
Fake News? ABC Appears to Use Gun Range Footage for Syria Segment

October 14th, 2019 1:08 PM

In the news media’s frantic desire to hype every decision made by President Trump as the literal end of the world, their rush to judgement often overlooks accurate sourcing. The latest potential fake news story comes from ABC News, who may have used a video from a Kentucky gun range, and passed it off as Syrian gunfire, in two separate stories, Sunday and Monday.


ABC Reporter Urges Ukrainian President to Call Trump ‘Corrupt’

October 10th, 2019 11:34 AM
Reporting live from the Ukrainian capital of Kiev on Thursday for ABC’s Good Morning America, correspondent Tom Llamas proudly touted how he repeatedly grilled the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, on whether President Trump was “corrupt.”

NBC IGNORES Record Low Employment Rate, New Jobs Report

October 5th, 2019 1:52 PM
The jobs report that came out Friday showed that the unemployment rate dropped to 3.5 percent; the lowest in half a century. Yet, the three evening newscasts on the “alphabet soup” networks decided that this historic occasion merited little to no coverage. NBC Nightly News did not bring up the jobs report at all while the other two newscasts spent a combined 32 seconds on the economy.

Desperate ABC Hypes Deflated Scoop Corroborating Whistleblower

September 26th, 2019 10:54 AM
As is often the case, ABC misled its audience by tweeting a deceptive headline and story, only to issue a correction after the damage was done. To make matters worse, the network doubled down on their spurious story by giving it airtime on Good Morning America, Thursday morning in two separate segments.

CNN Deems It a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ to Question Biden Ties to Ukraine

September 20th, 2019 6:30 PM
What do ABC’s Tom Llamas (with colleagues Lucien Bruggeman, and Matthews Mosk), CNN’s John King, Michelle Malkin, The New Yorker’s Adam Entous, and James Risen all have in common? Apparently, CNN deemed those people to be conspiracy theorists on Friday since they’ve raised questions about Joe Biden’s interactions with the Ukranian government while son Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukrainian…

ABC Anchor: If Trump Sides With NRA, No ‘Background Checks’ for Guns

August 11th, 2019 10:14 AM
Following a Sunday Good Morning America segment praising Democratic 2020 hopefuls for calling a stringent gun control measures, ABC chief anchor and Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos took a swipe at President Trump for talking with the NRA. He then seemed to suggest the United States didn’t have background checks on firearm purchases.

Media Climate HYSTERIA: Save the Planet, Stop Eating Meat!

August 9th, 2019 3:45 PM
In the latest freak-out over climate change, on Thursday, all three broadcast networks warned of a new “alarming” United Nations report predicting threats to the global food supply and practically demanded that people become vegetarians to reduce methane emissions by cows. The coverage might as well have been delivered by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

ABC Gushes for 2020 Dems Calling Trump a ‘White Supremacist’ in Iowa

August 8th, 2019 11:30 PM
The liberal media were continuing to stir the pot of hate against President Trump on Thursday with ABC’s World News Tonight, and congressional correspondent Mary Bruce gushing about Democratic presidential candidates on the campaign trail in Iowa calling President Trump a “white supremacist”.

ABC Breaks Silence, FINALLY Covers Clinton and Epstein: For 38 Seconds

July 9th, 2019 1:28 PM
ABC finally broke its silence, finally mentioning Bill Clinton’s connection to registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, a man now accused of new charges of sex trafficking. But the combined mentions on Monday night and Tuesday morning only amounted to 38 seconds. In comparison, the total amount of Epstein coverage since Sunday has been 21 minutes and 3 seconds. 

Nets Reports Omit Trump Accuser Calling Rape 'Sexy' on CNN

June 25th, 2019 10:07 AM
All three networks Tuesday morning covered the sexual assault allegations by Elle magazine columnist E. Jean Carroll against President Trump, with NBC being the only network of the three to just do a brief on the story. However, the networks omitted the accuser’s very odd behavior and comments during an interview on CNN last night with Anderson Cooper, despite ABC and CBS showing other clips from…

Wow: ABC Actually Covers Biden Corruption Concerns

June 20th, 2019 4:03 PM
On Thursday, ABC’s Good Morning America surprisingly devoted a nearly four-minute report to actual investigative journalism, examining corruption allegations against Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. At the top of the morning show, fill-in co-host David Muir promoted the upcoming story: “...the ABC news investigation into Biden’s son....Did Hunter Biden and his firm make millions overseas in…

CBS Omits Dem Mayor Raided By FBI/IRS, ABC Hides Party Affiliation

April 25th, 2019 11:46 PM
NewsBusters has kept track of the liberal media’s lack of or minimal coverage of many of the scandals plaguing Democratic politicians, but ABC and NBC shockingly reported on the mayor of Baltimore getting raided by the FBI and the IRS on Thursday. Meanwhile, CBS Evening News omitted the story entirely from its broadcast.

CBS, NBC Ignore Judge Charged for Helping Illegal Immigrant Evade ICE

April 25th, 2019 10:33 PM
Massachusetts Judge Shelly Joseph was federally charged with obstruction of justice on Thursday for allegedly helping an illegal immigrant evade capture by an Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer. It’s not the person liberals hoped would get charged with obstruction, so that might partially explain why CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News avoided covering the topic that evening.

Nets Cheer on Biden Calling Trump a ‘Threat to This Nation’

April 25th, 2019 9:42 PM
With a video trying to tie President Trump to white supremacists, former Vice President Joe Biden threw his hat into the 2020 ring Thursday. That video won him the praise of the liberal media as both CBS and NBC kicked off their evening news broadcasts with his announcement. Each of the Big Three networks boasted about the video while downplaying his inappropriate touching scandals.