservative” stances on issues like abortion when other “issues” like “political experience” will be one that “he will have to address” as the campaign moves along. 

NBC Promotes NYT Calling on Chris Christie to Drop Out after Debate

October 29th, 2015 9:09 PM
In the second of three segments on Thursday reporting on the fallout from Wednesday’s CNBC Republican presidential debate, NBC Nightly News touted an editorial by The New York Times calling on Governor Chris Christie (N.J.) to drop out of the 2016 field. 

NBC and ABC Hype Newspaper Ripping Rubio Ahead of Debate

October 28th, 2015 3:31 PM
Hours before Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate, NBC’s Today and ABC’s Good Morning America both seized on a hit piece in Florida’s Sun Sentinel newspaper demanding that Marco Rubio resign his Senate seat. At the top of Today, co-host Matt Lauer proclaimed: “Florida Senator Marco Rubio gets dealt a tough blow from one of his state's newspapers.”

Nets: GOP in ‘Disarray’ as Ryan Deals With ‘Far-Right’ ‘Hardliners’

October 21st, 2015 11:50 AM
All three networks on Wednesday spun Paul Ryan as dealing with the “far-right” “hardliners" in Congress. ​Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos lectured, “Paul Ryan steps forward toward the top job in Congress with a challenge to fellow Republicans.” In a news brief, Tom Llamas derided conservatives: “Ryan wants Republicans to unite behind him by Friday, including the far-right members of…

Nets Skip Biden Arguing GOP Is ‘Beating’ Latinos; Slam Carson Instead

October 7th, 2015 11:12 PM
The major broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC all omitted from their Wednesday evening newscasts the latest noteworthy comment from Vice President Joe Biden that the Republican Party is “beating” up Hispanics but instead continued harping on Ben Carson’s response to how he’d react if he came face-to-face with a mass shooter. 

ABC Touts Bill Defending Hillary Clinton: ‘He’s Back!’

September 30th, 2015 11:40 AM
Good Morning America’s Tom Llamas, a vocal critic of Donald Trump, on Wednesday touted Bill Clinton’s defense of his wife against the candidate. Llamas narrated, “He's back. Former President Bill Clinton making the rounds and the case why his wife should be president, defending Hillary from one of her harshest critics.” 

ABC Notes ‘Stunning’ Fall for Clinton, But Allows Only Seconds on It

September 25th, 2015 5:34 PM
Despite teasing a new poll showing a “stunning” fall for Hillary Clinton, ABC’s Good Morning America on Friday only allowed seconds to the subject. According to a WMUR poll, Clinton trails Bernie Sanders by 16 points in New Hampshire. Robin Roberts opened the show by trumpeting, “And the stunning new poll showing Hillary Clinton falling further behind in a make-or-break state.” Yet, the actual…

CBS Only Footnotes Scott Walker’s Departure from 2016 GOP Field

September 22nd, 2015 1:40 AM
On Monday, ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News failed to devote a full story to Republican Governor Scott Walker (Wisc.) dropping out of the 2016 presidential campaign with the latter only giving Walker a combined 57 seconds at the beginning and end of a report on Ben Carson’s comments about a hypothetical president who was Muslim.