Deutsch Says Tebow Ad Starts Down 'Slippery Slope'; Compares it to Gay

February 8th, 2010 5:28 PM
Even though, the day after it aired on the Super Bowl broadcast, the consensus on the Focus on the Family advertisement featuring former Florida quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow was that it wasn't as bad as the left had feared, at least one person that isn't going to let it go. On MSNBC's Feb. 8 "Morning Joe," host Joe Scarborough made the point that the TV spot played during the…

Second Pro-Life Tebow Ad to Run During Super Bowl Pre-Game

February 6th, 2010 10:29 AM
The Left and their media minions may not have enough time to fully express their anger before it happens, but a second ad featuring Pro-Life advocate and college football star Tim Tebow is now scheduled to air during the Super Bowl pre-game show.Adding insult to injury, this one's supposed to run four times.Try to feel the liberal media's anger as you read USA Today's article on this subject:

Pro-choice Sports Writer Jenkins Slams NOW for Trying to Scuttle Pro-l

February 2nd, 2010 10:56 AM
Forget six more weeks of winter. It's possible Hell has frozen over.In the Groundhog Day edition of the Washington Post, liberal, pro-choice sports columnist Sally Jenkins took direct aim at the National Organization for Women (NOW) for its campaign to keep a pro-life ad featuring Florida Gators quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother from airing during Sunday's Super Bowl. Jenkins slammed NOW,…

MRC's Bozell Challenges CBS to Stand Ground, Air Tim Tebow Super Bowl

January 26th, 2010 2:38 PM
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell called on the CBS television network to stay the course in planning to air a life-affirming Super Bowl commercial featuring Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mother, who was pressured to abort him during her pregnancy, after a bout of opposition has arisen among left-wing activist groups:Radical leftist groups like the National Organization for…

Ted Turner Advises CNN Not to Follow Fox News Opinion Model

January 14th, 2010 5:41 PM
Since Lou Dobbs left CNN in November, citing a mutual agreement between he and CNN President Jonathan Klein that involved CNN going in a different direction, CNN's ratings have plummeted. But Ted Turner, founder of the first truly 24-hour cable news channel, doesn't see anything wrong with the channel's heading. CNBC's Joe Kernen asked Turner if he had any problems with CNN's direction during…

One More Feminist Upset Over Aging Inequalities

January 2nd, 2010 9:42 AM
If you bother to read Joanna Weiss' column in today's Boston Globe, expect to get a sense of déjà . . . lu.  Like untold polemics that have preceded it, "Hollywood’s burden on aging women" stamps its feet over the unequal treatment of aging in men and women.You know: male stars are allowed to age gracefully, but women must struggle ever-harder to conform to a youthful stereotype of sex-appeal.…

Size Matters In Creepy Government Motors TV Commercial

December 26th, 2009 7:50 PM
There I was, watching the perfectly harmless Meineke Car Care Bowl, when a truly creepy Government Motors commercial for the Chevy Silverado pickup broke out . . .GM spokesman, and former NFL player, Howie Long is not-so-subtly comparing the stats of the Silverado with an intimidated, younger, Ford F150 owner.

Olbermann: Must-See TV For Bad Mothers

December 23rd, 2009 6:57 AM
Keith Olbermann: fave of the bad-mother demographic?  The question arises in light of a strange TV ad for something called FloTV that aired this morning.A mother is giving dinner to her kids when she glances at the clock, notices it's shortly before 6 PM, and proceeds to dump the kids plates and toys, pour a bag of flour on the table and . .  . throw a glass of milk in her son's face.Cut to…

Christmas 2009: Oh Come All Ye Faithless

December 16th, 2009 11:41 AM
Got an idealized notion of Christmas? A cherished memory, or a favorite carol or story? The simple smell of pine needles in your living room? Do you insist on celebrating the birth of the savior?If so, you’re at war, like it or not.The main war on Christmas – we’ll call it the conventional war – has been well-documented, and it goes on, with victories and defeats for both sides. In Loudoun County…

For Conservatives Online, Plenty of Commentary But Not Enough News

December 13th, 2009 3:54 PM
A number of the conservative movement's prominent online figures are battling to be the right's equivalent of Talking Points Memo or Huffington Post--political organizations that report hard news. Many believe that to truly harness the power of the Web, political organizations must report their own news, rather than comment on reporitng from traditional outlets."The left needs Daily Kos, but they…

CNBC’s 'Squawk Box': All the Media Attention Could Actually Benefit

December 10th, 2009 4:13 PM
There has been a lot of media focus dedicated to the alleged Tiger Woods scandal - even so much that when examined quantitatively, it overshadows more serious issues. So what will the net result of this media scrutiny be for Tiger? CNBC's sports reporter, Darren Rovell, took a crack at answering that on the Dec. 10 broadcast of "Squawk Box." "It's 12 straight days in the [New York] Post right…

Get Your Race-Based Holiday Shopping Done at

December 9th, 2009 5:31 PM
The New York Times '09 Holiday Gift Guide page has some intriguing suggestions.There's the "Holiday Books Guide," the "Personal Tech Holiday Gift Guide," the guide for people of color...Wait. A separate gift page for people of color? Yes. The NYT Picker blog noticed the Times has a special gift section for non-whites:We don't like to throw around words like "racist" in the same sentence as the…

Murdoch: Regulators, Freeloaders Obstacles to Media Future

December 1st, 2009 5:35 PM
Rupert Murdoch sees a future in journalism. With newspaper circulation at post-war lows and major dailies shutting down in a number of cities, he may be one of the few optimists left. But first, Murdoch claims, the American government must change its obsolete and destructive regulatory policies that, he says, are preventing major news outlets from competing."Good journalism is an expensive…

Not as Advertised: MSNBC Goes with Taped Olbermann During 10 P.M. Hour

November 4th, 2009 2:51 PM
It's probably safe to assume many Democrats weren't happy about last evening's election results, no matter how they spun them and how they pertained to President Barack Obama. And to his credit, that's something MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews admitted was not good for the Democratic Party. However, MSNBC, the so-called "Place for Politics" hyped up its Nov. 3 "Super Tuesday" election…