
Nets Find Little Interest in Senate Dems’ Filibuster of Judge Gorsuch

March 23rd, 2017 10:06 PM
Thursday was the final day for the Senate Judiciary Committee to hear outside arguments for or against Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch. Despite his stellar qualifications, Senate Democrats vowed to throw a hissy-fit and filibuster the confirmation vote. The act is completely unprecedented and is clearly being done out of revenge. And even with that fact, the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS…

Nets Demand Evidence 123 Times, Scold Nunes for Giving It

March 23rd, 2017 6:13 PM
When President Trump made his claim that President Obama “wiretapped” Trump Tower during the presidential campaign, the media demanded evidence. Since Trump’s initial tweet on March 4, the evening news shows of ABC, CBS and NBC have called on the White House to provide more evidence a grand total of 123 times. 

Nets ‘Overshadow’ Gorsuch Hearing with Four Times More on Comey’s

March 20th, 2017 11:12 PM
Capitol Hill was a hive of activity on Monday. The House Intelligence Committee conducted a hearing with FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Mike Rogers about the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. In the Senate, the Judiciary Committee conducted the first in a series of hearings in the confirmation process of Judge Neil Gorsuch. Both were major events on the hill but…

Barely News: Suit Can Proceed On Far-Left Violence After Trump Rally

March 19th, 2017 1:31 PM
If a federal judge allowed a lawsuit to proceed alleging that police led participants in a far-left protest rally into a gauntlet of violence-prone right-wing counter-demonstrators, and that several protesters were pummeled and hurt as a result, it would be nationally prominent news. But the national establishment press, and the California press outside of the San Francisco Bay area, have just…

GMA Gushes Over Kimmel, Hollywood 'Taking On' Trump at Oscars

February 27th, 2017 10:28 AM
The Monday morning following the Oscars on ABC was filled with excited reports on the biggest Hollywood awards show of the year. But over on ABC’s Good Morning America, the news team seemed just as excited about the anti-Trump tone of the night.  

ABC Wonders If SNL Is ‘Going Too Far’ Attacking Trump Administration

February 13th, 2017 12:59 PM
While the rest of the media were swooning over recent Saturday Night Live episodes almost exclusively devoted to anti-Trump sketches, Monday’s Good Morning America hit pause on that narrative, wondering if it’s “going too far” “pushing their politics” and “sacrificing some laughs along the way.”

Reporters Repeatedly Beg MLK III to Attack Trump for Lewis Tweets

January 16th, 2017 3:38 PM
On Monday afternoon, reporters stationed inside Trump Tower begged Martin Luther King III to attack President-elect Trump over tweets concerning Democratic Congressman John Lewis (Ga.) following a meeting on the day honoring King’s father, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

ABC Uses MLK Day to Lecture Trump for Taking on 'Civil Rights Icon'

January 16th, 2017 10:58 AM
On Monday’s Good Morning America, ABC used the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday to lecture Trump on his need to improve his “long and fractured” relationship with the black community. It began when Democratic Congressman John Lewis called Trump’s election win “illegitimate” last week and said he would not be attending the inauguration. When Trump fired back on Twitter, the media blew a fuse at…

Nets Lavish 17 Times More Coverage on Obama’s Farewell Than Bush’s

January 11th, 2017 12:15 PM
Following fawning network coverage of President Obama’s farewell address on Tuesday night, on Wednesday, the NBC, ABC, and CBS morning shows continued the lovefest by devoting another 16 minutes and 5 seconds of air time to the speech. That stands in stunning contrast to the paltry 55 seconds the same morning shows offered to then-President George W. Bush’s farewell address in 2009.

ABC Loses It; Obama Offered a ‘Song of Hope’ Showing 'What's Possible'

January 10th, 2017 11:29 PM
My friends, it’s happened. Following President Obama’s farewell address on Tuesday night, ABC poured out warm fuzzes for the President as the assembled liberal journalists bowed down to his “sermon on democracy” doubling as a “song of hope” of “what can look like that we are now a diverse nation.”

ABC Sticks Up for Obama After Trump Tweets Criticism

December 27th, 2016 9:59 PM
Network news outlet ABC was not amused by President-Elect Donald Trump’s tweets targeting President Barack Obama Tuesday evening, as reporter Mary Bruce rebuked much of Trump’s harsh criticism of the lame-duck president. “Now, the president-elect, 1,200 miles away [from Trump Tower], but not off Twitter, where he again took aim at President Obama,” announced Tom Llamas, filling in for Anchor…

Nets Hit Tillerson for 'No Experience,' Predict ‘Tough Confirmation'

December 13th, 2016 3:29 PM
As news broke on Tuesday that Donald Trump had officially tapped ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to serve as Secretary of State, the network morning shows all decried the business executive’s lack of “government experience” and warned of a “tough” confirmation “battle” in the Senate.

ABC, CBS Resurrect 2011 Gaffe to Portray Perry as Buffoon

December 13th, 2016 11:14 AM
On Tuesday’s morning news shows, ABC and CBS dredged up a five-year-old gaffe from former Governor of Texas Rick Perry in an effort to delegitimize Trump’s pick for head of the Department of Energy. ABC in particular seemed to go out of it’s way to make Perry appear ridiculous, playing an especially embarrassing clip from Perry’s time on Dancing With the Stars. The malicious reporting was just…

Nets Fret Trump’s Labor Department Pick Is Part of ‘War on Labor’

December 9th, 2016 12:02 AM
Another day another leftist freak-out over an appointment by President-Elect Donald Trump from the Big Three networks. The liberal outrage Thursday was over Trump’s selection of fast food CEO Andrew Puzder to head up the Labor Department. “Continuing on the workers' front, Mr. Trump named as his new labor secretary, Andrew Puzder, a fast-food chain CEO and anti-regulation crusader who says…