
ABC Anchors React Angrily to Conservative Media Criticism at CPAC

February 23rd, 2018 11:17 AM
As we’ve seen with CNN’s huffy, virtue-signaling “apple” ad campaign, the media never gets more defensive than when they are called out by the right for their liberal bias. That was apparent on ABC this morning, as the anchors reacted angrily to one conservative commentator’s comments made at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington D.C. Thursday.

ABC Hypes Claims of 'Racist' Ingraham Comments, Edits Her Response

February 18th, 2018 11:39 PM
On Sunday's World News Tonight, the show picked up on complaints by liberals accusing FNC host Laura Ingraham of making "racist" comments about the NBA's LeBron James on her show in which she criticized him for his recent slam against President Donald Trump. The worst thing about ABC's pre-recorded report was that, although the news team were clearly aware of Ingraham's response since they used a…

ABC: Warmbier’s Dad Is ‘Perceived American Jab’ at ‘Korean Peace’

February 11th, 2018 12:35 AM
Saturday marked an unbelievably bad and downright disgraceful day for the liberal media in which they sided with North Korean in promoting their propaganda push at the Pyeongchang Olympics. ABC’s World News Tonight did its part by smearing the memory of the late Otto Warmbier, who was brutally tortured and left in a coma before being shipped back to the U.S. Reporting from Pyeongchang, senior…

Evening News Cover Women’s March 3 Times More Than March for Life

January 20th, 2018 9:52 PM
For a second year, the networks are favoring a march supporting abortion and other lefty causes over a march for life. During their Saturday news shows the first evening of the Women’s March, ABC, CBS and NBC spent a total of 6 minutes, 43 seconds highlighting the event. In comparison, following Friday’s March for Life, the three broadcast networks spent just 2 minutes, 6 seconds on the pro-life…

CNN Ignores Pa. Cop Killer, TV One Finally Notices Baltimore Killing

November 20th, 2017 7:55 PM
After conspicuously giving scant notice to the murder of a Baltimore police officer last week while ABC, CBS, NBC and FNC provided more attention, CNN has only gotten worse as it has so far ignored a second high-profile cop killing -- this time near Pittsburgh -- which is getting substantial attention on news shows elsewhere. Additionally, TV One's News One Now program finally took notice of the…

After Border Patrol Agent's Death, ABC Calls Wall ‘Political Theater'

November 20th, 2017 12:28 PM
Reporting on Border Patrol Agent Rogelio Martinez being killed in the line of duty over the weekend, on ABC’s Good Morning America on Monday, co-host George Stephanopoulos and correspondent Tom Llamas criticized President Trump for renewing his calls for a border wall in the wake of the death, dismissing it as “political theater.”

Nets See ‘Rebuke’ of Trump in 2017, Dismissed Anti-Obama Wave in 2009

November 8th, 2017 1:40 PM
What a difference eight years can make. On Wednesday, all three network morning shows hailed Tuesday’s election victories for Democrats as a “stinging rebuke” to President Trump that he “will likely take personally.” However, after Republicans won the Virginia and New Jersey governor’s races in 2009, NBC, ABC, and CBS were quick to downplay any suggestion that it was a referendum on then-…

ABC Finally Discovers Nasty Dem Ad in VA Race, Blames ‘Both Sides'

November 7th, 2017 11:36 AM
On Tuesday, ABC’s Good Morning America suddenly realized there was a governor’s race in Virginia and actually devoted a full report to covering Election Day in the commonwealth. However, out of that two-minute segment, only 13 seconds of air time was given to a disgraceful left-wing ad that painted supporters of Republican Ed Gillespie as racists who hunt down minority children in pick-up trucks.

ABC, NBC Deride Pence Walking Out of NFL Game As 'Stunt'

October 9th, 2017 7:00 AM
On Sunday evening, ABC's World News Tonight and the NBC Nightly News both reacted to Vice President Mike Pence walking out of an NFL game in Indianapolis by dismissing his reaction as a "stunt," with ABC fretting that he was "reigniting the fury." It did not seem to occur to either network that, when several of the '49ers players sparked the move by kneeling during the National Anthem, this…

Nets: ‘Extremely Conservative’ Moore Has ‘Extreme Conservative Views'

September 27th, 2017 1:41 PM
As they so often do, Wednesday’s network morning shows all read from the same script of liberal talking points as hosts and correspondents warned viewers that “ultra-conservative” candidate Roy Moore was a “staunch conservative” who won Alabama’s Senate primary despite his “extreme conservative views.” Did they mention he was “extremely conservative”?

NBC Blackout: Ignores Trump’s $1 Million Pledge to Harvey Relief

August 31st, 2017 9:07 PM
With the recovery process just beginning in some parts of Texas on Thursday, following the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, President Donald Trump pledged $1 million of his own money to aid relief efforts. Only two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and CBS) found it fitting to report Trump’s act of charity. NBC Nightly News was the only network news show to ignore it, instead, they simply mentioned…

Nets All Blame Trump for ‘Rise of Hate Groups’

August 15th, 2017 1:05 PM
Despite President Trump condemning white supremacist hate groups by name on Monday for the violence in Charlottesville, on Tuesday, the network morning shows lined up to blame the President for the rise of such groups and having “emboldened” them with his 2016 campaign.

ABC, NBC Still Claiming Senate Bill Cuts Medicaid, CBO Says Otherwise

June 26th, 2017 10:23 PM
On Monday, the often inaccurate Congressional Budget Office released its report with the latest analysis of the health care bill recently released by Senate Republicans. First impressions: There was a lot for the liberal media to make hay with. In addition to running with the misleading figure of the number of uninsured, ABC and NBC both continued to push the fake news story of there being…

Nets Tout Liberal Tax Day Protests; Smeared Tea Party Events in 2009

April 15th, 2017 9:33 PM
On Saturday, the major broadcast networks dedicated airtime to the liberal Tax Day protests against President Trump as one network aired a crowd chanting “lock him up,” another refused to acknowledge the anti-Trump violence in California, and all of them declined to label the demonstrations. This coverage of April 15 protests by liberals stood in stark contrast to how ABC, CBS, and NBC dismissed…