Anemic Newspaper Circulation Numbers Due To Obsolete Strategies

October 30th, 2009 12:54 PM
The latest newspaper circulation numbers, measuring copies sold from April through September of this year, show a 10.6 percent decline in daily newspaper sales, the first double-digit drop in circulation ever. Newspaper readership is now at its lowest level since before World War II.The biggest losers during this six-month period, as reported by NewsBusters's Tom Blumer, were the San Francisco…

Krauthammer Rips 'Repulsive Audacity' of White House for Fox News Atta

October 21st, 2009 7:55 AM
By now, the cat is out of the bag - President Barack Obama and his administration are no fans of the Fox News Channel and have been all too eager to wear that sentiment as a badge of honor. However, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer identified the vigor with which the Obama administration has attacked Fox. He explained on the Fox News Oct. 20 broadcast of "Special Report with Bret…

Krugman: Liberals Need to Learn from Conservatives How to Attack

October 19th, 2009 6:50 PM
Paul Krugman attacked the authors of the soon-to-be-released book SuperFreakonomics today for their audacious attempts to question the left's conventional wisdom on global climate change. He then touted the danger of attacking conservatives, and contended that liberal-bashing has always been the safer political and professional move.I have a theory here, although it may not be the whole story: it…

Double Standard: Olbermann Given Pass on NFL Commissioner's 'Divisive

October 19th, 2009 8:40 AM
After conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh was forced out of a consortium seeking to buy the National Football League's St. Louis Rams, there's evidence there is a double standard at play in the NFL. Last week, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that people in "responsible positions" in his league are held to a "higher standard," reacting to the notion that Limbaugh could be a part-owner…

MSNBC Promo Narrator Also Does Work for Pro-ObamaCare Group

October 16th, 2009 3:07 PM
MSNBC, the self-proclaimed "place for politics" is well-known for its pro-Obama boosterism, from Chris Matthews's "tingles" to on-air talent Ed Schultz's persistent bully pulpit-pounding for the so-called "public option." But it's not just the on-camera talent that has all the fun cheerleading liberal policies. It seems a promotional ad narrator for MSNBC also does voiceover work for a pro-…

Advertisers 'Glenn Beck' Newspapers

August 27th, 2009 9:27 PM

Chicago Tribune’s 'The Swamp' Blogger Likens Palin’s Endorsement o

August 27th, 2009 1:46 AM
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been out of office over a month and there are still those working at major media outlets that just can't get over their obsessions with dissecting everything the former GOP vice-presidential nominee does. Case and point - Mark Silva, a blogger for the Chicago Tribune's "The Swamp," in an Aug. 26 post took it upon himself to try to rationalize why Palin would…

CNBC's Cramer on Glenn Beck Advertisers: 'I Think They All Come Back i

August 24th, 2009 5:21 PM
Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz and the brain trust at ThinkProgress probably won't like this, but CNBC "Mad Money" host Jim Cramer thinks the Glenn Beck boycott won't have an impact on NewsCorp's (NASDAQ:NWSA), the parent company of Fox News, bottom line. During the "Stop Trading" segment on "Street Signs" Aug. 24, Cramer explained that Unilever (NYSE:UN) was going all out with its advertising, by…

Company on Decision to Pull Ads from Beck TV Show: 'We Do Not Want to

August 14th, 2009 2:55 PM
UPDATE: Sargento says Colors of Change did not influence company's decision (at bottom)What constitutes "hateful speech?" It depends on the views of the individual, or in this case the advocacy group propagating the claim. Earlier this week, Plymouth, Wisc.-based Sargento Food, Inc., along with several other companies, pulled their advertising from the Fox News Channel's "Glenn Beck" program,…

He's Not an Objective Journalist, But He Plays One on MSNBC Promos

August 6th, 2009 6:27 PM
"[W]e've got to be journalists. We've got to keep the facts straight." That's Chris Matthews referring to the professional standards governing his "Hardball" program in an MSNBC promo that aired in a commercial break halfway through the program's August 6 edition. You can view the video below the page break. 

Will Murdoch's Switch to Subscription-Based Web Content Work

August 6th, 2009 6:26 PM
Rupert Murdoch has become the first media mogul to make bold changes to his company’s newspaper monetization strategy that may reshape the way people receive their news--by paying for it. Up to this point, web publications have primarily relied on advertising alone for revenues but this has had problems because online advertising rates are so much lower than those in print. Murdoch and others…

CNBC Host Blames 'Overpaying' Howard Stern for XM Sirius Woes

August 6th, 2009 5:43 PM
Times have been tough financially for media companies across the board and satellite radio has been no exception. On Aug. 6, Sirius XM Radio (NASDAQ:SIRI) posted a second-quarter loss and the company hasn't lived up to expectations after Sirius and XM completed a merger a little over a year ago. According to "CNBC Reports" host Dennis Kneale, part of the satellite radio's problem is shock jock…

Hardees’ Distasteful Ad

June 30th, 2009 4:40 PM

A King-Sized Problem

June 25th, 2009 11:16 AM