McCain Calls Mika Out: 'I Know You're a Supporter of Senator Obama

September 16th, 2008 9:11 AM
It might not do John McCain any good politically.  But once in a while, it's refreshing to hear an MSMer called out on political bias.  It happened this morning when John McCain told Mika Brzezinski "I know you're a supporter of Senator Obama."  Mika resorted to her favorite defense to the bias charge, mentioning that she has a brother who works on the McCain campaign and asking the Arizona…

Olbermann in MSNBC Promo: 'We Must Ignore Partisanship

September 1st, 2008 12:20 PM
The MSNBC promo bills the network as "the place for politics."   Looks like it's the place for rib-ticklin' comedy, too.  Check out Keith Olbermann's side-splitter from the ad:KEITH OLBERMANN: This is one of those turning-point-in-history American elections.  We as citizens must at some point ignore partisanship.  Not that we may prosper as a nation, not that we may achieve, not that we may lead…

WaPo Prints Advert Section by Russian Paper Skewing Georgian Conflict

August 27th, 2008 4:31 PM
A Russian newspaper, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, has an advertising section in today's Washington Post that looks very much like newspaper copy (although it does bear a disclaimer), notes Matt Lewis of Of course the above-the-fold front page story presents a decidedly pro-Russia skew to the conflict in the breakaway Georgian province of South Ossetia. The headline and subhead: "Georgian…

So McClatchy's Earnings Dropped 44 Percent

July 24th, 2008 6:40 PM

NY Times Finds Centrist Obama a Victim of 'Smears and Internet Innuend

June 20th, 2008 2:27 PM

Morning Joe: Did Axelrod 'Lie' In Denying Michelle Makeover

June 19th, 2008 7:39 AM
It's rare to hear an MSM figure flatly suggest that a presidential campaign lied, but Joe Scarborough broke out the the l-word today in wondering whether chief Obama strategist David Axelrod did just that when he emphatically denied, on yesterday's show, that there is a concerted "makeover" of Michelle Obama in the works.View video here.An article in yesterday's New York Times, After Attacks,…

MSNBC Promo . . . or Obama Ad

June 2nd, 2008 7:10 AM
With its talk of "change" and images of folks from the Dem demographic, was this an MSNBC promo . . . or an Obama ad? Check out this spot, aired today just before the start of Morning Joe. VOICEOVER [which I believe is that of Joe Scarborough]: A revolution that happens for us every four years is a quiet revolution that begins and ends at the ballot box. It's the American voter that goes in, and…

Age Card: Lautenberg Not Laughing Now

May 22nd, 2008 10:58 PM
In a political season in which Barack Obama has delighted in playing the age card—see "lost his bearings," "wander around," and multiple mentions of McCain's "half-century of service," Democrats are now demonstrating that they're even willing to use an opponent's superannuation on each other.There I was in my upstate NY home this evening, innocently watching the Yankee game, when this ad by Dem…

CW's 'Provocative' Ad Campaign Targets Teens and Blasphemes God

May 6th, 2008 1:18 PM
“OMFG” is text-speak for the unspeakable. It's also the tag line for a new ad campaign aimed at teens and featuring a jumble of sexual situations, including teens undressing each other and two girls kissing. The campaign blitz is appearing in print and television, all aimed at drumming up eyeballs for the CW network's teen-themed soap "Gossip Girl."For the uninitiated, “OMG” translates to “Oh…

Man-bashing Advertisements Don't Make Business Sense

April 22nd, 2008 6:48 PM
In today's left-dominated media world, political correctness rules the roost, especially when it comes to the so-called "gender wars." Why there must be any in the first place isn't ever answered but suffice it to say, the elite American press is decidedly anti-male.It isn't just the news and entertainment media that caters to man-bashing, either. Advertisers are very much to blame for this as…

MSNBC Won't Air 'Fake' Anti-Gun Ad

April 16th, 2008 4:40 PM
MSNBC has refused to air a dishonest anti-gun ad: The cable network MSNBC has refused to air an advertisement from Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the group created by New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg,on the grounds that the ad is too "controversial." The ad, below, features each of the three leading presidential candidates pledging to make it harder to buy guns at gun shows, and images of three…

CNBC on the Future of Network Newsgathering: 'That Ship has Sailed

April 8th, 2008 12:32 PM
It's no longer profitable for networks to have their own news organizations, according to CNBC's David Faber. In the wake of the news that CBS is in negotiations to outsource its news division to CNN, Faber explained on CNBC's April 8 "Squawk on the Street" CBS's news division is a victim of an evolving business. "The news that CBS is once again considering a deal under which it would…

Hillary Has Raised Only 5% of Pa. TV Airtime Goal

April 4th, 2008 11:13 AM
As a loyal Clinton campaign email subscriber, rarely a day goes by that I don't hear from Hillary or Bill. It's good to know they're thinking about me. But today brings some very troubling news: Hillary is WAY behind on her fundraising goal for TV airtime in Pennsylvania. [screencap below page break]The gist of today's message from Hillary is that we supporters are being given a cafeteria list…

Absolut Vodka Ad Campaign Reconquers U.S. for Mexico

April 3rd, 2008 9:23 AM
Taking the Reconquista concept all the way to the end, Absolut Vodka launched an ad campaign that appears on billboards and at least one magazine that features a map of the western U.S. and Mexico with nearly the entire west coast appearing as a part of Mexico. This ad appears in Quien Magazine, which is owned by Time Warner and also appears on billboards in Mexico. Quien claims a "total audience…