
ABC’s Dowd: Dems Much Closer to the Rest of the Country than GOP

March 3rd, 2019 12:44 PM
In a This Week discussion about the prospects for different Democratic 2020 candidates on Sunday, ABC’s faux Republicans Matthew Dowd proclaimed that the Democratic Party was much closer to what the rest of the country believed than the Republican Party was. On top of that, Newsweek and Daily Beast writer Michael Tomasky suggested that a candidate with low name ID like Washington Governor Jay…

Morning After, ABC Finally Shows Llamas Getting Tough With Maduro

February 26th, 2019 6:01 PM
After first allowing Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro to spout off lies and conspiratorial statements against the United States on Monday’s World News Tonight, the report on Tuesday’s Good Morning America actually highlighted ABC chief national correspondent Tom Llamas pressing the murderous dictator on his regime’s atrocities.

ABC Gives Dictator Maduro Megaphone to Lie, Bash America [UPDATED]

February 25th, 2019 8:42 PM
In an exclusive interview that aired during Monday’s edition of World News Tonight, ABC correspondent Tom Llamas sat down with Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro in his presidential palace. At no point during the shared moments of Maduro’s incessant anti-U.S. bashing did Llamas push back or grill him on what he was saying. Instead, ABC eagerly spread Maduro’s anti-U.S./Trump sentiment without…

‘F*** that B****’: Nets Ignore Fairfax Bashing His Rape Accuser

February 6th, 2019 9:22 PM

According to disturbing reports out Wednesday, Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax was in a closed-door meeting with other Democrats discussion the sexual assault allegations against him when he angrily declared “f*** that b****”. In what seemed like an effort to help Fairfax’s image, none of the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) reported the comments that evening. Instead, they…


ABC Hides Sexual Assault Allegations Against Northam’s Replacement

February 4th, 2019 9:09 PM

As the blackface/KKK scandal consumed Democratic Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, the party was calling for him to resign and to let “rising star” Justin Fairfax, the lieutenant governor, take over. But the young Democrat had his own problem in the form of a new sexual assault allegation. Despite the Monday accusations being seen by some as serious and credible, that evening’s ABC World News…


ABC, NBC: Northam KKK Pic Is From ‘Far-Right,' Conservative' Site

February 1st, 2019 8:47 PM
All three evening newscasts on Friday led with the news that Virginia’s Democratic Governor included a racist photo on his medical school yearbook. However, ABC and NBC warned viewers that the 1984 picture, which feature a man in a KKK outfit and another in blackface, “surfaced on a far-right,” “conservative” website. Additionally, none of the networks noted that, separately, Northam used the…

T-Boned: CBS, NBC Yawn at Booker's ‘Embellishing’ of Truth

February 1st, 2019 12:32 PM
Though Cory Booker has a long history of distortions and making things up, two of the three networks on Friday avoided this inconvenient fact while hyping the Democrat’s just-announced presidential bid. Only ABC’s Good Morning America mentioned Booker’s tendency towards “embellishing” the truth. 

ABC Skips Criminal Justice Bill Signing; Hypes Corker Attacking Rush

December 21st, 2018 8:27 PM
On Friday, some Americans might have missed news that President Donald Trump signed into the law the bipartisan, landmark First Step Act. If you were watching ABC’s World News Tonight, you might have been one such person as the newscast ignored this example of a positive legislative breakthrough, instead choosing to insinuate Rush Limbaugh is to blame for an impending government shutdown.

Nets: ‘Chaos’ as We ‘Hurtle Towards a Shutdown’ After Trump ‘Torpedo'

December 21st, 2018 11:26 AM
All three networks went into red alert on Friday, hyperventilating about the “chaos” of a shutdown showdown after Donald Trump “torpedoed” a deal as he demanded funding for a border wall.  Of course, the blame went to Republicans. Today co-host Hoda Kotb blasted, “Critics saying it is up to the President and his party to break the gridlock.” 

Lies: Nets Dragged Hyde-Smith Through the Mud to Aid Dem

November 26th, 2018 11:35 PM
The day before the Mississippi Senate runoff the liberal media trying desperately to drag Democrat Mike Espy over the finish line by dragging GOP Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith through the mud. They’re putting all their money into smearing Hyde-Smith as a racist and the product of a racist state. During their Monday evening newscasts, ABC, CBS, and NBC did everything they could to attack her, with one…

ABC Grills Melania on Her Marriage: ‘Do You Love Your Husband?'

October 13th, 2018 11:27 AM
ABC’s primetime special of First Lady Melania Trump Friday evening was more about President Trump and everything the media saw wrong with him than the actual First Lady. Badgering her to condemn Trump on his immigration policies, border policy, Twitter “bullying” and more, ABC’s Tom Llamas also spent a great deal of the show speculating about Trump’s marriage, asking invasive and downright rude…

Llamas Scolds 'View' For Attacking Melania: ‘She Deserves Our Respect'

October 12th, 2018 1:53 PM
ABC anchor Tom Llamas appeared on Friday’s The View to talk about his interview with Melania Trump airing tonight where no question was left off the table. The View hosts’ questions to Llamas were dripping with condescension for the First Lady, with one host taking it so far, that even the ABC reporter had to call her out for being disrespectful.

ABC Shames Melania on Kavanaugh: What About 'Standing With Women?'

October 10th, 2018 10:33 AM
On Good Morning America Wednesday, ABC previewed an upcoming one-on-one interview with First Lady Melania Trump that will air next week. Anchor Tom Llamas didn’t hold back from confronting Mrs. Trump on controversial topics, even at one point, scolding the First Lady for not being sensitive enough to the #MeToo movement.

NBC Waves Goodbye to Mollie Tibbetts; Only CBS Gives Full Update

August 23rd, 2018 9:59 PM
On Thursday night, NBC Nightly News became the first broadcast network newscast to bid farewell to murdered University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts despite new developments, including results of the preliminary autopsy report. ABC’s World News Tonight wasn’t much better, relegating Tibbetts to a news brief in the show’s third block which ran for one second less than the three teases for the…